Archive for the ‘Sid Roth’ tag
Our Guest Tommy Combs
SID: Tommy, tell me about your meeting in Angola.
TOMMY: Angola, Africa, three-night meeting, 50,000 in the audience, 50,000 showed up in the meeting. The glory mist rolled over the meeting. It was like a smoke, a campfire, but we had no campfires, but there was like campfires, and the smoke was all over the crowd. I made the altar call and 12,000 came out of that 50,000. We had 12,000 saved in that night.
During that meeting, there were so many miracles. You mentioned it earlier about the 25 deaf and dumb, they were just instantly healed. Let me tell you what they said. They had never heard any language, never heard any language, so when I spoke to them and said say Jesus, they said Jesus in Alabama English because they never heard it anywhere else. But, the glory, and the demons would run. There were demons running, running, running out of the field. We had a large ball field type and the demons would run.
SID: Now, did you see this? What do you mean the demons would run?
TOMMY: The people possessed of the enemy, possessed of the devil would come upon the scene and the mist would surround them, the glory mist, they would turn and run, and run out of the area, run out there screaming, screaming, holding their ears and screaming. That’s what the power of God does. It runs the enemy out of your life.
TOMMY: Runs the enemy out of your life.
SID: Tommy, I believe when that glory comes at full level; we’re not going to have to deal with sickness, we’re not going to have to deal with demons, we’re not going to have to deal with problems. The only problem we are going to have is we will have an insatiable hunger for God.
SID: Until we get to Heaven, it won’t be totally fulfilled, but it’s going to be really close with this glory, this greater glory.
TOMMY: We need to create what I call a throne zone, a throne zone, a throne zone in your home, a throne zone that we can worship God in that throne zone.
TOMMY: Get you a good CD player, get you some good music on the air, so you create that atmosphere for worship. Get the atmosphere for worship going…
TOMMY: … on and then plead the blood of Jesus. Pray, pray like you’ve never prayed before. The prayer is the key. Prayer is the key. Get your prayer life.
SID: You talked about praying in tongues, in supernatural language.
TOMMY: Pray in your language, pray in tongues, pray in your supernatural prayer language because you’re communicating with God and God’s communicating back. Sometimes we need to not pray and listen to what God’s got to say sometime. That’s part of prayer also. But when we create that throne zone, it’s like the high priest going behind the last veil and going into the throne zone if you will, and there is the glory. The glory was there when he got that. That’s what we’ve got to do, create this throne zone. Then, here comes your children, here comes your grandchildren, and here comes your spouse in the house; and the glory of God has penetrated the house. The glory of God has penetrated so much, they come into the house, their lives are changed. Their lives are changed. Children are saved, grandchildren are saved simply because you’ve created a throne zone and attracted the glory by pleading the blood of Jesus and praying. That creates the throne zone.
SID: I want you to declare right now the blood and the glory on everyone viewing us or in the studio audience.
TOMMY: Lord, I come to you today, I thank you, and I praise you for everything we have or ever hoped to have, but most of all, God in heaven, Father God, I thank you for sending Jesus to us. Jesus, we thank you for doing your assignment and Holy Ghost. We thank you for being right now. God, I declare the glory of God comes to all of us, the glory of God in so much measure that no man can count it, that no one can understand it, what has happening when the glory of God.
God, I plead the blood of Jesus right now over everyone watching, over everyone in the studio, everyone here. God, I declare this place, this Sid Roth studio as a presence and an open portal for God. From this day forward, an open presence of God rules this place. It takes over. As the audience comes in, they’re healed. The presence of God flows, and there’s presence of God flowing today right into you. Say, “I receive it now.”
Audience: I receive it now.
SID: I receive it now-
TOMMY: In the name of Jesus-
SID: … in the name of Jesus.
TOMMY: … I receive it now.
Audience: I receive it now.
TOMMY: In Jesus’ name.
Audience: In Jesus’ name.
SID: In Jesus’ name.
TOMMY: It’s done.
Audience: It’s done.
SID: It’s done.
TOMMY: I expect the glory.
Audience: I expect the glory.
SID: I expect the glory.
TOMMY: Come on, say it. I expect the glory.
SID: I expect the glory.
Audience: I expect the glory.
TOMMY: It’s happening now in Jesus’ name.
SID: Amen.
TOMMY: Hey, give God some glory. Give God some glory.
TOMMY: I praise you, father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I worship you, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
SID: In the glory, it is breakthrough in you having your own experiential knowledge of God, and the glory of God is here. The glory of God is here to heal you; to fill you with his spirit; speaking in supernatural languages; to live inside of him and you; and have that own encounter, that own experience with God, not someone else’s, not Tommy’s, not mine, yours.
SID: I want you to repeat this prayer after me out loud and mean it to the best of your ability. Dear God-
TOMMY: Dear God-
Audience: Dear God-
SID: … I’ve made many mistakes.
Audience: … I’ve made many mistakes.
TOMMY: … I’ve made many mistakes.
SID: I’m truly sorry.
Audience: I’m truly sorry.
TOMMY: I’m truly sorry.
SID: I believe-
Audience: I believe-
TOMMY: I believe-
SID: … the blood of Jesus-
Audience: … the blood of Jesus-
TOMMY: … blood of Jesus-
SID: … removes every mistake I’ve ever made.
TOMMY: … removes every mistake I’ve ever made.
Audience: … removes every mistake I’ve ever made.
SID: I am clean.
TOMMY: I am clean.
Audience: I am clean.
SID: Oh, God-
Audience: Oh, God-
TOMMY: Oh, God-
SID: … now that I’m clean-
Audience: … now that I’m clean-
TOMMY: … now that I’m clean-
SID: … come inside of me.
TOMMY: … come inside of me.
Audience: … come inside of me.
SID: Take over my life.
Audience: Take over my life.
TOMMY: Take over my life.
SID: I make you my Lord.
Audience: I make you my Lord.
TOMMY: Make you my Lord.
SID: Get ready for the glory of God-
TOMMY: Amen.
SID: … to overtake you.
Our Guest Tommy Combs
SID: Tommy, this greater glory, I’ve been using this term for a long time, and you use this term, but it’s actually in the Bible, the greater glory. Tell me about it.
TOMMY: The latter house will be greater than the former house. The glory is going to come like we’ve never seen before. Now, we’ve had people say, “It’s going to be a cumulation of everything we’ve seen in the past.”
SID: I’ve heard people say that.
TOMMY: …who say that. No, no.
SID: I don’t agree either.
TOMMY: No, no. It’s going to be greater than that. I’m talking about it’s going to be the greatest glory moved that we’ve ever seen when God’s presence just shows up.
SID: You say the glory is greater than even healing.
TOMMY: Greater. The miracles will be just … You and I’ve talked before about popcorn miracles, where there’s miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle. That’s what’s going to, what I’m talking about. We’re talking about people coming into the presence of God in such a strong way. I’m talking about the presence of God in your home, the presence of God at your workplace, presence of God in our churches, presence of God in our businesses. The presence of God is so strong that when people are attracted to that, you’re walking down the street in the presence of God attracts people, and they go, “What is it you have? What is it? Tell me about what you have. What is it?” They fall to their knees, cry, and say, “Well, there’s something about you I want to know about.” That’s what I’m talking about. The present glory is going to be so strong.
SID: Now, you talk about something I don’t hear too many people talk about, but there are literally portals, or like Jacob had the the ladder, that go from heaven to earth, the angels come up and down, but they are breaking out in churches and homes. You were telling me of the one you went to in Moravian Falls.
TOMMY: I’m preaching up there at the Gathering Church.
Do you sense the greater glory here?
TOMMY: Angels walking on the stage, walking on the stage behind me in the crowd. I’m thinking, “Boy, they’re getting this, and, Tommy, you’re doing real good.” Now, they’re seeing the angels. They’re seeing the angels back here, is what they’re saying. They’re all excited…
TOMMY: … about the angels. But in that service, a lady drove down from New Jersey, brought her husband who had a brain bleed and a tumor on the brain. She brought him to be healed. At the end of the service, I began to pray for people to be healed.
I curse this in Jesus’ name.
TOMMY: She brought him down.
Be healed now.
TOMMY: Her daughter, 22 years old, been away from God now many years.
TOMMY: Didn’t want anything to do with church, but she drove mom-
TOMMY: … and daddy to that meeting.
It’s gone.
TOMMY: She’s there and God healed him.
It’s gone.
TOMMY: God healed the man of a brain bleed and a tumor on the brain.
Presence of God.
TOMMY: There was so much glory and so much power in that situation, around that meeting, that night; this girl goes back home, falls on her knees, accepts Jesus Christ as her savior. This girl has the number one healing ministry in the state of New Jersey right now…
TOMMY: … because the glory came on the scene.
SID: It’s so important. This is what I believe, Tommy. This glory will be a two-edged sword. If you repent to your sins, it will be the greatest thing that ever happened to you. But if you hold on to those old habits, it’ll be the worst thing that ever happened to you. Tell me about when the Israelis invaded and took over the Canaanite homes. What did they find in the walls?
TOMMY: God said, “You will have houses you didn’t build.” That’s what he told them, told the people.
SID: Right, he prophesied.
TOMMY: They go across the Jordan, they take houses that they did not build. The enemy knew they were coming, so the enemy put idols in the walls and hid idols in the walls of those houses. The priest told them, clean the house, and they would bring the priest in and cleaned the house. If they didn’t get the idols completely out of the house, the house was torn down to be rebuilt. Then, they found the idols in the walls. God wants a clean house. God wants a clean house in me, God wants a clean house in you, but he also wants our home to be pure. He wants our…
TOMMY: … homes to be, but way you do it, and you said the word, the blood. When is the last time you go through your home pleading the blood of Jesus? When’s the last time you went through your home praying in that beautiful prayer language, that heavenly language?
SID: What do you mean? What do you mean by pleading the blood of Jesus?
TOMMY: Jesus said, “Use my name and plead my blood.”
By plead the blood, you say, “I plead the blood of … you speak it. You speak it like, “I pray the blood. I plead the blood. I’m asking the blood to come on the scene.” God moves on faith. Satan moves on fear. You’ve got to move that fear out of your life and get the blood to move for you. The glory, when you get in the blood scene, the blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, oh, God, I feel it now, the blood of Jesus; then, the glory loves that.
SID: It attracts.
TOMMY: The glory of God, it attracts.
SID: The blood.
TOMMY: The blood attracts the glory.
SID: Tommy, the blood attracts the glory. The idols attract the demonic.
TOMMY: That’s right.
SID: My mother didn’t raise a dummy. Who wants the demonic in my home? When we return, I’m going to ask Tommy to reveal his secrets and pray that the glory of God overtakes you. Be right back.
Our New Guest Rebecca Greenwood
SID: Yeah, you know what’s so amazing? The glory warfare is so easy. For instance, when you were singing in Germany with Klaus, I mean, this man was religious, hardened, not an experiential Christian, a head Christian, and when you sang, the glory came and the warfare was actually done for you.
REBECCA: It was easy.
SID: He broke.
REBECCA: It was easy. You know, Sid, the Lord gave me this powerful word when He was giving me this message because sometimes people will say to me, “Are you a lover, are you a warrior?” In my mind I’m like, “I’m not either or, I’m both and.” The Lord gave me this prophetic word to speak in this message. He said, “The greatest lovers make the greatest warriors because they have a cause to fight from and they have a cause to fight for.”
SID: Isn’t that what David said?
REBECCA: That’s exactly–
SID: “Is there not a cause?”
REBECCA: “Is there not a cause? Is there not a cause?”
SID: You just got back from Indiana–
SID: –where the glory just was all over the place. What happened?
REBECCA: It was amazing because the Lord actually told us to go out and to pray. He told the leaders to gather and to pray in an assignment that He had revealed to them in the glory where there was a cult that was holding back a move of the Lord. Sid, we actually went and we prayed on this location as the Lord told us to pray on this location and we felt something when we were praying shift in that atmosphere. We came back that weekend to the Glory Gathering. They were calling it the Glory Conference. We changed it to a Glory Gathering because, Sid, do you know what happened in that meeting?
SID: What?
REBECCA: When I opened up and I started talking about the glory, God’s glory came so strong because of the breakthrough that we had received in obedience to that assignment He had given us like David. He gave us that assignment. God’s glory showed up. People were being healed just sitting in the audience, me talking about the glory and the presence of the Lord. People got healed. People got delivered. A lady was paralyzed on her right side of her face, totally healed, weeping. People were coming to the altar where they had been blind and could not have encounters with the Lord. There was a breakthrough that came where they were able to have glory encounters with Jesus face to face.
SID: Okay. I’ve got a question. How would you like that breakthrough now? Anyone in the studio audience? Anyone at home want that breakthrough now? I want you to sing whatever God tells you to sing.
SID: I want you to be expectant, to be pregnant, with a word from God.
REBECCA: I want to say this, Sid, before I start singing. I want to say this ’cause you were saying when you get strategies from the Lord, right, and we’re talking about lovers and warriors. I’m going to sing and this is going to happen. I want to prepare people for this. When you’re in the glory, when you’re in God’s presence, when you’re in Jesus’ presence, the glory is around us. There is all power and all authority. I want to say this. The enemy and spirits might tell us they have power, but Jesus has all authority and all authority trumps power every single time. Whatever the enemy has said to you, whatever the enemy has spoken to you, all authority trumps power every single time. I’m going to sing over you.
REBECCA: (singing) Amazing grace! How sweet, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! Oh, like me! I once was lost, but now, but now I’m found, was blind but now we see.
REBECCA: Lord, in this glory, every place where the enemy has spoken lies, I break the power of those lies right now in Jesus’ name. Lord, everyone that is listening, open their eyes to see you and to hear you. Lord, right now I speak and prophesy and release prophetic strategies of victory. We’re not fighting for victory, we’re fighting from victory. Even right now, those that are listening and watching, that are encountering you, I speak healing to physical bodies. I speak healing to heart issues right now in Jesus’ name, that right side of the heart that has not been pumping correctly. I speak healing to that heart issue right now in Jesus’ name.
REBECCA: Every place where a spirit of delay or busyness or distraction or heaviness or fear has come to keep people from encountering you, I break that assignment now and I release that sound of authority now in Jesus’ name. Transform us, Lord, from glory to glory, from the inside out. The greatest lovers make the greatest warriors because they have a cause to fight from and to fight for. I say right now, every place where people have been shackled and have not run the race because of circumstances, I break those shackles now in the glory in Jesus’ name. I say you will run the race and I’m hearing a specific name. There’s a Lorraine that is watching right now. Lorraine, I hear the Lord saying, “Daughter, this is your season right now. This is your time.”
REBECCA: We’re not even talking future tense. We’re saying, “Now is your time.” You are feeling the heat of the Lord. Many of you are, so take this word if this applies to you. Say, “Lord, I’m claiming. I’m claiming it.” You’re feeling the fire of the Lord. He is burning up the dross of the past season. There is physical healing that is coming into your body now. Your heart will beat again in rhythm and alignment with the word of God. I see three couples that are watching right now and every assignment of the enemy that has come to rob your family business, I break that assignment now and I just speak, Lord, speak your prophetic creative strategy to see your victory realized in this situation. Many of you are going to have dreams. Do not dismiss the dreams. Write them down in the glory. Strategy is released for breakthrough and victory.
SID: But the most important thing is as we go off the air, say out loud, “Jesus, you are my Lord. I worship you, God.”
Audience: Jesus, you are my Lord. I worship you, God.
REBECCA: has been given the hidden keys to defeat the enemy and bring victory in every area of your life.
SID: Many of you are fighting life’s battles whether it’s in your marriage, with your children, your job, your finances, your ministry, fighting, fighting, fighting. But you’re like a prizefighter that goes into the ring and you have one arm tied behind your back and you keep losing. God wants to untie your arm, give you a strategy that it’ll be rigged. You’ll win every time.
REBECCA: Every time you’ll win.
Our Guest John Kilpatrick
SID: You were telling me that all these people were touched so mightily in your church on a Sunday, or another night, but then, something happened when they went home. What happened?
JOHN: When revival first broke out at Brownsville … and I had been there 13 years as a pastor before revival broke out, so I knew what was going on in people’s lives. I knew people were on the verge of divorce, already signed the papers. I knew kids were giving their parents trouble, and all that.
SID: Smile on the outside, but what’s really–
JOHN: Yeah. Then when revival broke out … we’d been praying two and a half years, and revival finally broke out I began to see these people hugging, and crying, and reconciling, and making up with their children, husband and wives reconciling. I was so grateful to see that, but then my telephone began to ring, and people were saying, “Well, brother Kilpatrick, man when we had church we couldn’t be happier, we were so free. Then we go home, and by the time our car pulls onto the garage we’re fussing and fighting like cats and dogs.” So if I got one call, I got many calls. I went to the Lord and I said, “Lord what’s going on?” And He said, “Well son …” He said, “You prayed two and a half years in this sanctuary, the people did.” And He said it garnished, swept and garnished this atmosphere.
JOHN: He said, “But when they’re in this atmosphere, it changes their behavior. They’re at peace, there’s reconciliation. When they go home where all the fusses are inventoried, and all the curse words are inventoried, all the pornography is inventoried. When they get in that atmosphere it changes their behavior again.” He said. “The atmosphere has to be changed.”
SID: How can we make our homes ready for the glory?
JOHN: I think to repent is the main thing, and that’s something to–
SID: That’s a nasty word today.
JOHN: I know. But if you want the presence of God to come, He’s not going to come where it’s defiled. He won’t make His habitation there. He may visit, He may do something, but He’s not going to make that His habitation. The atmosphere has got to be swept and garnished, and that presence will come. Just like when they dedicated Solomon’s temple, the presence came in so powerfully and that’s what happened to Brownsville when the presence of God came. The thing that drew people to Brownsville was not me, or Steve. I know for sure it wasn’t me, and I know it wasn’t Steve. It was not the church, it was not the city, it was the presence, that’s what drew them. When people came and they felt that, it was tangible. They would fly for a day to get there from Australia and different places. When they’d get there, it would be worth that whole day’s flight just to spend an hour in the presence of God. Listen, when the atmosphere is right, you won’t have to worry about the glory coming. It will come. When the atmosphere is right in this church, when it’s right, when it’s cleansed, and washed, and purged, you won’t have to worry about God showing up.
JOHN: He’ll show up. The problem is not getting God to show up, He’ll show up. But the main thing is keeping Him there when He does show up. You’ve got to work with the Holy Spirit, you can’t grieve Him, you can’t offend the Holy Spirit. But see, the Holy Spirit is a Person but the glory is a atmosphere. The Holy Spirit is a person, He’s the third person in the adorable Godhead. But the glory is not the Holy Spirit, it is the presence of God, the manifest weighty presence of the Lord. The glory of God usually manifest in two ways; in Israel it would manifest when the priest would go in an and take the hyssop and sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat. Fire would break out, and that would be the tangible Shekinah glory of God. That would be the fire, that would be the visible. But the kabod, that’s the tangible weighty, satisfying, therapeutic presence that man was built to carry. I don’t know about you, but my life’s ambition since I’ve experienced the glory … and that doesn’t make anybody special because anybody can have it, but life’s ambition is to be a carrier of the presence of God. That’s what I want more than anything.
SID: You know, when this man talks about the glory, it keeps getting higher, and higher, but when we come back, there is a foundation for the glory that few understand. Most of us were cursed by the people that love us the most because they didn’t understand it, our parents. They’re called word curses, “Oh, you won’t amount to anything.” You know what they are, but there’s a way to reverse it that few have ever tried, and there’s a way to be blessed. Once you reverse the curses and walk in the blessings of God, and clean out your house, and repent of what you need to repent of, watch out, the glory is going to overtake you. Be right back.
Our Guest Dr. Francis Myles
FRANCIS: Now I feel the anointing. So now what we are about to do this is the last part he showed me. Amen? I only do what I see my Father do is what Jesus said when he was on the earth, and that’s what we are supposed to do. So everything I have done is exactly what he showed me, I have never diverted from what he showed me, except adding this new thing that he showed me when I was in Africa. And here is what he showed me. When the people jumped the prophetic bloodline, this is in the heavenly vision. In the heavenly vision, the bloodline disappeared. I know the noise was gone. I said, ‘What happened to the bloodline?’ He said, ‘I have cut it off.’ He says, ‘I’ve cut it off.’
But then a spirit of “tehila,” what David would call the highest praise, what David called the highest praise, amen? Which means there’s lower praise, then there’s highest praise. I saw the “tehila,” the spirit of “tehila” come upon them and all the people were celebrating, praising God, I mean there was intensity, they were praising God without any reservations and the spirit of joy was all over their faces. And God said to me, He said, “What I am telling you to do, the denunciation of genetics, is a legal transaction. And because it’s a legal transaction, it happens in my Father’s Court.” Because anything to do with genetics in a nutshell is decided by the Probate Courts. Are you with me? He said, ‘What is a protocol?’ David told you about coming in the court of my God. Praise. Come through His gates with thanksgiving, but when you are in His royal courts it’s praise. He says, ‘Tell them when they jump the line they’re going to give me some praise!’ When they jump the line, c’mon somebody, they’d better give me some praise!
They’d better, uh huh, uh huh, –He said, ‘My people better–.’ Let’s get the pulpit out, because people are jumping, I don’t want people to bump into the pulpit, because I am done with it. Amen? I don’t think Sid wants any liability there. Okay? I jumped and then I knocked myself by the pulpit. You know, Americans. You know, you amazing people. So anyway, so come close to your line, those that are there, now remember it’s not how far you jump. It’s just make sure when you jump, the jump looks like a step, the key is to get the line behind you. Are you with me? Because when you jump the line, when you jump the line, the prophetic act is you are leaving behind the bloodlines of your ancestors, that’s the prophetic act!
Then the Lord of hosts will cut it off! And the angels are going to begin to enforce your deliverance. Are you with me?
I was in Seattle Washington, I saw 200 people jump the line and there was holy pandemonium because the power of God broke out but in the spirit I saw thousands and thousands of demons, they did not know what was going on, and the Lord said, ‘They are confused because these are the demon trackers and they can’t find the blood they used to track. It’s gone.’
It’s gone! Hallelujah! Whooo! Glory to God! Hallelujah! The Lord said to me, Sid Roth, there’s miracles. Hallelujah! Listen, listen! I believe in miracles. Without miracles, I’m dead. Without miracles, I’m dead. But because of “It’s Supernatural” I am standing before you Lord tonight. So miracles are going to happen. So if you’ve got any kind of disease, some of you may even, some of you, when you jump the line check yourself. Because what you came with is gone! [AUDIENCE ERUPTS IN PRAISE] You will find you will be healed, somebody. This is what the Lord told me, Listen he said to me, He said tell my people because this is such a powerful technology, okay, it’s not like the old technology of repenting over the iniquity of your forefathers, the problem, the Lord says the problem with that it’s a half measure, I have used it to a degree, but the God says the problem with that– is that the lineage you come out of is longer than your memory. So even though you repent over what you can remember your ancestors did, the Lord says there are stuff you don’t know what they did because the lineage is longer than your memory [so] the enemy will still come to you. But this way you just cut it off, you just cut it off. The whole line! And the Lord can follow it all the way back to Adam and just snip, snip!
C’mon somebody. Are you ready for this?
FRANCIS: Okay. So I’m going to do this. When I say, ‘Jump the line,’ I want you to jump. And when you jump what’s going to happen?
FRANCIS: And then when you are praising God forget about me– You know somebody, that’s when I find a word of knowledge. That’s when I say things every time. That’s when normally people see the Messiah walking in among us. Are you with me? In Seattle Washington it was 5 year old and 6 year old children crying. Crying. I said, ‘Why are you crying?’ There’s a man in white walking between the people. It was the Messiah after they jumped the line. Children of 5 years old don’t lie. It was not one, several of them– it’s a church in Seattle Washington. Powerful. I feel the Messiah in the house. So let’s do this once, when I say jump you’ll jump the line and then you’ll go into the praise and I’ll begin to pray, forget about me, just do your praise, amen? And then we’ll be out of here tonight. Are you ready? Okay. Here we go. Don’t jump until I say jump. Okay? In the name of the Father, the Son and His Holy Spirit.– I say: JUMP!