It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for the ‘It’s Supernatural’ tag

Our Guest Tony Kemp

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TONY:  Actually in the original language when Jesus said “lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover,” the Greek word for “recover” means that from the moment hands are laid on you, you will get better and better until you are completely well. Is there another change? Father, touch joints, touch bones and bring her healing to completion and Lord, let the pain fade away in Jesus’ name. You get to stay right there. And we’re going to let you, because you’re the oldest, sit. She said “Oh, yeah! But schooch over so she can jump in with you because she’s tiny! I was that size when I was born!


TONY:  Stretch forth your hand towards those with back conditions and touch, touch somebody who needs a healing. That’s all right. Just go ahead and touch them. Father in the name of Jesus we release healing grace into every person standing. Be healed in the mighty name of Jesus. You may be seated. I’m going to do this real quick and then we’re going to do some praise and worship. Uh, who’s having pressure behind an eye? Stand up and you’ll be healed right now. Pressure behind an eye. Stand up. You’ll be healed right now. Do you have that pressure now? (woman speaking without microphone) Do you have that pressure now?

WOMAN #7:  I don’t feel it right now.

TONY:  You don’t feel it. And sister, you stood because of?  Okay. So let’s stretch forth your hands and let’s pray for their healing. In the name of Jesus I curse these eye diseases! Die, dissipate, and disappear from their bodies! I command glaucoma. Disappear! I command the pressure and all the reason for the pressure be gone and stay gone! And Lord this degeneration disappear! I command total restoration of their eyes now in Jesus name! Lift up your hands and give God a praise!


TONY:  Now, yeah, go ahead praise him. This is the moment some of you I know have been waiting for. All of you who want to supernaturally lose weight starting tonight stand to your feet right now. And I don’t want any really skinny people to stand up! (laughs) If you’re like really, really skinny please don’t stand up. Just sit down and stand up on the inside. Somebody next to you might slap you. Here’s what I want you to do for real serious. Here’s… I want you to do this. I want you check and see how tight you are all the way around and memorize it. Um huh. Check and see how tight your pants are, your shirt is, all that kind of… see how tight. Memorize how much room you got and how much room you ain’t got. But don’t tell nobody right now. Just do that. Let me know when you got it. You got it? Are you ready? Here’s my instruction. Number one: If you’ll repent of the way that you’ve been eating wrong and tell God, “Lord forgive me” and you promise to eat right, I’m telling ya that some of y’all its going to happen in just a few moments. So go ahead and do your prayer of repentance, æcause some of us… you know I’m still repenting. Hmmm! C’mon now. But I’m doing a lot better but I’m still repenting. Begin to pray your prayer of repentance and then we going to pray for you. I was at Tennessee. A man was there. He was a, uh, praise leader. He was wearing a suit coat. It was unbuttoned. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge that he was causing people to supernaturally lose weight. And he burst out into laughter saying “Pastor, I think I’m one of those guys.” He comes up and he’s able to button all four of his buttons. I was in Tennes… I was in, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Mississippi, and a woman was there. She also had a coat. God supernaturally caused her to lose weight. She couldn’t button her buttons. But then supernaturally she was able to button her buttons. And listen, this is funny. Lord forgive me. But we, and my wife will tell you, we’ve seen people who had their stomach out here and it would shrink and they’d have to grab their pants and their underwear.


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November 14th, 2018 at 7:30 am

Our Guest Mike Shreve

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SID: Mike, early on you had an attack on the integrity of the Word of God, but God is so good. He gave you a dream. I wish everyone would catch the revelation right now, of this dream. What did he show you?

MIKE: That was my biggest battle, whether or not the Word of God was actually the Word of God. It was like all day long, every day I had this pressure of hundreds of thoughts coming into my mind. And so I was in this war in my mind. And God did give a promise, Sid, that in the last days he would pour out his spirit on all flesh and the result would be dreams and visions, dreams and visions. And I asked God to resolve the issue, and he gave me this phenomenal dream where shortly after I was saved, I saw in this dream in the night, this night vision, the Lord Jesus Christ came to me. He was standing before me in all his radiant glory and then all of a sudden, he disappeared and in his place was the open book with Hebrew printing and I knew it was the Bible, intuitively. And I knew that that was God’s way of saying that I and my Word are one and the same because it was the same space. But the thing that really attracted me the most about it is the book was pulsating like it had a heartbeat. And every time it would pulsate, a river of light would pour off the pages into me, and I woke up with this incredible feeling of this warm, heavenly light pouring into me. Well needless to say, I never doubted the Word of God again. I knew it was [unintelligible].

SID: That was important. Mike, you have lived a life of victory for over 40 years now based on one powerful truth and it seems so simple, yet it is so important. You prayed the promises and not the problems. Why is that?

MIKE: Well God gave me that vision about the Word of God I realized that I needed to find every positive application of the Word of God. And I began studying the promises, and I found out eventually there are 7,487 promises in God’s Word, and they’re all mine. They’re all yours. They belong to every one of us.

SID: Now what to you is a promise from the Bible?

MIKE: A promise is a pledge, is a firm and unwavering agreement. It’s a commitment from the lips of God that he will do or will not do some specific thing. There are no problems you could ever face in life where there isn’t already in advance a promise strong enough, powerful enough to take you through the problem to sure victory on the other side. God’s promises, God made me hold to them, seize them in the name of the Lord and expect God to watch over his word to fulfill it.

SID: You had a revelation of the Throne Room that you say once someone grasps this revelation of the Throne Room every life-threatening problem evaporates. I want to find out about it. Be right back.

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October 28th, 2018 at 6:18 am

Sid Roth

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Lady 7: [sings in tongues] Come on, open your voices and begin to sing unto the Lord Jesus. Come on and open those voices and begin to sing unto the Lord. [sings in tongues]

AUDIENCE: [singing in tongues with Lady 7]

SID: Now you keep singing, without someone singing in the mic. [singing in tongues]

AUDIENCE: [singing in tongues -]

SID: Always remember, according to the Word of God, you are not speaking to man when you are praying in a supernatural language. According to the Word Of God, you are speaking to god. do not lose sight of that. you are singing to our creator God. if someone has a tongue and then an interpretation. Now, you are not used to this, but normally when it gets a little still, that would be the time, if you have a tongue and god’s prompting you to share it, come up here on the mic, please. Right now, and if you also, if someone has the interpretation you come up, to the mic. [prays in tongues -] you got to come up quickly if you’re going to. [prays in tongues -] your heart beating kind of fast, that’s you. [prays in tongues -]

Lady 8: [prays in tongues out loud]

SID: If you have the interpretation, you can do it, Donna. [prays in tongues -] Come on Carol.

Carol: Though you are surrounded on all sides by stone and rocky wall, you are running through a tunnel of rock, yet I will blow that rock away. I will make the light come in where there is only darkness. Your footing shall be sure, and nothing shall stop you.

AUDIENCE: Amen [clapping]

SID: There’s such power in the supernatural blessing. And I’m going to pray a Biblical supernatural blessing over you right now. and this goes for everyone that’s watching by way of video right now. the Lord is blessing you, right now. the Lord is keeping you, right now. the Lord is surrounding you with His supernatural right now. the lord it gifting you. Take it – take it -take it right now! The Lord is Gifting you Take it! the lord is gifting you right now! Right now. right now.

The Lord is giving you His shalom. In Hebrew, Shalom means; completeness. Completeness in your spirit, in your soul, and in your body; right now! in the name, that is above every name, every disease, every problem; Everything. God already sees it finished, because Yeshua said that. ‘It is finished’ in that name. ‘It is finished’ in that name. ‘It is finished’ in the invisible world. And it’s starting to transition from the invisible world to the visible world. In the name of Yeshua ha Mashiach, Tsidkenu, Jesus, the Messiah, our righteousness. And now, you can say Amen.



SID: Amen, Amen.

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October 21st, 2018 at 6:18 am

Sid Roth

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SID: Hello. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. So what did the first Jewish believers in the Messiah know that maybe is almost a mystery to this generation? They knew something because I have a book that tells me they prayed for people that couldn’t walk, and they could start walking. That people that were blind and they could see. They knew something. Well, we have found not only an ancient prayer that they used, but I’ll go so far as to say and the Bible says, it was THE prayer, to unlock the supernatural. Do you want to learn that? Me, too. [laughs] You know, I was just reminding myself. I said, self, do you remember when you were not even a believer in the Messiah? And you were disrupting that prayer reading with those nice, squeaky, religious Christians who were trying so hard to convince you Jesus was the Messiah? But there was one thing that intrigued me immensely.

They said they had a supernatural language that came from God. And I know a lot of people say they don’t want non-believers to hear the supernatural language, but it intrigued me no end. And so then after I became a believer in the Messiah I wanted that supernatural language. So I went to a meeting and someone prayed for me, and they said, well speak in that supernatural language. And I, you know, no one told me that maybe I can’t. I’m glad I didn’t know anything. I was almost like a little child. You know, that’s the way you’re supposed to be. And I started speaking in a supernatural language. But then immediately a little voice in my head said, you’re making it up. Now none of you ever had that problem. Well that little voice I’m sure is talking to many people. And so I stopped. I mean, I love God. I don’t want to make something up. And one day I was with a rabbi that received Jesus, an orthodox rabbi, and he began, he said, he called me over because I had met him before. He said, “Sid, come over here. This woman wants prayer.” This woman was pregnant and the doctor said had a stillborn baby. Now I’m a brand new believer.

You’re asking me to pray for a dead person to come back to life? I didn’t know what to pray. And so all of a sudden I started praying in my supernatural language that I doubted was really from God. And after we finished praying she left. And the rabbi said to me, “Sid, where did you learn that ancient form of Aramaic?” I barely speak Hebrew. I did my Bar Mitzvah in Hebrew. And when he said that he not only said it was an ancient form of Aramaic, he told me what I was praying, because he knew that language. And he said, “You prayed that the child, the Spirit of the child is with God the Father and be at rest.” I said that. Now no way I could have said that with my mind. And after that point I never doubted that that language was real. You see, when you pray in supernatural languages, you do what I did, a mind bypass, which means you’re not dropping down, not from your mind, you’re dropping down to your Spirit. And you’re not praying from your mind, you’re praying from, your Spirit. Now since your mind doesn’t know what you’re doing, your mind will argue with you. So you say, mind, be still. I’m putting my Spirit in charge. And so when you pray in that supernatural language there is no doubt, none. None whatsoever.


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October 9th, 2018 at 8:24 am

Our Guest Steve Hill

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STEVE: I’m from Texas and we deep fry them. And, um…. amen. And so we’re all praying that somehow that company will be revived.


STEVE: But I’m reading all the Twinkies and the cupcakes and all the fun stuff and Jesus you know had some really neat stuff to say. And I’m going through this devotional, just personal devotions, I was just going through this red book, same as you going through your KJV, or NIV or NAS, whatever it is. And you’re just doing the red, red letters that’s all it is. I got about a third way through it and just stopped, and I turned to Jesus, and I said: This is fascinating, Lord. I am surprised that You weren’t killed way before the cross. Look at this! I mean the stuff that He said, is anybody paying attention? I mean from the weeping and gnashing of teeth, the judgments, the name calling, the cleansing the Temple! It just goes on and on and on and on. Then He says things like “Remember Lot’s wife!” When was the last time you heard a grace teacher preach on remember Lot’s wife? And by the way I’m a grace teacher. I’m a grace tea… boy… [Steve sings to tune of Amazing grace]: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. And if I decide to go back to sin, in hell He will cast me. I just wrote that.


STEVE: But you know the message today is hey, once you’re saved, “party hearty!” So I read all these words in red and I didn’t get two-third through this little book. And I closed it. And I said, Dear Jesus.” If pastors and laity, ministers, all of us would just talk about the words in red we could change this nation. But no, we’re not going to do that because we don’t want to offend anybody. While the politicians, and the rock artists, and the, uh, strippers and the porn execs, they don’t care about offending us. They put their junk right in front of us. You can’t watch a ball game, can’t watch TV. You got to fast forward through the commercials. You know we have all these apparatuses that you hook up to your TV to clean it up and all, and stuff still gets through. I was at a, um, a Fed Ex the other day, and uh, how many love witnessing? Okay, about a third.

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September 27th, 2018 at 6:57 am