It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

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Sid Roth welcomes Julie True

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Sid:  Well, Mishpochah you know that I’m on a quest for greater, and greater, and greater, and greater, and greater, and greater intimacy with God.  And I’ve never been on drugs, I’ve never been an alcoholic, but I can imagine I have that same compulsion that a heroin addict would have.  I cannot get enough; I want to sell my whole life out to serving the living God.  And every once in awhile I get a music CD, then I start using as my personal soaking music, and I’ve got one now that is doing things for me like no other music has. I want the same thing to happen to you.  I have artist on the telephone right now at her home in Franklin, Tennessee.  Her name if Julie True, and her CD is called “Healing Love,” subtitled “An Interactive Healing Experience.”  And that what my objective is with radio and television, I want it to be interactive I don’t want it to be entertainment sport.  I want it to accomplish things in your life when you’re listening to us either myself, or Julie True, we are going to say something that’s going to change the destiny of your life, it’s going to cause you from going to the right go to the left.  Julie I didn’t even know all the details about this CD because I’ve known James Goll a long time and you were actually at his teaching which then became a book called “Angelic Encounters.”  And you were leading worship.  Tell me the whole story behind this CD because I mean the CD I can just play and people will realize what I’m saying I don’t have to explain it to them.  But tell me the story behind the story.

Julie:  My husband and I have been part of James and Michal Ann Goll’s ministry for the last 3 or 4 years in a real focused way. I was asked to do the soaking time and the worship time at this class that was going to go on for several weeks.  And so any way we just sort of as a thought right before it started we decided to record it.  And there was – everything just fell into place so. We really had in mind that we were going to record some of the songs that I’ve written and that I use in ministry time and you know that’s what we were intending to do, but as I sang my heart in between the known songs what ended up happening was that really what we felt like God’s heart was, was in the spontaneous songs that came from the heart.  What I mean by my spontaneous I just mean there are just songs that I sing in that moment and it was and you know just spirit to spirit.  And so that’s how what this is a compilation of the songs that we pulled out of those weeks of recording and just put them together in a form where we were hoping that it would make it where people could soak and rest and have a meditative type atmosphere to open up their spirit to God.

Sid:  Well you know a picture’s worth a thousand words, I want to play a selection from your CD.  And this is called “Angel’s We Invite You” and since the conference itself that then became a book was on angelic encounters; I’m just curious is feedback you’re getting, are you getting much feedback on this particular song, “Angels We Invite You?”  I would think you would.

Julie:  Oh yes that’s, I get more feedback on that song than any other song on the CD.  And a lot of people are using it.  They put it on repeat that one song and they leave it playing in their house and just invite the angels in.  It’s very simple song, but it’s just to invite the angels in and have had lots of reports from people having angelic visitations in their homes so; and in prayer meetings and soaking times and all kinds of places.

Sid:  Well let’s hear a little bit maybe we’ll hear a little bit more, but this is so rich that, I can tell you what happens I soak to this music and I lose track of time.  Has anyone else said that to you?

Julie:  Oh yes, there’s definitely takes you into a place, a deep place, that is just, it’s restful and…

Sid:  Well, here are the two words that I feel.  I feel peace, and I feel love.  Have you heard that feedback before?

Julie:  Yes, I have, lots of comments about peace and love and being able to sleep and being able to just receive.

Sid:  What do you mean being able to sleep?

Julie:  Well, one person told me that they had read that the number one desire of people in the world is to be able to have a goodnights sleep and to be at peace, and that’s what they are able to do.  I just had a lady the other day that said, “I wake up a lot of times in the middle of the night and I put this CD on and I am able to sleep.”  And  I had another lady that she had, she—her son has demonic types of things happen and she puts it on and he’s able to rest and sleep to that music.  And babies that are able to sleep…

Sid:  Well, I just better tell our people the 800 # to get this CD before we play it on or maybe they’ll just go to sleep.  No I’m just teasing.  Let’s hear our selection from this very powerful healing love CD, it’s called “Angels We Invite You.”

Julie True Worship excerpt “Angel’s We Invite You”

Sid:  That was a selection called “Angels We Invite You” Julie True’s CD “Healing Love.”  And I really believe, I may do what that woman does that told you that she just puts that on to play that one song over and over except I love the other songs so much.  I would love my home filled with the presence of angels.

Julie:  Yes.

Sid:  Julie, tell me a bit about yourself, have you been singing many years?  Have you been, you play the keyboard, tell me a bit about your history.

Julie:  I grew up with wonderful parents and with a love for God but I was not allowed to play worship music.

Sid:  Well, there really is a devil if you’re not allowed to; I can see why the devil would box you in bit allowing you to play worship music.

Julie:  Well, it’s kind of funny, yeah, we were allowed to play any kind of music except music except worship music with the keyboard.  And so it was…

Sid:  But why was that?  I don’t understand?

Julie:  Well, there is this thought that the verse in the New Testament that says to sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord because it doesn’t mention instruments then they were concerned that was offensive to God.  And so instruments are mentioned in the Old Testament, but it was just one of those things, really it has been something that the devil completely stole from that whole religious thing.

Sid:  But when you look in the Bible and you look at the Jewish roots of the faith you have the most magnificent worship and dance and all these things are being recaptured.  But I understand that when you had an immersion in the Holy Spirit, known as baptism in the Holy Spirit, things changed for you.

Julie:  Oh, totally. We just realized that God was bigger than the sign on our Church building.  I mean that’s kind of what happened we just went WOW!  We’re not confined by the, you know God’s not looking at his people as one little group here, one little group here.  He sees all of His children and then we just got opened up to freedom in Him.

Written by admin

June 27th, 2012 at 7:11 pm

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Sid Roth welcomes Vitaliy Fishberg

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Sid:  My guest is red hot for the Messiah, his name is Dr. Vitaliy Fishberg, he’s a Russian Jew that had an encounter with Jesus similar to Paul.  For three days and three nights he was so saturated with the Spirit of God; he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t drink. All he could do is fall deeper and deeper and deeper in love with Yeshua; with Jesus.  Now Vitaliy just before I called you, you were in prayer, what happened?

Vitaliy:  Suddenly my mother came and disappeared my prayers and I wasn’t at my best and I said, “Mother, if five minutes I will have recording” but she said, “Now go outside, you have to worship.”  And when I came out from my house I saw huge circular rainbow appeared right above my house.

Sid:  Circular?

Vitaliy:  Yes Sid. Huge circular rainbow appeared and also right before that when I was in prayer angel came to me and angel spoke to me something.  Ha-ha, could I tell you what angel said to me?

Sid:  You better.

Vitaliy:  You know what, actually I was so much encouraged to hear it, angel brought reward of the Lord to me.  And angel said to me, “Now because of this radio program worldwide spiritual atmosphere is about the intimacy with the Lord will change much.”  And each person who have open heart and goodness and seek for intimacy and who are spiritually hungry with the Lord will receive powerful touch through these radio programs.  Their lives will be changed forever anointing makes all the difference it’s not about what they’re saying it’s not about our life it’s about the anointing on the program.  And when I saw the rainbow, actually I received the phone call I from a pastor friend. He’s praying for me right now because I said it was so important and I was waiting so much to have this recording.  This brother Sid, the Lord who I love so much and he called me and he said “You know Vitaliy I saw with my spiritual eyes very clear that you were surrounded with the golden glory all over you.”  “And I feel like waterfall of God’s glory upon you and I saw with Jesus,” this man actually he’s Pentecostal, but he does not see so much visions.  So it was one of his first visions, but he told me that I was surrounded so much by the glory of God and he felt like waterfall of God’s glory upon me and upon you Sid and it’s upon all of our radio listeners.

Sid:  Well, what is normal is about ready to happen on planet earth, what is normal is what we read about in the Bible, what is abnormal and what we see in religion.  It’s time for religion to be normal, and let’s kind of wet their appetite. I know you’ve said to me Vitaliy, and we’ve done special CD of some teaching and prayer of impartation.  But you said to me that your greatest passion is for people to fall more in love with Jesus till literally there is a fire of intimacy when you pray for people and which you did on this special CD that we’re offering.  Tell me some of the miracles that are happening in your life.  Tell me about the woman that needed knee surgery.

Vitaliy:  Actually this year I started see a lot of creative miracles in my ministry and for one woman of our church, I mean many of my people, they are Russian people and they are poor immigrants, they don’t have anything.  They don’t have medical insurances, you know, yes most of them they cannot afford this.  I don’t go into details here but I just say that this woman you don’t have any insurance…

Sid:  In other words, if God doesn’t heal her she’s in trouble.

Vitaliy:  Yes. She was working as a home attendant, very difficult job tried to pay her living you know.  Also she had family in Ukraine who are dying of hunger you know because in the Ukraine the situation so terrible the economical situation is so this poor woman had to work here and also she is almost 70 Sid, and to send money to Ukraine.  And she came to me now she cannot work anymore because she doesn’t have any knee joint so she would have to get to surgery to have another knees.

Sid:  Like another knee replacement,

Vitaliy:  Knee replacement so basically when I pray and not in faith but in Christ’s compassion you know what Sid, I don’t know about you, but I’m young sometimes.  When people say okay I don’t have kidney I have to go to the hematologist, or my liver is shut down completely.  Sometimes I don’t have faith you know, I don’t have faith to pronounce that they be healed in Yeshua Name.  And when I laid my hands I just had strong, strong compassion for this poor woman and for her family.  So when I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, actually nothing has happened, but in three days she started to feel a serious heat and she was sweating all over her body. Basically suddenly she received brand new knees; and if you look at brand new knees.

Sid:  And how long ago was this?

Vitaliy:  Basically it was just two months ago.

Sid:  Well, that sure beats knee surgery I can tell you that, knee replacement surgery, ha-ha.

Vitaliy:  In similar situations it was the kidney’s you know like when people, had kidney failure.

Sid:  Tell me about one that had his kidney restored.

Vitaliy:  Actually I had one man who was severely diabetic you know, and doctor said to him, “You have to go to the hematologist because your kidney not working anymore.  He said, “No, I don’t want to do this” you know. When he came to me and I will just lay my hands in faith I pronounce that God will give him new kidneys and it was done you know.  So now he has totally new kidneys and also many many amazing creative miracles now happening .  And actually you know how it’s happened Sid?

Sid:  How?

Vitaliy:  Suddenly I started to get golden dust on my arms you know and you know actually even many times before I had this golden dust but now it started to appear regularly and this golden dust was coming not from outside; but actually it is funny to say but it was coming from the inside out.

Sid:  I can understand that, I’ve met people that this is like their hair is normal and all of a sudden their hair is filled with gold dust.

Vitaliy:  Ha-ha-ha, also you know what?  Sometimes when I was praying, when I was praying and actually when I saw visions about Israel suddenly I saw so much gold dust on my arms it wasn’t only gold dust but it was golden oil.

Sid:  Now speaking of visions of Israel, in the Bible there is something called translation where someone is in one place and they are translated to another place, or they go in the Spirit to another place.  Has this happened to you?

Vitaliy:  Actually many, many times the Lord Jesus Yeshua appeared to me and most like trance.

Sid:  Yes.

Vitaliy:  And He took me, and I saw myself as a boy and He was calling me, please come with me, I want to show you something interesting.  And we flied to Israel, and I saw the land of Israel and afterward He started to take me different historical moment so I was able to see King David, I was able to see Moses. I was able to see even the Lord Jesus when He was boy, and the moment when He was entering where Jerusalem with the donkey.  Actually that moment I saw very very clear I saw it was a lot of people; it was with palm, palm leaves and His, the disciples of Lord Jesus was not paying much attention of me.  But the Lord Jesus, actually I was standing behind Him He saw me and He was smiling to me, He was pleased by this experience.

Sid:   The experiences that you have that are normal are what is normal in the Bible…

Written by admin

June 5th, 2012 at 7:45 am

Sid Roth welcomes Ron & Glenda Pettey

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Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to realize that the spirit world is more real than the world that we’re looking at with our natural eyes.  We want everyone everywhere to realize that heaven is real and my guest make heaven and the spirit world so real, I read their book last night.  It’s called “Heaven is Real”, and my guests are Ron and Glen Pettey. Ron literally died on an operating table.  He was having brain surgery and he went to heaven, but before we did this broadcast because Ron has discernment, he can see evil, he can see good he literally I said, Ron what do you see in your room where you’re doing your interview?”  And he said, “I see angels all over the place, and I see evil all over the place.”  Describe what the evil looks like Ron.

Ron:  Well, the angel’s there’s a glow from the neck down, the evil has no glow, it’s dull.

Sid:  And Glenda the minute you heard that there was evil in the room what did you do?

Glenda:  Well, I grabbed the anointing oil, which is a combination of Frankincense and myrrh, and I asked the Lord to just bind these evil spirits and I sent them to the foot of the cross.  This is a new thing for us to step out in this authority.  I had no idea that there were evil spirits in this room; this is a prayer room that we pray over many times, and keep it very pure and clean.  So at any rate those evil spirits are gone now.

Sid:  Ron, will you look into the invisible world in your room and describe to me what you see right now.

Ron:   Nothing but peace. There is a very large angel that is actually a little taller than the doorway, he’s walked back and forth many times, and his head passes through the doorway there.

Glenda:  Right, and he’s been sent as an angel of peace, he’s not either one of our guardian angels he’s an angel on assignment.

Sid:  But you know what’s so wonderful because you have this gift of discernment you can see into the invisible world, you see the reality of anointing with oil in the name of Jesus.

Ron:  That’s right, that’s right.

Glenda:  We’ve seen that many times and the Lord showed it to us several years ago how important it was.

Sid:    Okay, now when Ron had died and had his visitation to heaven that he writes about in the book “Heaven is Real.”  When he came back into his body tell me about that.

Glenda:  Okay, he was in heaven at that point and when it was finally apparent to him that they were not letting him in, that second angel had come back to him and said, “Ron your mission is not complete you’re being sent back and I’m going with you it’s not yet your time, okay.”  Ron immediately said then “I want to see my wife.”

Ron:  Hoping that was a request that they couldn’t fulfill because I didn’t know I was married.

Glenda:  Yeah, he just wanted to throw something out as a last effort to go in.  Well, that angel said, “Okay, that can be arranged.”  Well then the next moment Ron and the angel were hovering in the operating room. Ron looked down and saw his body on the operating table and the angel motioned to him.

Ron:  Get back inside.

Glenda:  And Ron resisted and he looked over and resisted and the angel said, “Now!”

Ron:  He said it in such an affirmative voice that I just, I just obeyed.  I just said, “Okay.”

Glenda:  And then Ron told me he entered from the head, I cannot imagine how this is possible but his spirit reentered his body.  And actually too Ron as you are seeing your body in that room the doctor had actually climbed on top of me on the operating table and he was using the fibulator and I think he had to use those three times.

Ron:  And my guardian angel that was with me I said, “I have to enter that body?”  And you know the way the question, and he said, “Yeah, that’s the body that you belong to.”  Then I said, “Okay” and I went back into my body.  And evidently that’s when the doctor that was on top of me pressed the two paddles to my chest, or wherever, and I came back to life.

Glenda:  Of course I would say that Ron was unconscious from that time on.  The next conscious moment then that he has is one of those visiting moments there in intensive care when I walked through the door. The angel had, you know he had asked the angel “I want to see my wife.”  And they angel had already agreed so then at that point when I walked in the angel just gestured over to me that here she is.

Sid:  Now, because Ron had amnesia what did you think when you saw your wife, did you recognize her?

Ron:  Yes, I did, I mean because my angel said, “Here she is.”  That’s all I knew.  That’s all I knew about her.

Sid:  But you didn’t recognize her by looking at her you recognized her because your angel told you.

Ron:    That’s right, that’s right.  That’s the only way I knew her just because my angel introduced me to her.

Sid:  Now, what did you think when you saw her?

Ron:  Wow! You picked out a good one.

Sid:  Now, you had about ten years of amnesia, tell me about the time Glenda when amnesia disappeared.

Glenda:  We had moved back to Ron’s hometown in Lufkin, Texas and after we had been here just a few years we had joined a little church that was just a very safe place for us to be.  The church had very few programs, very easy place for our family of six to attend. Then one day they had a fish fry planned an outdoor Saturday afternoon fellowship.  That was the very day, one of the days over the ten year period, several times once a year maybe once every two years, Ron would come to me and say, “Hun, where’s your purse?”  And I would not know why he needed my purse, that very Saturday morning he had come to me and said, “Hun, where’s your purse.”  Well, I told him where it was and then moments later her would come back and take my head and say “Glenda, I can’t take the pain anymore, my memories worse”  He had constant headaches, constant head pain.  Well, I would always coax him through this moment by saying “But Hun, remember it’s not your time to go your mission isn’t complete and you have a family here”, and I would pray through that moment, pray through that pain, and he would get over it somewhat and he would recover.

Sid:  But it must have been a very difficult time for you.

Glenda:  It was.

Sid:  I mean, for ten years having a husband that had really no memory.

Glenda:  That’s right and then in bouts of such severe head pain as well.

Sid:  Well, he had difficulty just remembering short term things where things were.

Glenda:  Right, short term and long term. Many times through the ten years I would drag out our wedding book and I would say, “Do you remember our wedding?”  And of course I’m pointing to pictures with us in it.  Well he really couldn’t remember, I could tell by the look on his face he really could not remember those events at all.  At any rate this Saturday morning he did not respond to my prayer and he was getting worse, and that afternoon there was a fish fry planned this Saturday afternoon fellowship.  And it was my last effort to get him out of the house and around people, this was an emotional, spiritual, I would have to say spiritual emergency.  I felt like this was not a physical emergency, paramedics would not have helped or a surgeon; this was something else I just needed the help of other people.  Well we went to event; after were there a few hours he was no better. I was getting worried that we were getting returning home in the same shape that we had come.  Well, the event was catfish had been prepared, fried, lots of fried catfish.  All the members had brought salads and desserts, a beautiful spread of food, and Ron is diabetic from trauma from the pain surgeries at this point.  He had had his insulin shot and I said Honey you’ve got to eat and people were even beginning to come back for seconds he had resisted so long.  Well, as he was going down the serving line he came to a big white turkey platter with a little fried flounder on it that was just there as a joke to the pastor’s wife and when he saw that flounder…

Ron:  I said, “That is a flounder, I have been floundering”, and at in that instant the Lord opened my head up took the headache out and poured the memory back in.  I can remember so distinctly looking at Glenda and for the first time in ten years I called her by name because I normally call Hun or something like that.  And I looked at her and said “Glenda, it’s back” and at that instant it was just glorious.

Glenda:  Glorious I’ll have to say.  He revealed to me that afternoon that evening that when he had asked for my purse he knew that my driver’s license would have my name.  So he was going to read the license to read my name so that he could come back and actually call my name.  I never knew that in those years before that why we always had this scenario of asking for my purse than coming back in and telling me how bad his pain was.

Sid:  What did it mean to you when you realized that he had his memory back?

Glenda:  Oh, it was unbelievable.  He was standing straight and tall just glowing.  He said, Glenda, its back.  And people around heard him say that.  And they looked over and he looked ten years younger it was incredible, it was the most amazing moment I would have to say, just the most…

Written by admin

June 5th, 2012 at 2:20 am

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Our Guest Steven Brooks

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Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to do what Jesus said is your inheritance, now what I said, what he said, “You will so the same works that I have done and even greater.”  Those that get on the internet and they’re so upset that we have people on the air that pray for the sick and they get healed.  What are you going to do with Jesus’ words?  “Those who believe will do the same works I have done and even greater.”  My guest Steven Brooks on yesterday’s, I was drinking some water, I was starting to take a gulp and I was so glad I hadn’t I just casually said to Steven the first fast you went on do you remember it, how long was it?  And he just rattles off, “forty days.”  Now Steven, did you see any specific fruit, results from that forty day fast.  And by the way he was quick to say he doesn’t do things like that now or advise it to people unless God tells you to, but go ahead.

Steven:  Well, one of the things that came out of that was just a deep peace, I felt after the fast was accomplished that any anxiety or wanting to rush things with the Lord was just gone.  I felt in my heart that I knew that the things God had planned for my life were going to unfold and that God’s hand was on my life and everything was going to be fine.  Sometimes we can say, when God when, and to rush God is actually to find fault with God.  So I just had such a peace that overwhelmed my life that even things that use to maybe irritate me before it was just gone and now I could find myself that I could smile at it, things wouldn’t phase me.

Sid:  You know what it sounds like to me like you tasted a little bit of?  In Hebrews it talks about there’s a day, and this day is called the day of the Sabbath rest. And it sounds to me like you entered into it.

Steven:  Yes, it felt like every day was a Sabbath rest, even when working I just felt the joy, I just felt like God’s hand was on my life.  And I knew that also the Lord had heard my prayers and that although the Lord never came and talked to me personally in a sense during this fast, I never had any spectacular type thing happen I did have a deep witness in my Spirit that God had heard my prayers and at the right time and at the right way they would be answered and that everything was going to be just fine.

Sid:  I have your new book and it’s called “God’s Nuclear Power.”  And candidly most Christians know about prayer and fasting, most people realize we’re instructed to do this.  Most people see the great power that the apostles had, that Jesus walked in and He did things and they did these things but most people don’t want to do it, why?

Steven:  I don’t think that they understand the great rewards waiting on the other side. And it says in the Bible that God is rewarder of those that diligently seek Him, that’s in Hebrews and that word rewarder actually means “wage payer.”  God has these wages that He can pay and they’re so off the chart, and I’m not talking about a monetary wage, we might get a pay check every two weeks, because the Lord doesn’t pay every two weeks. He might pay every six months or He may come around at certain seasons in our life, but when He come with the revelations and the blessings after we have had seasons of seeking Him, my goodness you wouldn’t want to trade it for anything, it’s priceless what He can do.

Sid:  Paint me a picture that God does when people fast, and in particular you point out in your book and don’t just fast which could be an extreme diet, but fast and pray; you put the two together.

Steven:  I’ll just give you one example, I went to do a meeting one time in the state of Pennsylvania, and I went into the meeting with three days of prayer and fasting, I dialed the food down to hardly amounts of food.  I had a few cashews and I had a few peanuts so I was definitely hungry, but I dialed the food intake down and just drank water, drank a little bit of juice, went into a meeting. And when I got to the meeting something had happened at the church that was hosting where there was a missed communication and there was a very small turn out.  I was told before I came that we would have about three hundred people in the meeting and when I got there there was only about eight people.

Sid:  Oh no.

Steven:  And so the first thing I felt like the enemy tried to discourage me with thoughts by saying “You sought the Lord, you did all this preparation for these meetings and you completely wasted your time”, and I said, “Lord I could go in and preach to these eight people or however show up as if there were 8 or 10,000.”  And by the time the meeting did start we had swollen up to the large size of 15 people and so, I just went out and ministered and had a good time.  And the Spirit began to move and after I preached a message there was some ladies in the meeting who had seen my itinerary and noticed that I was in town.  They came to the meeting and they brought a very nice African American lady with them, and she was in her mid-forties and they said, “Brother Steven, pray for our friend that she has recently become a Christian, but she feels that she’s under such a heavy darkness all the time.”  And I said, “Okay,” and so the lady stood in front of me, I begin to pray for her and I saw that she was under bondage to a former spirit of religion, and it was a very dark religion that she had come out of.  And I rebuked that and it left her and when I touched her, the Lord Jesus filled her with the Holy Spirit and she fell out on the floor.  Now this lady been a Muslim all of her life, but recently became a believer and she fell out on the floor.

Sid:  But she still had that baggage chasing her around even though she was a Christian.

Steven:  Yes, there was no question and she was born-again, her heart belonged to the Lord but she had the baggage and instantly the Lord Jesus baptized her in the Holy Spirit and she fell out on the floor, began to prophesy.  And the very next day she told us that when she fell on the floor she had a vision where the Lord Jesus walked up to her and said, “I have filled you with My Spirit, now walk in my power.”  But also when she woke up the next morning, now this lady was in her mid forties, when she woke up the next morning and went outside, she was shocked, for the first time in her life she saw that the sky was blue, she had no idea that the sky was blue Sid, she thought all of her life as a Muslim that the sky was grey.  And when she became saved…

Sid:  It’s almost scales over her eyes to see the beauty of what God’s done.

Steven:  Yes, when I returned from this trip and I was back in my local hometown I went to get a coffee, and I ran into a friend of mine who emigrated from Iran, now lives in America and I share with him the experience of this lady.  He said, “Oh yes, that’s very common in the Arab world that when a person experiences a genuine conversion and get’s filled with the Holy Spirit the former Muslims, they get saved and the grey scales come off and then their able to see everything in color the way that God intended them to.

Sid:  Tell me rattle off a few things that you’ve have seen in your own life that has happened to you because you have done a fast, or prayed and fasted.

Steven:  I had a piece of property for sale, my ministry owned this land and we tried to sell it, we put it on the market for three years and in three years only one person came and looked at it, didn’t really have an interest.  And you know it was a beautiful piece of property, even the Realtor said, she said, “Steven this is a fabulous piece of property and there’s nothing wrong with your property but it’s just that there’s no property selling right now; banks are not lending money on land, we’ve had the economic recession.” So she said, “It’s almost impossible to sell land right now.”

Sid:  Now you realize right now, that want to sell their house, their land a lot of someone’s, but go ahead.

Steven:   Sure, but for three years no body interested in it, couldn’t sell it, I actually thought I don’t even know if I could give this land away.  I said, “Lord if I tried to give it away, I don’t know if anybody would take it.”  That’s how negative the situation looked, but I said, “Lord, I’m going to seek You and I believe You can help me sell this land.”  So I pulled out all the stops and I fasted and I prayed for ten days, didn’t eat any food for ten days, drank some water, drank apple juice, some other types of juice.  And on the tenth day the Lord spoke to me and said, “I’m going to help you now sell that land.”  And so I sent out an email again saying that I’ve got a piece of property for sale.  I’ve sent out emails before, I put out brochures and I sent out one email and instantly overnight I had eight people wanting to buy the property.  It didn’t make any sense in the natural, I actually had to pray and ask God “Who do you want to buy it?”  And the person that the Lord said, “I want this person to buy it,” was a person who’d never even seen the land.  They actually never even got the original email; somebody else received the email and forwards it to that person.  They ended up buying the property at the full asking price, sight unseen.

Sid:  Let me ask you a question, yesterday we talked about you don’t encourage long fasts unless God Himself tells you to.  You said something about three days, but that’s still very intimating to people that have never fasted before, three days.  Would it do any good, here’s my question for you, “If someone fasted one meal?”

Steven: I think that the Lord would be greatly impressed with that, the Lord responds to all of our actions to seek Him.  He takes note of the slightest thing, whether it’s studying your Bible at lunch time, during work, and these extra things we do.

Sid:  The gospels grace, it’s not works!

Steven:  Your correct it’s not by works, but even as James said, “If we do have faith, there will be works to go along with that.”  Now we’re not doing works to try to earn something because Jesus already earned it for us at Calvary.  But what we’re trying to do is we are trying to back down the Adamic nature that so often tries to interfere and override our spiritual authority of who we really are.

Sid:  And you know to me one of the greatest values of fasting, is to put down the flesh so that your spirit can gain ascendency.

Steven: That is correct and now you know the perfect will of God, now your ability to learn and discern what God would wants you to do is so sharp and so clear that the rewards that come out of that are fabulous.  And so that’s why I would encourage a person whether it’s one day or three days…

Sid:  What about someone that goes to work and they’re not going to have energy?

Steven:  That’s a great question, so what you have to do is you’ve got drink a lot of juice.  If you just drink water…

Sid:  I’ll tell you what, we’re out of time right now, I want to pick up on that question on tomorrow’s broadcast.  But Mishpochah, when you see literally the nuclear power that is released in every arena of your life because you are fasting.  When you see the miracles operating, when you see the down loads of supernatural wisdom that you need in your life right now, that marriage that you’re struggling with right now; you need some wisdom from God.  When you see the gifts and callings of God that activated in your life, even some prophecies you’ve been waiting for…

Written by admin

May 22nd, 2012 at 5:11 pm

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Sid Roth welcomes Brian Lake

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Sid:  We want everyone everywhere because today is the beginning of Purim from the Book of Esther; we want everyone everywhere to romance the King; to have intimacy with God.  There is not a more important subject.  Now my guest all this week has been Brian Lake, we’ve been featuring his book “Romancing the King,” but as a result of romancing the King in Brian’s life, we found out yesterday that he has uncommon favor.  He’s given such wisdom in the business area by God; as a matter of fact I understand you don’t take a real large salary for ministry do you.

Brian:  Actually I don’t take any salary from the ministry.

Sid:  I know you don’t, and I believe that one way that God has extended His favor because you have learned the secret which is the most important secret in the Kingdom of romancing the King; God has so blessed your family.  I am very intrigued how each member of your two children and your wife, move in extraordinary gifting.  In fact you minister in churches as a family.  Tell me just briefly about your wife and your two children.

Brian:  Absolutely, well let me back up a little bit and say this that I see a lot of ministers go out you know and minister and let their family behind and I’ve seen that and that can you know wreck a family because the Father’s never home.  And I wanted to take my family with me because I wanted us to be a family together.  There is a lot of people out there CEO’s, managers and stuff that manage you know that manage hundreds of people but they can’t even manage their own home, three people, five people or whatever.  And I believe that if we take our family with us to different places they’re in that revival, they’re in that presence of God and they see God you know healing people and setting people free.  So that’s why you know 99% of the time I take my entire family with me.  I actually have three children, my youngest is four which is Melanie and she actually prays for people and we’ve seen the power of God hit people, you know they fall on the floor and begin to manifest and touched.  But my wife, Pamela she has a compassion you know for other countries, the poor, the orphans and we’ve done a lot of support with orphanages; and we’ve done that but we’ve seen a lot of healings and miracles take place through…

Sid:  Let’s just take each member of your family; let’s start with your wife, Pamela.  What is her unusual strong gifting?

Brian:  Well, again her gifting is compassion.  I mean she’ll take whether we’re at a big conference and there’s thousands of people there, she’ll take time out for that one person and begin to minister to that person.  And she has a strong anointing for people that have problems with their minds, thoughts, you know oppression and different things like that and we’ve seen a lot of testimonies through that.  Jordan, he carries the fire of God, I mean he goes into a place, the fire of God comes on him, he begins to throw the fire.

Sid:    How old is Jordan?

Brian:  Jordan will soon be fifteen years old here, and you know he’ll get up there and he’ll have words of knowledge and begin to give out words of knowledge. And sometimes in services it’s just like it hits him and it’s like a machine gun going off as far as words of knowledge and he’ll have people actually stand up during the service and just call them out and people are getting healed without him even touching them sometimes.

Sid:  Now what happens when he says “Fire” and touches someone?

Brian:  Well, many times people will just, if they need healing they’ll get healed and a lot of times though they’ll fall on the floor manifesting in the glory and the fire of God.

Sid:  Now tell me about Molly, she’s twelve I believe.

Brian:  Molly’s twelve years old and she kind of the, she has an anointing like Kathryn Kulman and she ministers a lot in healing.  She’ll have words of knowledge on healing, and she has many testimonies of people even getting healed from cancer.  And a strong anointing that’s on her life is that many times when she prays for people they’ll actually smell the fragrance of the Lord.  They’ll smell in the natural.

Sid:  One of the things we spoke about yesterday was the uncommon favor in your life and as far as I’m concerned and if it were just your family it would be enough; but in the financial arena you have really uncommon favor.  And you pray for people for anointing for financial breakthroughs; have you seen good results?

Brian:  We have and when we go to different places we’ll release the impartation for a financial blessing; even as a family we’ll release the family anointing on people.  And we have seen tremendous testimonies of people’s businesses begin to prosper; for an example one time we were in actually Guatemala and this family their business got broken into, stolen, they lost all their money.  We prayed over them for financial blessing, we got reports back that they started another business and their business began to flourish basically overnight.  We’ve even went into business’s, walked into their business here in America where there business was failing you know not very much  business, revenues was down, walk in there, begin to pray over their business and the next day it begins to flourish and begins to prosper again.  So we have testimonies like that, just God blessing people.

Sid:  I’m going to have you pray at some point this week for financial breakthroughs but it seems to me that the gifting that you have it extends to families, it extends to romancing the King.  I don’t know of a more important subject than romancing the King, do you?

Brian:  No, that is the most important thing that we can do to have that intimate relationship with the King, we have to spend time with Him, we have to live out of the secret place instead of just going into the secret place, we have to live out of that place.  Because it’s in that place, in His presence there’s everything that flourishes in His presence.  That’s, we need to go in there because the Bible says that God knows the plans that He has for us, you know for our destiny, for our purpose in life.  And a lot of people don’t know what their destiny and purpose is but they are never going to find out unless they get to know the King who knows the plan over their life.  And it’s in that place of the secret place that fellowshipping with Him, that getting to know what His desires is; and once you know His desires they become our desires.

Sid:  You had a vision of what God will be doing in America or actually in the whole world as far as pouring out spiritual and natural blessings; but in this vision you saw how people were going to lose these blessings, tell me about that.

Brian:  Right, what I’d seen was, God showed me this in a vision and what happened was, I’d seen the hand of God go out over His people and begin to pour out blessing after blessing, you know natural, spiritual anointing and just financial wealth and pour all these wonderful things out to His people.  And I’d seen in this vision the people were so excited, you know they were rejoicing and so happy that God was just giving them all this stuff.  But then after all…

Sid:  You know what you’re describing?  You’re describing the way America is now, we’ve been given all this stuff, we are the most blessed nation in the world at this point.  You know it’s almost on a double level, its individuals but you’re describing America to me.

Brian:  Absolutely, absolutely, and what I’ve seen next was, I’ve seen the hand of God go back out over the same people, but I’ve seen His hand instead of pouring out the blessing, I’ve seen His hand turn and begin to motion for those people to come to Him.  And what I’ve seen next was very disturbing to me because all those people that had the blessing, you know were happy and excited, but when He motioned for them to come, only a rare few begin to come to Him.  And that motioning to Him was a call of intimacy with Him relationship, He was saying, “Hey, I gave you all this stuff, now do you want Me?”  And only a rare few begin to come to Him, and the people that did not come to Him, their blessing begin to dry up.  And I believe that’s where we’re at now, the blessings are about to dry up and the people that actually came to Him, they’re blessing begin to flourish even more.

Sid:  So what you’re saying is even if things get very rough in the United States of America, we can walk in the most blessed time in history because things aren’t contingent on the economy, their contingent on our intimacy with God.

Brian:  Absolutely, that’s totally correct, and this is for me is probably one of the most exciting times for me and I’m not looking at the economy, it’s an important time for us right now because God is shifting the wealth to the people that know Him.  This is the time for that out pouring, I mean if people out there listening right now are close to Him and have that intimate relationship with Him, He is going to bless them more than they can every imagine.  So this is a critical time for people, this is a time that actually God spoke to me and told me.  He said, “Brian, in the next three months, which we’re coming to the end of that when He spoke to me in January here.”  This is a critical time that we need to seek Him like we’ve never sought after Him before and He’s going to reveal you know instructions to us and tell us what to do, and line things up in our life.  But it’s a critical time that we seek Him like we’ve never sought after Him before.

Sid:  Is there a period of time that you try to carve out every day to just be with God?

Brian:  Absolutely, because…

Sid:  And how much is that time?

Brian:  Well, it varies, you know for everybody I believe it may look different, it may not be the same with everybody, but for me you know I enjoy my time in the evening and early in the morning too, I enjoy that.  You know and I’ll spend you know sometimes Sid you know if I really want to get into His secret place I’ll even spend you know eight hours a day at times.  But on average you know I might spend a couple hours every morning.  In the evening I’ll spend more time and like I said, it may look different for everyone else but you know I’ll get my Bible and I’ll begin to read my Bible, I’ll listen to teaching tapes and then one of the most important things we can do is just sit and listen for His voice for Him to speak to us.

Written by admin

May 14th, 2012 at 6:36 pm