Archive for the ‘Its Supernatural’ Category
Sid Roth welcomes Brian Lake
Sid: We want everyone everywhere because today is the beginning of Purim from the Book of Esther; we want everyone everywhere to romance the King; to have intimacy with God. There is not a more important subject. Now my guest all this week has been Brian Lake, we’ve been featuring his book “Romancing the King,” but as a result of romancing the King in Brian’s life, we found out yesterday that he has uncommon favor. He’s given such wisdom in the business area by God; as a matter of fact I understand you don’t take a real large salary for ministry do you.
Brian: Actually I don’t take any salary from the ministry.
Sid: I know you don’t, and I believe that one way that God has extended His favor because you have learned the secret which is the most important secret in the Kingdom of romancing the King; God has so blessed your family. I am very intrigued how each member of your two children and your wife, move in extraordinary gifting. In fact you minister in churches as a family. Tell me just briefly about your wife and your two children.
Brian: Absolutely, well let me back up a little bit and say this that I see a lot of ministers go out you know and minister and let their family behind and I’ve seen that and that can you know wreck a family because the Father’s never home. And I wanted to take my family with me because I wanted us to be a family together. There is a lot of people out there CEO’s, managers and stuff that manage you know that manage hundreds of people but they can’t even manage their own home, three people, five people or whatever. And I believe that if we take our family with us to different places they’re in that revival, they’re in that presence of God and they see God you know healing people and setting people free. So that’s why you know 99% of the time I take my entire family with me. I actually have three children, my youngest is four which is Melanie and she actually prays for people and we’ve seen the power of God hit people, you know they fall on the floor and begin to manifest and touched. But my wife, Pamela she has a compassion you know for other countries, the poor, the orphans and we’ve done a lot of support with orphanages; and we’ve done that but we’ve seen a lot of healings and miracles take place through…
Sid: Let’s just take each member of your family; let’s start with your wife, Pamela. What is her unusual strong gifting?
Brian: Well, again her gifting is compassion. I mean she’ll take whether we’re at a big conference and there’s thousands of people there, she’ll take time out for that one person and begin to minister to that person. And she has a strong anointing for people that have problems with their minds, thoughts, you know oppression and different things like that and we’ve seen a lot of testimonies through that. Jordan, he carries the fire of God, I mean he goes into a place, the fire of God comes on him, he begins to throw the fire.
Sid: How old is Jordan?
Brian: Jordan will soon be fifteen years old here, and you know he’ll get up there and he’ll have words of knowledge and begin to give out words of knowledge. And sometimes in services it’s just like it hits him and it’s like a machine gun going off as far as words of knowledge and he’ll have people actually stand up during the service and just call them out and people are getting healed without him even touching them sometimes.
Sid: Now what happens when he says “Fire” and touches someone?
Brian: Well, many times people will just, if they need healing they’ll get healed and a lot of times though they’ll fall on the floor manifesting in the glory and the fire of God.
Sid: Now tell me about Molly, she’s twelve I believe.
Brian: Molly’s twelve years old and she kind of the, she has an anointing like Kathryn Kulman and she ministers a lot in healing. She’ll have words of knowledge on healing, and she has many testimonies of people even getting healed from cancer. And a strong anointing that’s on her life is that many times when she prays for people they’ll actually smell the fragrance of the Lord. They’ll smell in the natural.
Sid: One of the things we spoke about yesterday was the uncommon favor in your life and as far as I’m concerned and if it were just your family it would be enough; but in the financial arena you have really uncommon favor. And you pray for people for anointing for financial breakthroughs; have you seen good results?
Brian: We have and when we go to different places we’ll release the impartation for a financial blessing; even as a family we’ll release the family anointing on people. And we have seen tremendous testimonies of people’s businesses begin to prosper; for an example one time we were in actually Guatemala and this family their business got broken into, stolen, they lost all their money. We prayed over them for financial blessing, we got reports back that they started another business and their business began to flourish basically overnight. We’ve even went into business’s, walked into their business here in America where there business was failing you know not very much business, revenues was down, walk in there, begin to pray over their business and the next day it begins to flourish and begins to prosper again. So we have testimonies like that, just God blessing people.
Sid: I’m going to have you pray at some point this week for financial breakthroughs but it seems to me that the gifting that you have it extends to families, it extends to romancing the King. I don’t know of a more important subject than romancing the King, do you?
Brian: No, that is the most important thing that we can do to have that intimate relationship with the King, we have to spend time with Him, we have to live out of the secret place instead of just going into the secret place, we have to live out of that place. Because it’s in that place, in His presence there’s everything that flourishes in His presence. That’s, we need to go in there because the Bible says that God knows the plans that He has for us, you know for our destiny, for our purpose in life. And a lot of people don’t know what their destiny and purpose is but they are never going to find out unless they get to know the King who knows the plan over their life. And it’s in that place of the secret place that fellowshipping with Him, that getting to know what His desires is; and once you know His desires they become our desires.
Sid: You had a vision of what God will be doing in America or actually in the whole world as far as pouring out spiritual and natural blessings; but in this vision you saw how people were going to lose these blessings, tell me about that.
Brian: Right, what I’d seen was, God showed me this in a vision and what happened was, I’d seen the hand of God go out over His people and begin to pour out blessing after blessing, you know natural, spiritual anointing and just financial wealth and pour all these wonderful things out to His people. And I’d seen in this vision the people were so excited, you know they were rejoicing and so happy that God was just giving them all this stuff. But then after all…
Sid: You know what you’re describing? You’re describing the way America is now, we’ve been given all this stuff, we are the most blessed nation in the world at this point. You know it’s almost on a double level, its individuals but you’re describing America to me.
Brian: Absolutely, absolutely, and what I’ve seen next was, I’ve seen the hand of God go back out over the same people, but I’ve seen His hand instead of pouring out the blessing, I’ve seen His hand turn and begin to motion for those people to come to Him. And what I’ve seen next was very disturbing to me because all those people that had the blessing, you know were happy and excited, but when He motioned for them to come, only a rare few begin to come to Him. And that motioning to Him was a call of intimacy with Him relationship, He was saying, “Hey, I gave you all this stuff, now do you want Me?” And only a rare few begin to come to Him, and the people that did not come to Him, their blessing begin to dry up. And I believe that’s where we’re at now, the blessings are about to dry up and the people that actually came to Him, they’re blessing begin to flourish even more.
Sid: So what you’re saying is even if things get very rough in the United States of America, we can walk in the most blessed time in history because things aren’t contingent on the economy, their contingent on our intimacy with God.
Brian: Absolutely, that’s totally correct, and this is for me is probably one of the most exciting times for me and I’m not looking at the economy, it’s an important time for us right now because God is shifting the wealth to the people that know Him. This is the time for that out pouring, I mean if people out there listening right now are close to Him and have that intimate relationship with Him, He is going to bless them more than they can every imagine. So this is a critical time for people, this is a time that actually God spoke to me and told me. He said, “Brian, in the next three months, which we’re coming to the end of that when He spoke to me in January here.” This is a critical time that we need to seek Him like we’ve never sought after Him before and He’s going to reveal you know instructions to us and tell us what to do, and line things up in our life. But it’s a critical time that we seek Him like we’ve never sought after Him before.
Sid: Is there a period of time that you try to carve out every day to just be with God?
Brian: Absolutely, because…
Sid: And how much is that time?
Brian: Well, it varies, you know for everybody I believe it may look different, it may not be the same with everybody, but for me you know I enjoy my time in the evening and early in the morning too, I enjoy that. You know and I’ll spend you know sometimes Sid you know if I really want to get into His secret place I’ll even spend you know eight hours a day at times. But on average you know I might spend a couple hours every morning. In the evening I’ll spend more time and like I said, it may look different for everyone else but you know I’ll get my Bible and I’ll begin to read my Bible, I’ll listen to teaching tapes and then one of the most important things we can do is just sit and listen for His voice for Him to speak to us.
Our Guest Andre Ashby
Sid: I can almost see God molding this one new man, it’s not a Jewish person, it’s not a Gentile person it’s the full body of Yeshua. It’s been a long time coming but one of the ways the One New Man is going to be molded by God is through the forerunners, the Levites, the worshipers. It’s because the battle is won in the Spirit, it’s not won with man’s might, it’s won in the Spirit of God. And I have a true worshipper of God on the telephone, his name is Andre Ashby. And Andre I’m reminded of the scripture it says, to him who is forgiven much, they love much.
Andre: Yes.
Sid: You had everything stacked against you, not just something, you had everything stacked. How in the world did you survive?
Andre: The only way I survived is Jesus basically became my best friend.
Sid: Well, for the people that don’t understand, let’s go back, you were actually born from a rape; your Mom didn’t want you and you lived with your Great Uncle and Aunt how was that?
Andre: That was difficult, they were alcoholics and I would wake up seeing my, and I would wake up seeing my Momma, my Auntie laying in a puddle of urine because she couldn’t make it to the bathroom because she was so inebriated. So it was difficult, they fought all the time and guns and knives, it was crazy.
Sid: Did you have other brothers and sisters or half brother and sisters and did you at least have good family relation with them?
Andre: I only really grew up with my half sister because my great uncle who took me in was my great grandmother’s brother who took in my half sister. So I grew up knowing her, but the rest of my family I wasn’t very close to at all.
Sid: But then, I guess because of their very very dysfunctional behavior both being alcoholics you went to live with your great grandmother who was in her ‘80s, now how does someone in her eighties manage a young kid like you?
Andre: Well, actually she didn’t, actually I kind of raised myself. I went to live with her because my uncle and auntie, they died seven months apart. So I went to live with her because she was the only person that would take me in you know. So from the age of eleven I kind of raised myself, so yeah, it was very difficult for an eighty year old to take care of a little kid.
Sid: So, at about four years of age you had a dream that is the only reason I believe I’m taking to a sane human being right now.
Andre: Yeah, I actually starting about four years old I had the same dream repeatedly over and over and over again. And it was, me in a room in a room standing before a window and me talking to the Lord and him telling me that He would never leave me, he would never forsake me and he’d be with me you know forever.
Sid: Just out of curiosity, were you taken to the church all the time, I mean where did this dream come from?
Andre: No, no one talked to me about church, no one talked to me about God, it was God I guess Himself, introducing himself to me. It’s really interesting because when I was born the lady who was the birthing nurse knew my mother; she lived in the same area with her. And she also lived around where my great-grandmother lived because they all lived in the same area. So when I went to go visit my great grandmother while I was living with my uncle and aunt I would see Mrs. Great, that was her name. And she would tell me, she would say, “Tyrone, that’s what they called me, that’s my middle name, she said, “When I touched you the Lord spoke to me and she said, “He told me that you are a sovereign vessel and He’s going to use you.” So It was God Himself who pursued me, I never had anyone other than Mrs. Great that would say that to me, no one as a little kid talked to me about God. It’s just that I always had an awareness of Him. And I…
Sid: Well, you referred to God as your Best Friend; did you back then as a child?
Andre: Yeah, He was my best friend, you know the scripture, you know that talks about when your Mother and Father put you out, He will take you in. I have to say, I’ve lived that and He’s proven Himself to be a Father and a Mother and a Brother and Sister. His testimony about me is basically against what the world says I should be and actually that’s a relation I began to understand from Revelation 19:10 where it talked about the Spirit of Prophesy is a testimony of Jesus. I know that Bill Johnson, he says that “When a person gives a testimony as a prophetic window about a healing to take place again.” But the Lord spoke to me and he said, “Andre that’s true but it’s more than that” He said, “When the spirit of prophecy comes the testimony of Jesus, it’s my testimony about you that’s in direct contradiction to about what the world says.” So when the world says that I should have been a drug addict, a sexual aholic, or anything the Lord says “No I put my hand on you and this is who I’ve called you to be.”
Sid: Now, I find it interesting you joined the Seventh Day Adventist Church and you started singing there in their choir. When did you find out that you had a gift of singing?
Andre: Probably about five-six years old. I always loved to sing, it was always a joy for me to sing.
Sid: But at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, one of their deficiencies, they have a lot of assets, but one of their deficiencies is they don’t understand the ways of the Spirit and when you would sing solos people would literally feel electricity so they said, “So since God doesn’t do these things it must be the devil.”
Andre: Ha-ha, yeah and that was really confusing to me. Because like I said, “I always loved the Lord and I’ve never walked away from Him.” Of course I’ve done things I wished I hadn’t, but I’ve never walked away from Him. And when people would come up to me and say “Andre or Tyrone when you were singing the devil tried to get me.” And I was like “The devil tried to get you?” And I would go to the Lord and I would say “Why are you letting the devil get people when I’m singing?” And they would say, “Well, it’s like electricity went from the top of my head to the sole of my feet.” And I was like, I didn’t know that was the Holy Spirit, I mean I didn’t know what was going on, all I knew was that I loved Jesus an when I sang, I felt close to Him.
Sid: Well, I’ll tell you something else that it’s amazing that you didn’t have the ability to write songs until a prophetic word came on you and one of the songs you wrote is called. And we’re featuring this week your CD called “Before the Throne,” is the song I would like to play a selection from is “Changed by Your Love,” tell me about that song.
Andre: Actually it was a song I wrote with a friend of mine, Scott Brenner and it’s basically talking about how the love of God changes you. And if we can, the things that I’ve come to realize is if we can get an understanding of the love of God, if we can get an understanding of His passion for us no matter what we walk through in our life it changes us into His image. So when we understand His love, we become like Him.
Sid: I’m feeling a presence of God’s Spirit right now, how about you, Andre?
Andre: Yeah, me too, I really feel His presence.
Sid: Somehow God wants this message that He doesn’t just love Andre, he doesn’t just love Sid, He’s got enough love to go around for everyone. Let’s hear, “Changed By Your Love.”
Excerpt of “Changed By Your Love.”
Sid: Andre I know that many people have said to you that you carry the presence of God, but you really do. Why do you carry so much presence of God? How come?
Andre: Well you know, I think part of it is God’s sovereign choice and the other part is yielding yourself to His Spirit and allowing Him to be who He wants to be through you.
Sid: What is your passion for people that hear your music, what’s your passion from them?
Andre: That they would fall more in love with Jesus that they would be healed emotionally, that God would touch the deepest recesses of their heart. That they would know that there is a God who loves them, who is so passionately in love with them that He gave the best of heaven so that they would be redeemed to Him.
Sid Roth: I mean, I think that that’s the biggest lie of the devil keeping that fact out of the consciousness of believers. I mean we fall into that natural realm rather than recognizing what’s going on in the supernatural realm, how much God loves us, how special we are and how He has a destiny in our life. In fact that’s something else that I hear about your music, that literally people will push into their destiny as they worship God listening to your music.
Sid Roth welcomes Surprise Sithole
SID: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. And I have to tell you I have been so looking forward to this interview. My guest is Surprise Sithole, and Surprise, how did you get the name “Surprise”?
SURPRISE: I got the name because of this spot here on my side (points to head).
SID: I see it.
SURPRISE: Yes, when I was born, they were not expecting to have somebody with gray hair coming out.
SID: That’s unusual in Africa.
SURPRISE: Yes. Yes, yes. So when I was coming they say “Oh! It’s a Surprise.”
SID: I see. Now when you were six months old, a dog ripped your eye out. Tell us about that.
SURPRISE: Yes. That’s why you see this scar here. You can see the scar. When I was six months, old a dog was eating the food and then I was just approaching, crawling to the dog food, and the dog ripped, bite me here and the eye fall out.
SID: Completely out of your body?
SURPRISE: Completely out. So my mother with a piece of cloth run and get the eye and put it back, and tied it here, and it stayed there for two weeks. And after the two weeks they opened and my eyes were fine.
SID: Now you were born in Mozambique?
SURPRISE: I was born in Mozambique, yes.
SID: You have to understand, Surprise came from more generations of witch doctors than he can remember. But when you were young man, you heard a voice. Tell me about that.
SURPRISE: Yes. When I was a young man, I heard a voice. We were sleeping in a small mud hut, and the voice was so loud. “Surprise, Surprise, wake up! Move out from your village. Surprise, Surprise, wake up. Move from your village.” Well when I woke up my father and my mother, they were sleeping. I woke up. “Who is this one that is speaking?” “Move from your village. If you don’t move, you die. Move from your village. If you don’t move you die.” I woke up. I went to the house of my friend, Garfar, that night. And I told Garfar what had happened to me. I said, “I’m going away from the village.” Garfar said to me, “I will go with you wherever you go.” Okay, so we took off. It was a very small trail in the jungle; forest is where we were living, a lot of mosquitoes, a lot of malaria bugs, and all kinds of that stuff. So we started walking on a small trail. We got lost. We stayed in the jungle for two weeks. Later on, we are there at the bottom of Malawi in a village called Villanova. So when we appeared there, there was a man that he had a dream. His name, this man is Lucas. This man had a dream. “Go to one of the trees, acacia tree. Go to that acacia tree. You will see two boys coming from the jungle. Get them into your house.” And then this man, the following day after his dream, he went to that tree. And while he was on that tree, we were coming near, me and my friend, Garfar. And then he said to us, “I was just here to wait for you. Let’s go to my house.”
SID: I mean this is pretty supernatural! He hears a voice. He leaves his home. A man meets him. Did this man know Jesus?
SURPRISE: Yes, he was a Christian.
SID: He led you to know Jesus.
SURPRISE: The following day, yes.
SID: And what he found out is if he had not been obedient and left his house, what happened to everyone in your house?
SURPRISE: This is what happened. The following day, we gave our life to Jesus before that man, Mr. Lucas. And then because we were two weeks in the jungle; now later on the fisherman was just going to Malawi to sell the fish, and he said, in the village, such and such family they all died. How they died, the village people took a bile of crocodile. The bile of crocodile is very poisonous. They put it into the maze meal. They mixed it with the bile of crocodile. They take the food to give to my family.
SID: So your family was all poisoned.
SURPRISE: Yes, they were.
SID: If you had lived there, you would have been poisoned.
SURPRISE: I like to eat, so…
SID: So get this. A voice tells him to leave. What did you…? Coming from all those generations of witch doctors, had anyone told you about Jesus before this?
SURPRISE: Before then, we didn’t know anything about Jesus, no.
SID: Are you the first one in your family?
SURPRISE: I’m first generation, yes, believer.
SID: Okay. You told me that you had a dream or almost a vision just before you received Jesus. Tell me about that.
SURPRISE: The dream was a vision. When Mr. Lucas was telling us about the Creation, he was explaining the Creation said the Creation, so, so, so. And then he started talking a little bit about the plan of God. So suddenly, I saw my eyes was just like changing, not in there any more. So I was seeing I was in the ledge. And this was the Hell. And then I’m ready to go into it. So then I started crying and shaking. And Mr. Lucas said, “No, as long as you breathe you have a chance.”
SID: How did you even know about Hell?
SURPRISE: Oh, well he was talking, while he was talking the plan of God.
SID: What did see with your eyes?
SURPRISE: What I really saw in my eyes, I was standing like in this place. It was on the ledge and this is very deep, steep, something and the smoke is coming out, and the flames of fires coming out, and then I was ready my life to go into it. So then I started shaking.
SID: So you were like being pushed over a ledge.
SID: Did you feel like it was real? Was it like flames of fire?
SURPRISE: Well I felt that I was shaking and crying tear down.
SID: Now today, Surprise, remember how he got his name; he was a big surprise. Africans in Malawi, in Mozambique, they don’t have gray hair when they’re born like that. And he has prayed for eight people that were dead that have come back to life. His associates have prayed for over a hundred. And I understand they don’t even count someone that they were dead and they came back to life unless they were dead for a while. Tell me what they look for to count someone as dead.
SURPRISE: At least a day.
SID: At least a day they have to be dead.
SURPRISE: At least a day because some people just had a heart attack, fainting.
SID: Okay. I want to find out the first time he prayed for a dead person that came back to life. Don’t go away. We’ll be back.
Sid Roth welcomes Matt Sorger
Sid: And you know earlier this week Matt Sorger had an experience in England in which literally a fiery burning angel came into the meeting, you got to tell me about that Matt.
Matt: Yeah, Sid we were having a morning meeting that day and later a night meeting. It was in the morning service I was standing in worship and the spot next to me on my left side was empty there was no one sitting there. Suddenly during the worship time I felt a burning heat coming from my left side and I thought to myself at first there is a pillar of fire standing next to me in the room. And I put my hand out to the left and as my hand went into the air the air was burning hot, it was a different temperature than the other air; then I pulled my hand out and it got cold, put my hand in it got hot again. And then the Holy Spirit spoke to me, He said, “I’ve sent a seraphim fiery angel into the meeting today.” So then God moved powerfully during that service. But then later that night we were coming back to the church; I was in the restaurant with the Pastor and few other people before the service started and my body started getting hot again and I took my jacket off and I just was feeling this tremendous heat. When we walked into the church I stood up to preach and when I went to open up my mouth God literally struck me mute. He would not let me talk and I’m standing there in front of a crowd packed out church full of people and I go to talk you know and they’re waiting for me to say something but no words are coming out. I totally lose the ability to speak and lasted for about two hours. As I stood there on the platform behind the pulpit that seraphim angel came into the meeting and the fire of God started to feel the atmosphere. The physical temperature got so dramatically hot, people started taking off their extra layers of clothes, they started opening up the doors the windows. And for two hours the tangible fire of God moved through that church. People were set free, they were purged, they were delivered. It was a visitation of the fire of God.
Sid: Is that sort of encounter going to be happening more and more because we’re really in the last of the last days right now. What is God showing you that will be happening on planet earth as far as the supernatural?
Matt: Well, you know God has a vision and His vision is of the whole earth will be covered with knowledge of the Glory of God. And I believe as time accelerates, as we get closer to the end there is an acceleration happening; you see it all around. You see it even in what’s happening in nature and I think you know that it’s good to mention you know we see a lot of earthquakes, we see a lot of lot of tornadoes; we see these crazy tumultuous things happening within nature itself. It’s a sign that it’s accelerating to the point of Christ return because all of nature is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God. And when we talk about the sons of God were talking about the church. And you know when you study that in the Greek son of God means, mature son; so when we talk about the earth being covered with the Glory were talking about God raising up in the last days as time is accelerating right now. God is raising up mature sons, mature daughters who will know how to walk in the Spirit; how to be lead by the Spirit; how to walk in the Glory; how to live in the Glory; how to release the Glory and how to see how God’s presence and power literally be released over nations; over regions; over whole aspects of society. And I believe that these days of acceleration we’re going to see an acceleration of His Glory an acceleration of people really being lead by the Holy Spirit; walking in the power of the Spirit because these are the mature sons.
Sid: Now you told me that we’re coming into, for lack of a better words a choice of people are going to have to choose to get rid of the giants in their life or fall to these giants. I mean there’s no in between and especially with there’s going to be a transition of spiritual leaders. What did God show you?
Matt: Yeah, we are in a very I want to say crucial time right now, crucial time, almost life and death in some situations. There are right I believe right now leaders, spiritual leaders, people in the body; we are at a point of facing our giants. Every person will have some sort of giant in their life; it could be some area of their personality that they are dealing with; an area of their flesh; it could be a trial, a temptation and an issue; a character issue. It could be any number of things but the Lord is calling us right now to face our giants head on. If we will face our giants head on like David confronted Goliath there will be, for those who will make the choice confront their giants, deal with their giants and by God’s power see those things taken down in their life. After David defeated the giant the crown of authority of kingship was brought to David. His choice to confront the giant literally drew the crown of promotion into his life and brought him to his next level of fulfillment of His destiny. So as people right now make the choice to face their giants, deal with their issues; deal with their issues in private with the Lord, there will be a promotion and an increase drawn to them in their life. But for those who choose not to deal with their giants there will be consequences for that.
Sid: Now one of the things that you shared earlier this week is you had a private visitation just before Oral Roberts promotion to heaven in which he taught you about love and laid hands for a special impartation. Tell me an example of what’s been happening in your life. For instance the woman in Wales that was so skeptical how did love affect that healing?
Matt: Yes, you know Sid, we’ve seen love be the key, the key for the real genuine power of God, this woman, you know we were in a meeting and the altar was filled with people, we were praying for the sick and the Lord showed me this woman sitting way back in her chair. And he told me to go pray for her. And I said, “Lord, I said if she needed prayer she would up here at the altar, I don’t think she wants prayer, she is sitting down.” And God said, “Go pray for her.” So I left the altar and I walked back to where she was sitting and I looked down at her and I said, “Can I pray for you?” And she looked up at me and she said, “No! I don’t want you to pray for me and she was angry and mean and bitter and just had a lot of stuff going on.” And I looked up at God and I said, “God, I told you she didn’t want prayer.” And the Lord just again spoke to me, “Pray for her.” So as I looked at her again and I said, “Can I pray for you?” She began to tell me all of the sickness that was in her body and she kept going on and on and on. And she said, “I’ve had every person pray for me, I’ve gone to the doctors, I even had this part of my organ taken out of my body and I still have all the pain, I still have all the sickness that the doctors can’t help me, God won’t heal me.” And she was just in a very depressed, very dark place, so I just closed my eyes and I started praying in the Spirit because I had to get out of the natural, if I let myself get caught in where this woman was, it would hinder me from being able to pray for her. So I closed my eyes, started praying in the Spirit, as I was praying I the Spirit suddenly in my heart I started to feel this love rise up in me. I didn’t care if this woman was telling me off, if she wanted to slap me, all’s I could feel and I literally felt it was God’s love for her. His heart, His overwhelming love for this woman and the power of God was released on her. I mean she stood there with her eyes open; she wouldn’t even bow her head to pray. But you what God loved her so much and he saw through all of the issues of her life, he saw the hurt in her heart and the pain in her heart and you know what? His love overcame it all, and suddenly this power of God came upon her and that woman was totally healed. And not only was she healed, but she started laughing, she started laughing and crying and she said to me, “All the pain is gone,” she said, “But not only is the pain gone I could feel the presence of God again and I haven’t felt Him in five years, I felt so dead I’ve haven’t felt alive, I haven’t felt God in five years and I feel His presence throughout all of my being right now.” So the Lord, not only healed her but He revived her, stored her and it flowed out of God’s love.
Sid: …Matt, very briefly the anointing is so strong I’m tell you in the Name of Jesus oppression is leaving people, you must leave you spirit of oppression right now. Matt pray for healing, for miracles right now.
Matt: Thank you Lord; Father, I thank you right now that you’re anointing is going over the airwaves your tangible presence, we take authority over sickness, we take authority over oppression, over depression, Lord over every form of sickness and disease and infirmity and we say in the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed, be loosed from your infirmity, be loosed from that depression, be loosed into God’s healing and wholeness and freedom, in Jesus Name. We declare it over you now. Thank you Lord.
Sid: There are people; it’s especially a spirit of oppression Matt. And we agree two or more agree touching anyone thing and in Jesus Name we agree that back has just been healed and that neck has just been healed. But we agree in Jesus Name you spirit of oppression you must get off of people right now.
Sid Roth welcomes Chuck Pierce
Sid: Now, my guest, Chuck Pierce had a revelation from God when he was eighteen, which has affected his entire life. Based on these revelations he was able to break off years maybe centuries of vexation on his family and curses on his family; and came into all this revelation. But on yesterday’s broadcast I said, “I was going to tell everyone something that will astound them; you revealed that God showed you that by 2016 China will dominate the economy and not just in the United States, but even worldwide.” And I said to you “How could that be Chuck? China is not particularly a friend of Israel and you said to me.
Chuck: They will be one of the greatest nations that see the investment of Israel for a season. Starting in 20 by 2016 through 2026 they will see that Israel teaches them how to prosper in days ahead.
Sid: Well, you know there are many people that are one issue people in elections. Some people, there one issue is their pocketbook, other people there one issue is moral issues such as homosexuality, or abortion and rightfully so I might say. But I’m becoming more and more aware that if someone is a one issue voter that one issue must be does that one woman have a grasp of the blessings of God or the curses of God as a result of being a friend of Israel?
Chuck: Sid, look how Germany has made recovery, look how they moved forward because they too have recognized and come into a measure of reconciliation with Israel. I’m going to tell you you’re going have to tell you’re going to have to look and say how do we align? If not, see what’s happening now it’s going to be the Middle East, it use to be Israel in the Middle East, now it’s going to be the Middle East against Israel and you’re going to have to determine which group you’re running with. Now that’s just how simple it is, and you’re going to have to look at nations and how there aligning around Israel because the book of Ephesians says, all nations will reconcile around Israel.
Sid: What do you see Chuck if I might be bold enough to ask you, for the next five years in the United States of America?
Chuck: Well, I see a… it’s almost like a tug-a-war. I see a pulling apart, but this isn’t like what we’ve seen in the past. I see a state by state by state people trying, leaders trying to determine how will they profit, the issue will become profit ability, but you can only profit, come into a true profit, profit ability through your understanding of covenants. So you’re going to see state by state by state determining how they’re going align in trade agreements in days ahead and that’s going to affect everyone in their entire state.
Sid: So, if I’m hearing you right, what you’re saying is it’s not an issue of the United States of America, it’s an issue even of individual states as to whether they’re going to align covenantally with God by being a blessing to Israel or not align covenantally with God.
Chuck: See Sid that goes back to your initial statement, but if a curse was neutralized from civil war era back to slavery then why are seeing this pulling apart? Well, we’re now going to hit the real root and what you’re going to find out now in your particular territory is how is the church first of all in that territory aligning with God’s covenant plan with Israel. And some of you are going to be very surprised that some of the denominations that were evangelical in the last season really weren’t pro Israel and then you’re going to see how the economy and the government is aligning with Israel. And what it’s going to do is it’s going to start pulling a nation apart again. So that in the nutshell is what; it’s almost like pause and think about it, we are coming into the greatest tug-a-war our nation has known since probably the civil war. And this time it’s over a nation called Israel, but it’s really about the God of Israel.
Sid: And in the midst of this tugging as you put it, is it possible for individual Christians to be blessed, in the midst of this chaos?
Chuck: Listen, I am telling you the favor of God’s going to come down on God’s people, the favor of God’s going to rest on us, the favor of God. We’ll have favor with the world; Jesus grew in stature with God and man for a season. We are coming into a place of new types of favor, but in the midst of it and we’re going to come into a new supernatural awareness. That’s another reason I wrote this book, “A Time to Defeat the Devil,” we are unaware of the supernatural activity ahead in the next five years. So to specifically answer your question, the next five years are, we enter into a supernatural dimension where evil expression will seen and heard as well as a super abundant grace will be displayed in the earth, a miracle working grace.
Sid: But, you know what, it’s time for believer’s to break off the shackles of their vexation, of their curses, and that’s what you teach in this book and move into the power of Passover. I mean there are amazing things you talk about the power of the Passover Blood.
Chuck: Well, see the thing about it is we have to understand His blood is supernatural, and the way we express it; and now here’s the thing, now God gave me this book Sid. He showed me righteous Lot’s spirit got vexed by being in a Sodom and Gomorrah. And remember Abraham went to war and he went into intercession, but he couldn’t change the atmosphere of Sodom and Gomorrah. And so in the midst of it what I saw was as times change, our spirit man can become vexed again, it doesn’t mean we’re not a righteous people; it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a way of escape for us. What it means is we can become vexed so that our surroundings are controlling us. So in this book I talk about how to get your spirit free, very few books ever talk about how to get your spirit free; they talk about how to restore your soul but not renew your spirit. This book is about spirit renewal because we are coming into a season of the spirit realm; both dark and the Holy Spirit manifesting in God’s people again.
Sid: I believe that and this is why and you know a lot of people don’t understand why I emphasis the supernatural so much, because I don’t see how a man or a woman can fulfill their destiny unless they move in the supernatural of God. And if they don’t move in the supernatural of God we even know from scriptures they’re going to move in a counterfeit; much easier to move in a counterfeit if you’ve never seen the real thing.
Chuck: Well, it’s called Sid, we forget the anti-Christ Spirit goal is to rule the pulpit, and I’m going to tell you what, we’ll get into this religious thing, but we’ll never come into the power of being the sons and daughters God’s made us to be. And He’s saying I want your spirit liberated, I want your spirit vibrant, I want your spirit renewed so that Holy Spirit can manifest in you and you can do the greater works than what I did.
Sid: What is your desire for people that read your new book “Time to Defeat the Devil?”
Chuck: To know the Glory of God and why would I say that? Because I don’t just go to war with the devil, I mean I think we live in a world that is decaying and you can start looking for all the devils and their everywhere. What I want people to understand is the Glory of God. I feel like David understood the Glory of God therefore he knew when the Glory of God left or when it ebbed from him. I want you as you read this book to renew your spirit so that the Glory of God is so vibrant in your spirit where you sense His presence. Therefore when the enemy enters into your domain you can say, “Be gone in the name of Jesus.”
Sid: Well, were coming into those times, were coming to such a…as a matter of fact I’ve been feeling the Glory of God just as I said that I found that someone was just healed someone with a pain in their neck has just been healed in Jesus Name. Someone with a pain in their back has just been healed in Jesus Name, someone with a pain in their arm; pains are gone now in Jesus Name; that’s that Passover blood. But you need this revelation; there are few prophets that have end time revelation, like Chuck Pierce.