It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Perry Stone

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So God waits, it’s almost like. Let me say it to you this way, uh, this, this is good. I think Sid will appreciate this. It’s like the teaching of “The Rapture.” And one of the arguments I get about the Rapture teaching is, is people will say “Well, I’ve read the whole Old Testament and it’s not there.” Let me tell you something. Everything that’s doctrinally sound in prophecy is always found in the Torah. I wish I had time to show you all this. It’s always found. Now you know where, you know where the Rapture is? It’s Exodus, chapter 19. Go read it. It says that, it says that there was a thunder on the mountain, lightening on the mountain, the mountain was shaking.

You ready? And there was the voice of a trumpet, the “Tekiah hagadola” the voice of a trumpet sounding loud and long. Now when the Lord comes He comes with the voice of a “trump.” And here’s what, here’s what it says. Ready?” And the Lord came down and Moses went up.” That’s what it says! “The Lord came down and Moses went up.” The Lord shall descend and we shall be caught up. Exodus 19 is the picture of the Rapture. Just read it. There’s 8 parallels there. They’re all found in the New Testament. So let me just say that up front. But, uh, sometimes people will come to me and they’ll, they’ll say “Uh, you know you don’t see a lot of anything about the Rapture in the Old Testament.” And I say let me just explain it to you this way. And I want you to follow me. In what we call was the First Covenant, which was the Old Testament prophets, in that First Covenant they knew that a Messiah was coming. It was predicted. They knew He was coming as a King. Okay? Zechariah calls Him the King.

The King shall rule, the King shall reign. So that we can establish that they already knew Messiah was coming but He was going to be a King. That’s why when Jesus showed up they were looking for a King. Because that’s what the prophet said. But here’s what I’m going to show you something about what we call the “Rapture Teaching.” You’ll love this. I told this to Grant Jeffrey about two years before he died and Grant said “I’m going to put that in the book.” But he never got a chance to. He went to be with the Lord. But Grant said “I’ve never heard that!” He said, “That’s amazing.” I said “Is it in the Bible?” He said “It’s right there!”

Now watch carefully. Exodus 19 is a picture of the Rapture. The Lord coming down, Moses going up. But according to the Bible that happened in the area of Sinai. Now you know Sinai is a peninsula. Mount Horeb is a mountain range in, in the midst of that. So when you talk about Sinai it’s, it’s not just one mountain, it’s an area of mountains. Okay? So he’s in Sinai getting the revelation. Now watch what happens. The first church without a doubt, read Acts chapter 2, is all Jewish. Read the 5000 converted, all Jewish.

There’s not a Gentile in the bunch. So why does God wait for two things? Why does God wait to put the Gentiles in in Acts 10 and He didn’t do it earlier? Number two: Why does God not give a Rapture revelation until He gives it to Paul? You all want to know the answer?

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June 9th, 2023 at 2:57 am