It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest John Mellor

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JOHN: I’ll say it again! The absence of the supernatural evidence of healing and miracles is abnormal! But what happens is that some people are so used to the abnormal that the abnormal becomes their normal! [Laughs]

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

JOHN: And then they’re making doctrines about it! Oh, well the miracles ended with the disciples. They make doctrines to make up for their abnormality! But friends, I want to tell you it’s normal for miracles!


JOHN: It’s normal for believers to lay hands on the sick! And how it isn’t just to see me you know me pray or whatever. God wants to use you! God uses believers! That’s good news isn’t it?


JOHN: You think about it! It’s not about what you feel. Your education. It’s based on your making a decision. “Jesus, here I am!” Just reach out and God can use you! But you know today I won’t speak for long because there’s people that have come. You’ve got pain. You’ve got sickness. And you know that man last week. You know we were in Michigan. That man had 600 pounds hit him. For 5 years he struggled in a walker. He was in chronic pain. His legs were numb. No feeling. Medication. And all I did was this. I just laid hands. I just said: “In the name of Jesus! [Laughs] “There is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved!”

AUDIENCE: [Shouting and clapping]

JOHN: “Or delivered or set free but the name of Jesus!” And when I prayed the power of God flowed through him! He laid there and he got up. He ran out through the door!

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

JOHN: I said: “Watch out for the bears!”

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

JOHN: And then his brother-in-law. His brother-in-law was the next one I prayed for. Keep in mind it’s a healing seminar. His brother-in-law struggled to walk. He was an Iraq veteran. In 2007 this explosive device blew up his truck and damaged his spine. And so for 11 years a caved-in spine. Chronic pain. He was an invalid. A young man. Invalid. And he struggled to walk. The pain was so horrific. He was on so many pain killers. He showed me. He showed us a photo of about 20 or 30 different medications to try and even the edge off the pain. And his legs were numb. The nerves were so damaged. So after his brother-in-law got healed, I called him up. I said: “In the name of Jesus!” Come on! “In the name of Jesus!”

AUDIENCE: In the name of Jesus!

JOHN: The power of God flowed through him! He fell on the floor! He got up and he ran out too!

AUDIENCE: Whooo! [Clapping]

JOHN: And you know what? But you see this is normal! This is not any strange thing! This is from Genesis to Revelation. This is normal Christianity!


JOHN: But right now I want to pray for some people. And you know when I was talking about that horrific pain, there’s some people here today, man, even pain killers can’t bring full relief. If right now you’re experiencing really, really bad pain right now from your body, put your hand up. You need a miracle! You need a miracle in your body! Can I just pray for that lady? Can I pray for you? This lady behind her. Come out this lady with the beads on. Yeah. Come out here. Just come out here. And see all I do is what the Bible teaches. I believe in Jesus. I’m a believer! Hey, God bless you! What’s your name?

WOMAN #1: Hagar.

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March 17th, 2022 at 5:05 am