It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Dawna De Silva

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DAWNA: It is. It can be beautiful. And I’m not talking about if someone’s being beaten by a spouse.

LAURA: No, I understand.

DAWNA: But there is something about obedience and a weapon of that that’s so cool. Yeah. I just actually – when I think of authority I think of power.  I think of being powerful.

LAURA: I actually wrote a book about submission one time.


LAURA: And it was submission to authority.

DAWNA: Did it sell well? [laughs]

LAURA: NO! That’s why I’m not going to name the title!

DAWNA: No the people who got it –

LAURA: [laughing] It’s not your fault!

DAWNA: And then I met T.D. Jakes. He had written a book on authority and I thought why didn’t I just name it something on authority?

DAWNA: Yeah! Really! 

LAURA: Everybody would have loved it! But it is. It’s so true we have to be mindful and that’s important in our spirit work as well. [music begins] Okay! It’s just getting good so don’t go anywhere! We will be right back! More with Dawna De Silva on Something More!

LAURA: Welcome back everyone! I’m Laura Harris Smith. This is Something More !And we’re here today with author Dawna De Silva! And you know we’ve talked already about her gifting to help activate people and get them into the next place in their life! We talked about your personal life. How you can activate and get to that next place personally. We’ve talked about how to do it in your home. How to cleanse the home and make sure that you are in a place like under that blessful spout to where the Holy Spirit can really come in and clean house and give you a new purpose and a new hope. But Dawna, now I want to talk about how do we activate – you know maybe it’s an environment, a work environment where you don’t have total control over everybody, even in your church. We all walk in. We see things that need changing. How do you be the change and make that happen?

DAWNA: One of my favorite quotes comes from Danny Silk, who’s a pastor that I worked under and he said on a good day I can control myself.

LAURA: [laughs]

DAWNA: But that means basically I can’t control you so I have to work on me being the agent of change. And so really it’s how do you – how do you give off Christ in you and how do you not take on what’s coming at you? And really it’s pretty easy if you actually are aware of what’s going on around you. So for me if I’m working under someone that may be real aggressive and I’m really timid I can just say I don’t partner with this aggressive spirit! You know you have to understand that we fight not against flesh and blood but its powers, principalities and authorities. And so I’m not fighting my boss. I’m not fighting my grouchy co-worker.

LAURA: [laughs]

DAWNA: I’m not fighting my teenage children. You know I’m actually fighting against a spirit realm that is actually speaking broadcasts that they’re kind of partnering with. 

LAURA: Right. And I know a lot of times the way that I change the atmosphere is I just walk in the opposite spirit. 

DAWNA: Absolutely.

LAURA: If there’s someone that’s just angry I just try to be loving. Not a doormat.

DAWNA: Yeah.

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February 26th, 2022 at 7:58 am