It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for January, 2022

Our Guest Karen Schatzline

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LAURA: So you said something that reminded me once I was in a hospital having my sixth child. I had been waiting for a healing evangelist that was coming into town. Powerful moves in miracles. Youd know his name. And I went into labor and there he is a block over and I cant get down there.

KAREN: Yes. [laughs]

LAURA: And I was like, Lord, You can be anywhere!

KAREN: Thats right!

LAURA: Hit me right here!

KAREN: Thats right!

LAURA: Revive me right here! And he did!


LAURA: Its a beautiful story.


LAURA: Okay. I need you to just share directly with the listener at home. You have told us some things today that I know the new has worn off for you. You do these things every day. But theres somebody at home that has never been told that they are the revival. They can carry the fire. See theyve got to – and why your story is so important – theyve got to be brought out of that place of insecurity and brokenness. Who do you feel like God is putting on your heart right now, the message for them, that person whos glued to the set right now or are watching online and they want to know how to be free of that and move out in ministry?    

KAREN: Well, I want to say to you if youre watching right now that it doesnt matter where youre at. It doesnt matter where you come from. All you have to do is call on His name! All you have to do is say, Jesus, just enter this place with me right now! That it doesnt matter what youve done in your past or whats been done to you. God can restore you, heal you, set you free, give you a new vision and a new purpose, for your life! What I love is that God wants to start a new legacy in your family with you! You can be the change that takes place in your family that brings your children, that brings your family back, into the place of encounter with God! He wants to restore your home! He wants to restore your hope! He wants to restore your purpose in life! And that starts with having an encounter with a loving Savior who sees you right where youre at but refuses to leave you there! He wants to take you on a journey to freedom! Lord, I just pray right now for every viewer, for every listener that they will encounter Your presence today! That they will feel Your presence so strongly that they will be changed for a lifetime! That You will enter into their life and that You will walk with them! That they will feel You in every area of their life and they will be the revival in their home, in their school, in their business, everywhere they go that they will be a voice of truth and a voice of life and hope to their generation!     

LAURA: Amen!


LHS Well Karen, it must have been a joy to grow up in your home!

KAREN: Oh thank you.

LAURA: And your children are blessed to have you as a mother and your students are blessed to have you as youre reproducing yourselves in them and sending them out all over the world through Remnant Ministries International! Thank you for being here today! [music]

KAREN: Thank you so much!

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January 28th, 2022 at 5:32 am

Our Guest Bill Hamon

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BILL: You say, well my pastor doesn’t believe in it. I say, what they don’t believe in prophesying and getting a word of knowledge go down the – take a team down there. You can’t make them any worse than they are, but don’t practice on new Christians. Half of them is backslidden preachers and you might get them back to God, amen. Hallelujah. So, we’re going to practice on each other and everybody give your fellow neighbor the right to practice, amen. Here’s what we’re going to do. I’ll tell you all of this before we get started. We’re going to stand in a moment and you’re going to turn around and join your fellow member first of all join – second row, third row, fourth row, fifth row, sixth row, seven on down. Lock the doors. Don’t let anybody out. Everybody’s got to participate.

Audience: [Laughter]

BILL: And you’re not afraid, you’re not nervous. Come on. God has not given us a spirit of fear. If you got fear it’s not from God. If you’re nervous or questioning, it’s not from God. Amen? So we’re going to believe God. You love your neighbor, and you love your fellow member you want to bless – so we’ll move onto level 1, spirit of testimony. Second level is the gift of prophecy. Third level is prophetic prosperity. Fourth level is prophetic preaching. Fifth level is office of the prophet.  If you start here you’ll find out later if you’re up there, or here or where. But right now start here. You have to start somewhere, amen? Now, how many has a living Christ within you? No Buddha, or [(38:04)?].

Audience: [Laughter]

BILL: He’s not bashful, he’s not nervous, he’s not self-conscious. If you let him speak, do you think he will just give you a word to bless that fellow member? And that member you got a hold of is the church, right? And 7 times in the book of Revelation it says, he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit says to that church member you got a hold of. Amen? Stand up. Turn around and show them how to do it first row you’re real smart and talented. Join hands with a fellow member. Keep on going all the way back, all the way back, get with somebody. If the odd person out, move to the aisle and find somebody. Okay. Alright. Right over here. She needs a partner. Everybody got somebody. Raise your hand if you don’t have a sharing partner. Alright, now don’t take off on me yet. Hang on. Now just a moment, let me tell you what I want to do. You’re going to pray in tongues, look to see, listen to hear, believe to receive. If I don’t look for it, I don’t see it. If I don’t believe for it, I don’t get it. If I don’t listen for it, I don’t hear it.  So, ask God to show you something. And don’t get profound, just find something. It’s not really important how great it is. Don’t say, ooh I see you in that motel room and that’s not your wife.

Audience: [Laughter]

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January 17th, 2022 at 4:49 am

Our Guest Bill Hamon

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BILL: I’m not going to do anything unless you show me something and make it different. So I get up there and I talk about their extension colleges they had at those times. I was talking with God in my mind, you ever talk with your mouth, but you’re arguing with something in your mind? And I’m arguing in my mind, and I said, Now God, I’m not going to preach until you show me something happen, vision, dream, angel or something. After about 20 minutes, I said I don’t think He’s going to and finally He spoke to me and said, I didn’t call you Hagan, I called you Hamon, and you are going to do it the way I called Hamon to do it, or not do it at all. Make up your mind. So, and He asked me, He said, What would you have done if you would’ve fasted forty days and forty nights, and you came out with this prophetic flow, an endless flow, and able to activate others in the prophetic – And like we’ve now trained over 300,000, on every continent all over the world, and they are moving in the prophetic, prophesying, etc. What would you have told people, if you would have fasted forty days and nights? I probably said like most others that did it, you fast for forty days and forty nights like I did, and you can get it. What if you had an angel come to you? Well, I said probably you could get your angel. What if you had an out of body experience? I said you got to have that. He said, Can you tell them how to have an out of body experience? I said, No unless I shoot them or something and pray them back. He said, Can you tell them how to have an angel come? I said, I don’t know how to talk angels into coming, I’ve tried for years. And He said, I didn’t give you any of those, what they call supernatural, unusual experiences because I wanted you to move by faith in the gifting and the grace of God. And that’s the way I teach people. We are not spooky spiritual, we don’t get hyper, you know, Charis-maniac or anything. We just move right in the gift. See the supernatural should be natural to you and I who are partakers of His divine nature. See, His divine nature is supernatural. Like I was sharing earlier, you’ve already experienced the two greatest miracles in the universe. You already exercised the faith for the father of all miracles and the mother of all miracles. You know what that is? How many has been born again? That is the father of all miracles. When God created the heavens and the Earth, He had no resistance whatsoever. He made the world out of invisible atoms you know and just made them, spoke them into existence! But when God made man, He made them with a free and moral will. How many are free, moral agents? Did you know God created you to say no to God or no to the devil. Come on. And man was made bigger and greater than the devil in the beginning. The devil was a created being, and angels are, but man was made in God’s own image and likeness. I know we don’t look like it now but that’s original. Amen. And we have His creative powers. We have them intact. That’s the reason I wrote the book on 70 reasons to be speaking in tongues, because that is the activator. That’s what God gave to us. When God gave His son on the cross that was the greatest gift He could give to the world. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that you could activate to get to eternal life. So God loved, so His gift to the world was His son. Then His son came, Jesus came, died on the cross and Acts 20:28 says, to the elders, feed the church of God which he purchased with His own blood. Ephesians 5 says, Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for the church. But the church had to save sinners. How many of us were sinners at one time? If you didn’t raise your hands then you probably still are. Okay.

Audience: [Laughter]

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January 6th, 2022 at 4:03 am