It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Dr. Sandra Kennedy

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SID: Dr. Sandra Kennedy, has spent 40 plus years teaching on healing. As far as I’m concerned, without the teaching, percentage-wise, few people get healed. But she is the best teacher on healing that I know. And now, she has a new book on the proven difference makers, when it comes to receiving your healing.

SID: Sandra, you’ve been a guest many times on our show. You did the notes on healing, in our supernatural Bible. And I’ve heard this many times, but I don’t know why it is, but something about the miracle you got on your mouth. You’ve got to share it again. It’s too good for you not to hear it again.

SANDRA: Sid, thank you, because I’m always honored to be here with you. But it happened many years ago now, but my dog, is the one who accidentally, I was sitting on the edge of the seat. The dog jumped up. By the time I was getting up, and jumped up, nose hit my face, closed his mouth on my lip, ripped off my lip from my nose, almost all the way over to the side here. And I didn’t know, I ran to the hospital. The long story short, I had to go into having a surgery that very night. They told me it would take three to six surgeries before I would ever have anything to look normal. I’d never be able to smile again, never be able to see my teeth again. And of course the shocking thing of all of it Sid, was when I got there, they asked me where my lip was.

SID: Oh.

SANDRA: I didn’t know the thing was gone. It was horrifying. It was-

SID: I would think so.

SANDRA: That was horrifying. Got home later and found it of course on the floor. But anyway, nevertheless, I never had another surgery. I applied the principles that God has taught me all of these years of the Bible, and taking the word of the Lord. Put pictures up of me smiling. Spoke the word of God over myself, commanded the lip to move. Never ever have had another surgery. No one has done anything to my life, except Lord God almighty.

SID: Now did the doctor say anything about the healing?

SANDRA: Yeah, he constantly, every time I’d go back to him he’d say to me, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep doing it.” And he tried to get me to look at a book on cleft lips and I refused to look at it. I said, I don’t want it in my head. I want only pictures of me smiling and looking beautiful.

SID: Your new book, Healing Treasures from the Word of God.


SID: Why?

SANDRA: Because I see that people do not honor the word of God. People do not. And I see so many people that are not receiving their healing. And I personally think it has to do with, I know it does. The Lord said that people are hearing but not listening. People can quote the Bible. People can say back to you, everything you go to say to them about healing. And it’s just like rote memory. They just say things, say things, but they’re not getting the results that they should be getting, and it says because they are hearing and not listening.

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July 26th, 2021 at 3:37 am