It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Todd Smith

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TODD: Well, one of those Sid, is you get to pray the perfect will of God as we’ve said already, every single time. Second of all, it builds up your body, your structure, your spirit, you become edified. The Bible says, when you pray in the Holy Ghost, you literally put on spiritual muscles. There may be 100 pound 93 year old woman in the physical and she seems to be weak. But in the spirit, if she prays in tongues, she’s a giant in the faith and she can move mountains. One of the greatest examples that I have heard was with Bob Rogers, Sid, that I was on prayer mountain with him getting ready to address 100s of pastors. He was introducing me and he shared this story.

And he said, “On one particular day, a few decades ago, there were seven plane crashes that killed 40 people.” Now these were small aircraft, small planes, two or three people on board. And he said, “On this day, seven planes crashed and 40 people died. My wife was awakened at 2:30 in the morning and she had no idea why she was being awakened by the Lord. And she said, I’m going to get up and pray. Well, in her mind is limited. So she doesn’t know what to pray. She prays all she knows in English and then kicked into tongues. She began to pray in the Holy Ghost and she didn’t get a release.

She just felt that knowing in her spirit and after 30 minutes, she finally found peace and went back to sleep, after praying in the spirit for 30 minutes.” Well, that morning Bob Rogers got into his plane, that he was piloting. A small aircraft, had three system failures, and crashed his plane. His plane was the seventh plane that crashed on that day, but he was the sole survivor. He’s the only one that walked away. And he told all of those pastors on prayer maintenance. He says, I’m here today because my wife got up in the middle of the night and pushed back the plan of the devil against me who wanted to kill me. I’m alive because my wife prayed in tongues.

SID: I love the way you say every area of your life, your health, your job, your family, your relationship with people. How do you pray? So we’ll take one, because I want you to pray for everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues. How do you pray for your family using the gift of tongues?

TODD: You see I don’t know everything that’s going on in my wife’s life. I don’t know what she’s going to face at work. I don’t know what’s going to happen to her when she’s driving down the road, nor my children who may be bullied, or there maybe someone texting and driving, coming down the road. But the spirit of God knows all things. So the spirit will move upon us to pray for our people. But if I don’t know how to pray, then bad things can happen to my family. So here’s what I do. This is the suggestion that I asked that everybody does. One, take a picture of your family, put on your phone and have it in front of you.

The first thing in the morning, for instance, my wife, I will have her portrait in front of me. And I will pray for three minutes in tongues for her, nonstop, 180 seconds praying in the Holy Ghost for her. The spirit of God knows exactly what she’s going to face that day. The evil, the calamity, the good things, the possibilities, the witness opportunities, the kingdom advances, and I will pray the perfect will of God for her. Then I will turn and I will pray for my son the same way for three minutes. Then I will pray for my next son three minutes in tongues. All right. Now, imagine this Sid, if that happened in every person, and then we also prayed for our pastors in tongues three minutes a day.

SID: I think that, that is such a simple, doable, wonderful suggestion. His book is filled with things he’s experienced, had such benefits from, but right now I’m going to release you to pray for a supernatural baptism and the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues, Todd, pray.

TODD: Jesus, literally wants you to speak in tongues because he said the believing one shall speak in tongues. So how does this happen? You have to believe that Jesus wants you to experience this, and he’s going to give it to you right now. And I want you to flip the switch from your mind to your spirit man and release the sounds from your spirit. I’m going to pray for you and then I’m going to get into the command of faith. And at that very moment, you’re going to no longer speak in your native language, no longer in your English language, but you’re going to speak out of your spirit. Don’t worry about what it sounds like. It may be a simple syllable. It may be just one word, but continue to release it. And God’s going to give you more and more.

Jesus Christ. I love you. I need you in my life. I want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. I know it’s a gift from you. By faith, I receive your fullness and I will speak in new tongues. Baptize me with fire right now in the name of Jesus. When I count to three right here, connect your tongue with your spirit. One, two, three, right now.

TODD: Release it. Begin to pray in the Holy Ghost. Don’t worry about what it sounds like. From your spirit [speaking tongues].

Keith Miller: Well, I’m Keith Miller. It took several different angelic visitations that showed me the sevenfold spirit of God. I was never the same after that. You too can know the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit like never before. Join me right here on the next, It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth.

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September 25th, 2020 at 1:48 am