It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for June, 2019

Our Guest Richard Booker

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LARRY: you just need to know, as we finish up this segment, it’s legal. This. this kind of relationship with God is absolutely legal, it’s absolutely biblical. God actually wants you to walk in this measure of power, under the influence of His Presence. You might think to yourself, This is a little bit different. Is this possible? The reality is, a generation of people. doesn’t matter what your age is. Generations actually crying out for something more. And we are doing a biblical disservice; we are doing a disservice to people if we do not tell them you can live saturated by the Holy Spirit. You can have an experiential, dynamic encounter with God. I believe God wants you to have that. Yes He wants you to be in in His Word; but go to that Word, just like Dr. Booker was saying, go to that Word, read the encounters that these Bible his-. these Bible figures of old had with God, and then think to yourself, Wow, these people enjoyed this measure of relationship with God. They were under the Old Covenant; now you have the Spirit of God inside of you. They had God speaking to them, at times and seasons. The Spirit of God, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in[side of] you, He wants to rest upon you with power. And in the next segment, Dr. Booker and I, we’re just going to actually give this time to the Holy Spirit, because I believe the Spirit of God wants to speak to you, and wants to draw nearer to you, and He wants to touch you. So don’t [claps] go away. We’ll be right back with a [music] powerful time in His Presence.


Well welcome back to Something More. We’re going to do exactly what the show is all about right now, and I believe the Lord wants to give you a taste of something more, because here’s the deal: There’s always more of God. You don’t need to beg God to come, and say, God, send Your Spirit down from Heaven, because we’ve been talking about Pentecost. The power of Pentecost. the gift of Pentecost. has been released. If you know Jesus, if He is your Messiah and Lord, then you actually have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. And that’s great, but I believe the Lord wants you to experience the fullness of the Spirit. If you do not know Jesus as your Messiah, I actually believe as a result of the time we’re going to have right now, the Holy Spirit is going to come. And there’s no greater evangelist. there’s no greater communicator of Who Jesus is. than the Holy Spirit. So, Dr. Booker, a-as we just get ready to um help people experience the Holy Spirit in a greater way, could you address the audience? Can you address those who are watching, who might have questions, okay, how, if I want to experience God in a deeper way, because I am hungry? There’s so many people who are I’m hungry for more of God; what. what would you tell them? What would. what would their next step be?

Well, the next step of course is to get yourself in a place so God can come and meet with you. And so you, you know, you want to evaluate your motives, and why. why do you want more of God. Is it so you can have more of God, or something, you know, that’s selfish or whatever. But if you have a hunger and thirst after righteousness, here’s a promise from God: they shall


be filled.


Hallelujah. So if you hunger and thirst after righteousness, I want to give you a little heads-up here now, if you’re watching: God doesn’t reveal Himself to the casual inquirer.


But if you really want Him, He wants you more than you want Him.





And so God. if you’re hungry and thirsting, you just lift your heart.


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June 25th, 2019 at 5:47 am

Our Guest Hakeem Collins

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HAKEEM: And so it is to build, to edify, and to exhort. And a lot of people needs edification; a lot of people needs encouragement; so it’s not to be used as a way to bring destruction, –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: but it’s a gift that the Holy Spirit will allow every Believer to operate in, to bring construction. I believe that we are in a, you know, an hour where we’re looking for doom and gloom and judgment; –

LARRY: Right; yeah.

HAKEEM: but I believe that the purpose of prophecy is to really help the Believer to come into their identity, come into their purpose, to build them up in their faith; but also, to know that the gifts of the Spirit are available today.


HAKEEM: I believe that you know, we are in an hour where God is placing this prophetic spirit upon all flesh; we see it in Joel. There was a prophecy that was released, that He was going to release. God was going to Release His prophetic Spirit upon the sons and daughters and they may prophesy. That means that there is a prophetic spirit that’s about to be released, –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: but it’s not just for an – a prophet, but every Believer, Larry, can prophesy! Every Believer can speak for God, to edify, to exhort, and to comfort them.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: This is a season; I believe it’s not for the doom and gloom, –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: the judgment. I mean people know what they’re going through.

LARRY: They are.

HAKEEM: They know their sin; they know what their struggling; and they don’t need someone to come to identify, put a magnifying glass and say, This is what you did. You know, we’ve seen these misused and abused in the prophetic –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: and it’s breaking my heart to see them, so my job is really, to bring clarity. I believe that there have been people that are genuine prophets, –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: have prophetic giftingÆs, but really lack the teaching and the true biblical principle of what prophecy is, –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: and what the purpose of it. And so my job really is to really bring, make prophecy easy, –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: and make it simple; not to make everyone prophets. I believe we can all be activated in the prophetic gift.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: We all can move because it is, a desired, gift. The Bible talks about, in 1 Corinthians chapter 14, that we can desire spiritual gifts, –


HAKEEM: but also that we may prophesy.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: But before even it said that we can desire spiritual gifts, it says, Pursue love -; that’s the first thing! So even to move into –


HAKEEM: the prophetic gifting, we can pursue – and have a desire – to move in love.

LARRY: Wow. Well, and even as you’re saying that Hakeem, I’m thinking to myself, you know, it’s so important that we recognize that a prophetic voice, whether it’s a prophet, whether people being activated in the prophetic – it’s not about going out calling out sins; not even about calling out judgment.

HAKEEM: Right.

LARRY: Because like you said, so many people are so beat up; people already know their sins; –


LARRY: but as a prophetic voice, you’re actually seeing past the sin, and you’re looking at that person’s destiny. You’re looking at how God sees them, –

HAKEEM: Absolutely.

LARRY: and calling those things out. That’s why a person who’s completely in sin – I’ve heard testimonies where – I’m sure you have.


LARRY: Have you seen whacks desk situations where people were just like totally in sin – totally away from God – and yet a prophetic word activated them, turning them back on the course towards God. I mean have you seen that?

HAKEEM: All the time; all the time.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: Everywhere I minister and I travel, my heart is, really to pull out the treasure in people.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: The prophetic gift gives me the ability to see how God sees them; to see from God’s perspective.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: It’s to really to see the treasure in them, and not the dirt.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: Our ability, prophetically is, really to dig out what God sees; to dig out their full potential – their giftings, their callings –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: and really call those things that be not as though they are.

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: That’s the prophetic element or the ingredients of prophecy!

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: It’s to pull those things out, that really see what God sees for them, and allow them to understand it; but also bring clarity to it.

LARRY: Yeah; yeah.

HAKEEM: But also allowing them to manifest it. So again, it’s not to really cause them to see their sin, –

LARRY: Yeah.

HAKEEM: and judgment; they already know, and they already felt like they’re, beat up.

LARRY: Yeah.

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June 18th, 2019 at 4:32 am

Our Guest Paul McGuire

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PAUL: Praise the Lord. Thank you for having me here. So I’ll just share a number of things that the Lord has put on my heart. Number 1, is in the shortness of the show it’s hard to get into all the intensity. I want you to know that I’m the type of guy, I will research-I work 12 hours a day- I’m constantly researching thousands of pages because everything I teach on prophecy, everything, I am always a skeptic. I don’t believe it, and I just don’t believe it, it sounds too far-fetched. So when I delve into the subject, and I see the first-hand scientific reports, etc., etc. then I realize it’s true and then I can speak about it passionately, despite whether or not people think like I’m from outer space. I know it’s true ’cause I did my homework. And every time I get challenged in the debate, and I mean this respectfully, usually the person debating with me and attacking me for saying what I’ve said has invested about 5 minutes of time on the research, inevitably, because I’ll ask them. But the Lord has taught me to be compassionate, because I used to be that way too. You know if you’ve never heard this stuff, let’s be honest, it sounds like a sci-fi movie. Okay? So if you feel that way towards what I said, you know I understand, Okay? I’m not mad at you. I used to be the same way. So here’s the deal. There are things going on in our world, that really they’re in a lot of the science fiction movies, but what a lot of people don’t understand, [is] they’re true. We are living in the world of the future. I don’t know how old you all are, I can kind of guess some of you, others I have no idea. But I know when I was a kid, cell phone? With the TV thing in it. Man, personal computer? When I started writing books I used the regular typewriter, and then I made the big transition to some really cheap word processor. And then I remember in the early [days], I’ve written 22 books, I remember in the early days white-out was finally invented.


PAUL:    Man, that saved my life ’cause I could go to the Xerox machine and if you did it really good it looks like an original. And remember the typewriters that used to auto erase?   


PAUL: Okay. Well, now we have word processors. That’s huge. And because of the Internet I used to have to go the library and pour through books and go to 20 libraries to find facts. Now you can Google search and if you know how to distinguish between the lunatic web sites from Area 51 and the regular ones you can find interesting information. Okay. So because of this research I believe that we are in the time immediately preceding the return of the Lord. And people ask me, ‘Why?’ I can give you all kinds of documentation. You got a taste of it tonight. I don’t set dates, ever! The Lord could surprise me. I’m putting my kids through college and everything else through a lot of loans-And you know I’m planning for the future. But the closeness to the Lord’s return, all the prophetic signs are here. Okay? Now-I began to teach all this stuff, because I’m an expert, unfortunately, in mind control and in many other things that are just kind of fields-it’s like opening Pandora’s Box- you just wish you hadn’t gotten there, but now you know what you know and you’ve got to deal with it. And I research a lot of very intense fields such as the occult and the Luciferian Elite that really exist and really do run this planet. They’re real people. See, the Bible says that we are in a spiritual war. Apostle Paul [says]:  For our fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and the dark unseen forces of wickedness in heavenly places. [Ephesians 6: 12]  Christians for the most part give lip service to that but they don’t really take it seriously. So the reality is Lucifer is communicating, his organizational structure is like a pyramid that goes back to Pharaoh-and the slaves are at the bottom and, by the way, on the back of your dollar bill you see the occult pyramid. And probably most of you are familiar with that eye ball in the pyramid on the back of your dollar bill? That’s the all-seeing eye of Lucifer. Okay? That’s Satan’s eye ball. Now ask yourself a question:  ‘What is Satan’s eye ball doing on the back of the dollar bill?’ In case you’re confused as to why-and by the way that’s not my opinion. That is the opinion of scholars, it’s not a debatable thing that I said it. You can’t debate that, Okay? You can try, but do some homework and the debate’s ended.

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June 7th, 2019 at 4:37 am