It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our New Guest Rebecca Greenwood

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SID: Yeah, you know what’s so amazing? The glory warfare is so easy. For instance, when you were singing in Germany with Klaus, I mean, this man was religious, hardened, not an experiential Christian, a head Christian, and when you sang, the glory came and the warfare was actually done for you.

REBECCA: It was easy.

SID: He broke.

REBECCA: It was easy. You know, Sid, the Lord gave me this powerful word when He was giving me this message because sometimes people will say to me, “Are you a lover, are you a warrior?” In my mind I’m like, “I’m not either or, I’m both and.” The Lord gave me this prophetic word to speak in this message. He said, “The greatest lovers make the greatest warriors because they have a cause to fight from and they have a cause to fight for.”

SID: Isn’t that what David said?

REBECCA: That’s exactly–

SID: “Is there not a cause?”

REBECCA: “Is there not a cause? Is there not a cause?”

SID: You just got back from Indiana–


SID: –where the glory just was all over the place. What happened?

REBECCA: It was amazing because the Lord actually told us to go out and to pray. He told the leaders to gather and to pray in an assignment that He had revealed to them in the glory where there was a cult that was holding back a move of the Lord. Sid, we actually went and we prayed on this location as the Lord told us to pray on this location and we felt something when we were praying shift in that atmosphere. We came back that weekend to the Glory Gathering. They were calling it the Glory Conference. We changed it to a Glory Gathering because, Sid, do you know what happened in that meeting?

SID: What?

REBECCA: When I opened up and I started talking about the glory, God’s glory came so strong because of the breakthrough that we had received in obedience to that assignment He had given us like David. He gave us that assignment. God’s glory showed up. People were being healed just sitting in the audience, me talking about the glory and the presence of the Lord. People got healed. People got delivered. A lady was paralyzed on her right side of her face, totally healed, weeping. People were coming to the altar where they had been blind and could not have encounters with the Lord. There was a breakthrough that came where they were able to have glory encounters with Jesus face to face.

SID: Okay. I’ve got a question. How would you like that breakthrough now? Anyone in the studio audience? Anyone at home want that breakthrough now? I want you to sing whatever God tells you to sing.


SID: I want you to be expectant, to be pregnant, with a word from God.

REBECCA: I want to say this, Sid, before I start singing. I want to say this ’cause you were saying when you get strategies from the Lord, right, and we’re talking about lovers and warriors. I’m going to sing and this is going to happen. I want to prepare people for this. When you’re in the glory, when you’re in God’s presence, when you’re in Jesus’ presence, the glory is around us. There is all power and all authority. I want to say this. The enemy and spirits might tell us they have power, but Jesus has all authority and all authority trumps power every single time. Whatever the enemy has said to you, whatever the enemy has spoken to you, all authority trumps power every single time. I’m going to sing over you.

REBECCA: (singing) Amazing grace! How sweet, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! Oh, like me! I once was lost, but now, but now I’m found, was blind but now we see.

REBECCA: Lord, in this glory, every place where the enemy has spoken lies, I break the power of those lies right now in Jesus’ name. Lord, everyone that is listening, open their eyes to see you and to hear you. Lord, right now I speak and prophesy and release prophetic strategies of victory. We’re not fighting for victory, we’re fighting from victory. Even right now, those that are listening and watching, that are encountering you, I speak healing to physical bodies. I speak healing to heart issues right now in Jesus’ name, that right side of the heart that has not been pumping correctly. I speak healing to that heart issue right now in Jesus’ name.

REBECCA: Every place where a spirit of delay or busyness or distraction or heaviness or fear has come to keep people from encountering you, I break that assignment now and I release that sound of authority now in Jesus’ name. Transform us, Lord, from glory to glory, from the inside out. The greatest lovers make the greatest warriors because they have a cause to fight from and to fight for. I say right now, every place where people have been shackled and have not run the race because of circumstances, I break those shackles now in the glory in Jesus’ name. I say you will run the race and I’m hearing a specific name. There’s a Lorraine that is watching right now. Lorraine, I hear the Lord saying, “Daughter, this is your season right now. This is your time.”

REBECCA: We’re not even talking future tense. We’re saying, “Now is your time.” You are feeling the heat of the Lord. Many of you are, so take this word if this applies to you. Say, “Lord, I’m claiming. I’m claiming it.” You’re feeling the fire of the Lord. He is burning up the dross of the past season. There is physical healing that is coming into your body now. Your heart will beat again in rhythm and alignment with the word of God. I see three couples that are watching right now and every assignment of the enemy that has come to rob your family business, I break that assignment now and I just speak, Lord, speak your prophetic creative strategy to see your victory realized in this situation. Many of you are going to have dreams. Do not dismiss the dreams. Write them down in the glory. Strategy is released for breakthrough and victory.

SID: But the most important thing is as we go off the air, say out loud, “Jesus, you are my Lord. I worship you, God.”

Audience:  Jesus, you are my Lord. I worship you, God.

REBECCA: has been given the hidden keys to defeat the enemy and bring victory in every area of your life.

SID: Many of you are fighting life’s battles whether it’s in your marriage, with your children, your job, your finances, your ministry, fighting, fighting, fighting. But you’re like a prizefighter that goes into the ring and you have one arm tied behind your back and you keep losing. God wants to untie your arm, give you a strategy that it’ll be rigged. You’ll win every time.

REBECCA: Every time you’ll win.


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April 6th, 2019 at 5:02 am