It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for March, 2019

Our Guest John Kilpatrick

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SID: You were telling me that all these people were touched so mightily in your church on a Sunday, or another night, but then, something happened when they went home. What happened?

JOHN:  When revival first broke out at Brownsville … and I had been there 13 years as a pastor before revival broke out, so I knew what was going on in people’s lives. I knew people were on the verge of divorce, already signed the papers. I knew kids were giving their parents trouble, and all that.

SID: Smile on the outside, but what’s really–

JOHN:  Yeah. Then when revival broke out … we’d been praying two and a half years, and revival finally broke out I began to see these people hugging, and crying, and reconciling, and making up with their children, husband and wives reconciling. I was so grateful to see that, but then my telephone began to ring, and people were saying, “Well, brother Kilpatrick, man when we had church we couldn’t be happier, we were so free. Then we go home, and by the time our car pulls onto the garage we’re fussing and fighting like cats and dogs.” So if I got one call, I got many calls. I went to the Lord and I said, “Lord what’s going on?” And He said, “Well son …” He said, “You prayed two and a half years in this sanctuary, the people did.” And He said it garnished, swept and garnished this atmosphere.

JOHN:  He said, “But when they’re in this atmosphere, it changes their behavior. They’re at peace, there’s reconciliation. When they go home where all the fusses are inventoried, and all the curse words are inventoried, all the pornography is inventoried. When they get in that atmosphere it changes their behavior again.” He said. “The atmosphere has to be changed.”

SID: How can we make our homes ready for the glory?

JOHN:  I think to repent is the main thing, and that’s something to–

SID: That’s a nasty word today.

JOHN:  I know. But if you want the presence of God to come, He’s not going to come where it’s defiled. He won’t make His habitation there. He may visit, He may do something, but He’s not going to make that His habitation. The atmosphere has got to be swept and garnished, and that presence will come. Just like when they dedicated Solomon’s temple, the presence came in so powerfully and that’s what happened to Brownsville when the presence of God came. The thing that drew people to Brownsville was not me, or Steve. I know for sure it wasn’t me, and I know it wasn’t Steve. It was not the church, it was not the city, it was the presence, that’s what drew them. When people came and they felt that, it was tangible. They would fly for a day to get there from Australia and different places. When they’d get there, it would be worth that whole day’s flight just to spend an hour in the presence of God. Listen, when the atmosphere is right, you won’t have to worry about the glory coming. It will come. When the atmosphere is right in this church, when it’s right, when it’s cleansed, and washed, and purged, you won’t have to worry about God showing up.

JOHN:  He’ll show up. The problem is not getting God to show up, He’ll show up. But the main thing is keeping Him there when He does show up. You’ve got to work with the Holy Spirit, you can’t grieve Him, you can’t offend the Holy Spirit. But see, the Holy Spirit is a Person but the glory is a atmosphere. The Holy Spirit is a person, He’s the third person in the adorable Godhead. But the glory is not the Holy Spirit, it is the presence of God, the manifest weighty presence of the Lord. The glory of God usually manifest in two ways; in Israel it would manifest when the priest would go in an and take the hyssop and sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat. Fire would break out, and that would be the tangible Shekinah glory of God. That would be the fire, that would be the visible. But the kabod, that’s the tangible weighty, satisfying, therapeutic presence that man was built to carry. I don’t know about you, but my life’s ambition since I’ve experienced the glory … and that doesn’t make anybody special because anybody can have it, but life’s ambition is to be a carrier of the presence of God. That’s what I want more than anything.

SID: You know, when this man talks about the glory, it keeps getting higher, and higher, but when we come back, there is a foundation for the glory that few understand. Most of us were cursed by the people that love us the most because they didn’t understand it, our parents. They’re called word curses, “Oh, you won’t amount to anything.” You know what they are, but there’s a way to reverse it that few have ever tried, and there’s a way to be blessed. Once you reverse the curses and walk in the blessings of God, and clean out your house, and repent of what you need to repent of, watch out, the glory is going to overtake you. Be right back.

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March 25th, 2019 at 7:35 am

Our Guest Dr. Francis Myles

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FRANCIS:  Now I feel the anointing. So now what we are about to do this is the last part he showed me. Amen?  I only do what I see my Father do is what Jesus said when he was on the earth, and that’s what we are supposed to do. So everything I have done is exactly what he showed me, I have never diverted from what he showed me, except adding this new thing that he showed me when I was in Africa. And here is what he showed me. When the people jumped the prophetic bloodline, this is in the heavenly vision. In the heavenly vision, the bloodline disappeared. I know the noise was gone. I said, ‘What happened to the bloodline?’ He said, ‘I have cut it off.’ He says, ‘I’ve cut it off.’


But then a spirit of “tehila,” what David would call the highest praise, what David called the highest praise, amen? Which means there’s lower praise, then there’s highest praise. I saw the “tehila,” the spirit of “tehila” come upon them and all the people were celebrating, praising God, I mean there was intensity, they were praising God without any reservations and the spirit of joy was all over their faces. And God said to me, He said, “What I am telling you to do, the denunciation of genetics, is a legal transaction. And because it’s a legal transaction, it happens in my Father’s Court.” Because anything to do with genetics in a nutshell is decided by the Probate Courts. Are you with me? He said, ‘What is a protocol?’ David told you about coming in the court of my God. Praise. Come through His gates with thanksgiving, but when you are in His royal courts it’s praise. He says, ‘Tell them when they jump the line they’re going to give me some praise!’ When they jump the line, c’mon somebody, they’d better give me some praise!


They’d better, uh huh, uh huh, –He said, ‘My people better–.’ Let’s get the pulpit out, because people are jumping, I don’t want people to bump into the pulpit, because I am done with it. Amen? I don’t think Sid wants any liability there. Okay? I jumped and then I knocked myself by the pulpit. You know, Americans. You know, you amazing people. So anyway, so come close to your line, those that are there, now remember it’s not how far you jump. It’s just make sure when you jump, the jump looks like a step, the key is to get the line behind you. Are you with me? Because when you jump the line, when you jump the line, the prophetic act is you are leaving behind the bloodlines of your ancestors, that’s the prophetic act!


Then the Lord of hosts will cut it off! And the angels are going to begin to enforce your deliverance. Are you with me?


I was in Seattle Washington, I saw 200 people jump the line and there was holy pandemonium because the power of God broke out but in the spirit I saw thousands and thousands of demons, they did not know what was going on, and the Lord said, ‘They are confused because these are the demon trackers and they can’t find the blood they used to track. It’s gone.’


It’s gone! Hallelujah! Whooo! Glory to God! Hallelujah! The Lord said to me, Sid Roth, there’s miracles. Hallelujah! Listen, listen! I believe in miracles. Without miracles, I’m dead. Without miracles, I’m dead. But because of “It’s Supernatural” I am standing before you Lord tonight. So miracles are going to happen. So if you’ve got any kind of disease, some of you may even, some of you, when you jump the line check yourself. Because what you came with is gone! [AUDIENCE ERUPTS IN PRAISE] You will find you will be healed, somebody. This is what the Lord told me, Listen he said to me, He said tell my people because this is such a powerful technology, okay, it’s not like the old technology of repenting over the iniquity of your forefathers, the problem, the Lord says the problem with that it’s a half measure, I have used it to a degree, but the God says the problem with that– is that the lineage you come out of is longer than your memory. So even though you repent over what you can remember your ancestors did, the Lord says there are stuff you don’t know what they did because the lineage is longer than your memory [so] the enemy will still come to you. But this way you just cut it off, you just cut it off. The whole line! And the Lord can follow it all the way back to Adam and just snip, snip!


C’mon somebody. Are you ready for this?


FRANCIS:  Okay. So I’m going to do this. When I say, ‘Jump the line,’ I want you to jump. And when you jump what’s going to happen?

AUDIENCE:  Praise!

FRANCIS:  And then when you are praising God forget about me– You know somebody, that’s when I find a word of knowledge. That’s when I say things every time. That’s when normally people see the Messiah walking in among us. Are you with me? In Seattle Washington it was 5 year old and 6 year old children crying. Crying. I said, ‘Why are you crying?’ There’s a man in white walking between the people. It was the Messiah after they jumped the line. Children of 5 years old don’t lie. It was not one, several of them–  it’s a church in Seattle Washington. Powerful. I feel the Messiah in the house. So let’s do this once, when I say jump you’ll jump the line and then you’ll go into the praise and I’ll begin to pray, forget about me, just do your praise, amen? And then we’ll be out of here tonight. Are you ready? Okay. Here we go. Don’t jump until I say jump. Okay? In the name of the Father, the Son and His Holy Spirit.– I say: JUMP!



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March 18th, 2019 at 3:39 am

Our Guest Dr. Francis Myles

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FRANCIS:    –So we believe insomnia’s going to get [delivered]–this day’s generational insomnia, amen? That  –the beloved of God is supposed to sleep like a baby. Amen? God designed you to sleep like a baby so you can live longer. Amen? So, anyway I wanted to give out those testimonies. The point is these things work. Okay? Thousands now have gone through this. Okay? Where the woman who saw me on a TV show with Patricia King and I talked about this and she jumped the line in Kansas, and a– cancerous tumor this big on her shoulders fell to the ground when she jumped the line. So we know what this thing can do. So now that I’ve given you the testimonies, let’s let me give you the teaching behind it. And very quickly, and then we are going to pray for everybody. We’re going to trust the Messiah. Amen? Can you feel His presence? He’s already here. He’s really here– There’s nobody’s more happy tonight than the Messiah because you are about to going to get another piece of your salvation. Amen? So– 4 years ago– that’s when I [was] on the television show– friends of mine had come out of town to meet with me which was at a– resort in Dallas and I remember that I forgot something in my car around 10 o’clock at night. So I went to get the thing in my car so I can give it to them. And when I got to the curb I got it out when on my way back all of a sudden the form of The Lord Jesus Christ was standing next to me and–and He said to me, ‘Let’s walk, I want to talk to you.’ So we started walking back to the resort together and He says to me, ‘It is time.’ He said it 3 times. ‘It is time. It is time. It is time.’ I said to Him, ‘What time? What do you mean?’ You know how the Lord speaks, sometimes He just speaks like ‘What do you mean.’ And He said to me, He said to me, ‘It is time for My people around the world to experience genetic salvation.’ I had never heard of the word “genetic salvation.” I said to the Lord, ‘What is that?’ He said, ‘Genetic Salvation is when the finished work of the cross is applied to your genetics.’ To change your genetic inheritance. Then He began to say to me, He said, ‘Son–’ then as He’s talking to me He’s talking about the Lord, He is the Word so the Word just comes out of you. You know and all of the sudden the scripture that I’ve read, and then as He’s talking to me– He brought up the scripture when He said, when the Messiah was on the earth, He said this of Himself, ‘The Son of Man has come to seek and save that which is what? Lost.’ He said to me, ‘Son, you guys are so evangelical in thinking– so you take that scripture and you only apply it to the salvation of souls. He said, ‘What I was literally saying is a blanket statement. And anything that the first Adam lost, I came to get back.’ That’s the assignment of the Son of Man. Anything the first Adam lost, that’s my Father’s property, I came to get it back because it’s the inheritance of the Lord. And He said to me, ‘One of the things Adam lost is the genetics of God.’ He says, ‘Francis, do you know that when Adam and Eve were created they were the only human beings apart from me who had flawless genetics.’ He said, ‘There was no disease that could touch them–.’ When you have flawless genetics no disease that can attach to you. That’s why the whole subject about stem cell research is scientists realize that there is something in the world of DNA that can bring healing. Am you with me, somebody? The only thing they don’t know is that the Messiah beat them to it. Are you with me, somebody? But there’s a truth to it. He said, ‘When Adam and Eve were created, son, they had perfect DNA.’ And when they lost it, when they lost it, this is why there was a need for the man who could not only atone for the sins of the world but who could also restore the original DNA of the Father. That’s why a Savior couldn’t come from among us. Because everybody, no matter how powerful, even Moses, had compromised genetics. So God had to look outside this world to find a man with flawless genetics because the DNA had to return. Are you with me somebody, hallelujah! What is happening tonight is the return of the DNA of God upon your life.


Written by admin

March 6th, 2019 at 2:53 am