It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth

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Lady 7: [sings in tongues] Come on, open your voices and begin to sing unto the Lord Jesus. Come on and open those voices and begin to sing unto the Lord. [sings in tongues]

AUDIENCE: [singing in tongues with Lady 7]

SID: Now you keep singing, without someone singing in the mic. [singing in tongues]

AUDIENCE: [singing in tongues -]

SID: Always remember, according to the Word of God, you are not speaking to man when you are praying in a supernatural language. According to the Word Of God, you are speaking to god. do not lose sight of that. you are singing to our creator God. if someone has a tongue and then an interpretation. Now, you are not used to this, but normally when it gets a little still, that would be the time, if you have a tongue and god’s prompting you to share it, come up here on the mic, please. Right now, and if you also, if someone has the interpretation you come up, to the mic. [prays in tongues -] you got to come up quickly if you’re going to. [prays in tongues -] your heart beating kind of fast, that’s you. [prays in tongues -]

Lady 8: [prays in tongues out loud]

SID: If you have the interpretation, you can do it, Donna. [prays in tongues -] Come on Carol.

Carol: Though you are surrounded on all sides by stone and rocky wall, you are running through a tunnel of rock, yet I will blow that rock away. I will make the light come in where there is only darkness. Your footing shall be sure, and nothing shall stop you.

AUDIENCE: Amen [clapping]

SID: There’s such power in the supernatural blessing. And I’m going to pray a Biblical supernatural blessing over you right now. and this goes for everyone that’s watching by way of video right now. the Lord is blessing you, right now. the Lord is keeping you, right now. the Lord is surrounding you with His supernatural right now. the lord it gifting you. Take it – take it -take it right now! The Lord is Gifting you Take it! the lord is gifting you right now! Right now. right now.

The Lord is giving you His shalom. In Hebrew, Shalom means; completeness. Completeness in your spirit, in your soul, and in your body; right now! in the name, that is above every name, every disease, every problem; Everything. God already sees it finished, because Yeshua said that. ‘It is finished’ in that name. ‘It is finished’ in that name. ‘It is finished’ in the invisible world. And it’s starting to transition from the invisible world to the visible world. In the name of Yeshua ha Mashiach, Tsidkenu, Jesus, the Messiah, our righteousness. And now, you can say Amen.



SID: Amen, Amen.

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Written by admin

October 21st, 2018 at 6:18 am