It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for October, 2016

Our Guest Philip Moore

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Sid: I’ve got on the telephone a man if you are interested in research about the Jewish roots of the New Testament, about the Jewish conspiracy, and yes I say conspiracy, that has Jewish people worldwide to not even consider that Jesus is the Messiah. I have in my hand the “End of History Messiah Conspiracy” by Philip Moore. Philip is a researcher for Hal Lindsey, he spent almost 8 years in Israel, he spends 12 years gathering the data for this book. As a matter fact Philip Moore how in the world as a Gentile did you get such fabulous quotes from the Talmud in this book?

Philip:  Well I actually bought my own copy. I got tired of going Emory Theology Library and I just bought my own copy and started reading it.

Sid: As a matter of fact on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about the conspiracy, and let’s call it for what it is, the conspiracy about the Messiah that the rabbis did. You told us there’s a little city in Israel by the name of Yavne. There was a meeting of the rabbis and they had to do something about all these Jewish people that were turning to Jesus. So they figured out a way by the traditional prayers in the synagogue to put a line that says “You’re a heretic if you believe in Jesus.” Anyone that was silent when they would make that statement they knew they were a believer and they would put them out of the synagogue. But did the persecution get even worse than that?

Philip:  Yes there was a guy names Aquila, I’ve got him mentioned in chapter 8 in very good documentation who created an actual… who retranslated the Jewish Bible the Greek translation that was held sacred by the rabbis he retranslated his own version and changed the word Messiah, changed the word virgin. So there were retranslations, there were…

Sid: Philip you can’t answer this but I’m going to ask you the question anyway. How does a man that has a rabbi someone that… today I understand it’s the blind leading the blind. I’m not blaming the rabbis today they don’t know better, but the ones that changed the Holy Scripture I mean our people were so meticulous to make sure every jot and tittle was the same, how could a rabbi do this?

Philip:  Well if he thinks he’s saving his people from assimilation and destruction…

Sid: But this is the word of God! How do you tamper with the word of God?

Philip:  Well very carefully. I would not dare to (laughing) and I don’t think you would either, but there have been people that have decided the unjustifiable means let’s retranslate these prophecies and let’s make alternative translations and alternative interpretations. I document many… on about 50 different pages I’ll show the original Hebrew at the top of the page, then I’ll show the English translation of the prophecy, then I’ll show the ancient rabbinical commentary what the rabbis believe and that this prophecy is about the Messiah. Many times they mention the word Messiah in their own commentary whether it be about…

Sid: But you say this has all been zipped out, deleted, to rewrite history by the rabbis, but you have in possession the ancient rabbinical statements before there was prejudice about Jesus…

Philip: That’s right.

Sid: …and the ancient ones clearly say that these prophecies talk about Messiah. Then I love what you do, is you then put the modern approaches and it doesn’t bare any resemblance to what ancient rabbis thought before there was prejudice.

Philip:  Yep there are a lot of books out there, the one’s called “The Real Messiah,” one’s called “You Take Jesus I’ll Take God.” You know I’ve seen rabbis just ready to hand it to me and I’ll say “Wait I’ve quoted that and I’ve read it in where he says that this is not the Messiah your Targuman Talmud your ancient commentaries did say it was.” We have as Samuel Levine said “Created a new status quo” we just returned to the old one, the one held by the ancient rabbis…

Sid: So who’s closer Orthodox Jewish rabbis today or Christians to the ancient rabbis?

Philip:  Definitely evangelical Christians and Messianic Jews and we’ve got the commentaries to prove it.

Sid: This book that I have… you’ve got the goods (laughing) you really do Phil. To help the Mishpochah that don’t have the book in their hand yet. Let me tell you Mishpochah it took him 12 years of research and obviously God’s hand has been upon him. It’s 1200 pages fascinating reading, why don’t you take one of the Messianic prophecies and explain it to the Mishpochah from the Old Testament translation, to the ancient rabbinical commentary, to the New Testament revelation, to the modern rabbinic refutation or rewriting… what do they call them revisionists?

Philip:  Hmm hm.

Sid: You know there are a lot of revisionists when it comes to the Christian history of the United States. I’m concerned about the revisionists within rabbinic Judaism. Show me one of them.

Philip:  Well on page 198 I’ve got…

Sid: Wait a second I’ve got to… I’ve got to find it there fellow. 198 I’m not a researcher like you, okay I got it.

Philip:  Okay I have the Hebrew at the top and of course the translation into today’s English it says “But the Lord was pleased to crush Him.”

Sid: This is from Isaiah 53 verse 10. Go ahead.

Philip:  Yeah verse 10 right “But the Lord was pleased to crush Him. Putting Him to grieve if He would render Himself as a guilt offering He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days and the good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hands.” Now the commentary to that says to that in the Targum, the Targum to Isaiah.

Sid: What is Targum mean?

Philip:  It means actually translation, it’s in a sense a Jewish commentary. They would in Aramaic in the ancient synagogue they would actually give a partial interpretation into the text and they would actually interpret the text and they were called the Targums. There’s a Targum South, and Targum Onkelos different ones, but this one which my source for this is by Reverend B. Pick PhD and it’s in the Hebraic and Jewish source it’s called “Old Testament Passages Messianic Applied by the Ancient Synagogue” it was done back in 1886. On page 267 of volume 1 of that they reproduce the Targum to it, it says the Targum to Isaiah 53:10. The targum reads “My servant the Messiah in whom I am well pleased.” Now of course Matthew in chapter 3 and 1st Peter identify that with Jesus that He was the Messiah that would suffer for us and it would all be well and many quotes for Isaiah 53.

Sid: But what do the modern rabbis have to say?

Philip:  In the very next column on the same page I have a modern rabbinic comment refutation under that title. I quote a fella by the name of Gerald Sigal who wrote quite a large book I believe there were 400 pages published like a Targum it says… it’s called “The Jew and the Christian Missionary.” In this he wrote quote in this verse, and I’ve got it in brackets Isaiah 53:10. He’s talking about the whole chapter of Isaiah 53 but certainly this portion also. Then I started to quote him “Again the prophet reiterates in bold terms”, I’m not very good at reading maybe you should read that.

Sid: “A basic Biblical concept in suffering there is purification. Thus there are times God presents crushing personal challenges to His most loyal followers in order to strengthen their spirit. No poor person is born pious or righteous. The words of Isaiah “If He would offer himself as a guilt offering” do not mean that the servant offers himself vicariously as a guilt offering for others, thus Isaiah 53:10 cannot and should not be applied to Jesus.” So who is this Gerald Sigal that goes against the ancient Targum written by the rabbis that were closer to the shekinah glory of God, which most rabbis say “We follow the Talmud” because they were closer to the glory so why can’t we take that with the Targum? I mean you can’t have it both ways rabbi, you agree Philip?

Philip:  I agree.

Sid: Anyway you have… I mean I’ll tell you something I am so excited to have your book because anytime any Jewish person says to me “Oh that passage is not referring to the Messiah” talking about a prophecy about the Messiah I can show them the ancient rabbis before there was prejudice involved absolutely knew it was talking about the Messiah. Something else, I mean this is kind of left field but I just want to skip right now Philip. You have some research that you’ve gathered on Christopher Columbus, briefly tell me about that.

Philip:  Well there’s a lot of evidence that he was Jewish, I mean I have conclusive evidence one of his letters has the beit hey up in the left corner.

Sid: Explain the beit hey.

Philip:  Those are 2 Hebrew letters B H meaning b’ezrot haShem, b’ezrot is to help with the help, haShem the name literally with the help of God.  It was an ancient Sephardic Jewish greeting that only a Jew would use on a letter I believe.

Sid: Did you think Columbus could not only be Jewish but a Messianic Jew, a Jewish believer in Jesus?

Philip:  Well he had this special book he kept with him at all times that explained Jesus from a Jewish viewpoint and proved it was also given to a rabbi of that era proved that He was the Messiah according…

Sid: That Jesus was the Messiah?

Philip:  Right from a Jewish standpoint it would prove it. So why would he be so interested in such a publication if he wasn’t… and his mother’s name was Shoshana, which is a Jewish name. Barbenell was Jewish he was the one more or less who secured his voyages with the king. He would not put this beit hey on the letters he would send to the king and queen because they were killing a lot of Jewish people at that time and he didn’t want them to know he was Jewish. I’m sure he didn’t want the Catholic Church or at least the establishment to realize that he believed Jesus in a fundamental way that he expresses some of his writings I’ve quoted and reproduced. I’ve got a quote from the radio church where John Hagee has also pointed out he believes that Christopher Columbus was Jewish…

Sid: I wonder if one of the reasons this has been one of the most blessed countries the world has ever known in all of history is because it has not only been found by a Jewish person but it’s also been a haven for Jews.

Philip:  I believe you’re absolutely right because I believe God would such an explorer. I have some quotes from some obscure writings that he was very interested in prophecies and that’s why he set out to find the New World.

Sid: Philip Moore our time is up.

Written by admin

October 27th, 2016 at 9:10 am

Our Guest Philip Moore

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Sid: I have on the telephone a friend of mine who’s a researcher actually for Hal Lindsey and many others but he has a book that’s going to amaze almost any Christian and non-Christian on the face of this earth when they read this. I can’t believe the information that is available in this and the title of the book is “The End of History Messiah Conspiracy.”  Now Philip you spent almost 8 years in Israel living there I know that every time I would go on a tour I would see you there gathering this information why did you write this book Philip Moore?

Philip: Well I love the Jewish people and I always wanted them to learn the truth that I have found in their Bible. And of course the New Testament also and the without the Jewish people we wouldn’t have a Messiah we wouldn’t have Messiah Yeshua.

Sid: What I’m trying to find out Philip is something very supernatural about this book. I mean you know a lot of people love the Jewish people but don’t have the ability of the access. Did you find that this information was just coming to you I’m just curious I haven’t asked you this before was it supernaturally coming to you it’s a big book I mean it’s 1200 pages?

Philip: Yeah it took 12 years and it did I felt the Lord brought stuff to me that I felt it’s one of the things that He actually gave us all of us talents and I was able to find things that people have told me that the average person can’t find. I mean it just came to me I’d be in a library and I’d be looking at a book and it would be just pop out of a page. And I really felt the Lord was giving it to me I don’t want to take credit for myself.

Sid:  I understand for instance I’ll just throw one little fact out that was kind of overwhelming to me. Everyone has heard of one of the most famous scientists of all history Isaac Newton but most people have not heard that number one that he’s a strong Christian or was a strong Christian. And number two he predicted things based on his study and the mind that God gave him of what would happen in the future. For instance according to your book he predicted in the 20th century the Jewish people would return to Jerusalem. And when did he live by the way?

Philip: He was born in 1642 on December 25th and lived until 1727 until his 70’s.

Sid: So by studying the scriptures one of the greatest scientist in all of history was able to predict and he stated that “In the 20th century the Jewish people would return to Jerusalem.” But the thing that intrigues me is he also prophesied when the Messiah would come what did he say?

Philip: He believed the 21st century.

Sid: So that means sometime after the year 2000 I mean he was right on the Jewish people returning to Jerusalem so I believe he’s right on his second prediction what do you think?

Philip:  I believe so too I mean with all of the weaponry that we have at our disposal and the technology and the computer chips and the One World Monitory System that’s being planned I don’t think we can go another 100 years maybe not even 50.

Sid: Well talking about something providential someone gave me a newspaper from Atlanta, it’s dated June 29th the headline is “Can Jews be Christians?” And when I started reading your book this quote just shouted at me. This says the traditional Jewish position on the Messiah and then let me read this quote from the newspaper:

Jews who believe that the Messiah will come as a male descendant of King David will rule as King of Israel during a time of World Wide peace that all Jewish people will be gathered to Israel and that the temple of Jerusalem twice destroyed will be rebuilt he said.

Now this is the traditional Jewish belief and here’s the thing that staggered me that it says that “There will be a time of peace, Jews will be regathered to Israel and the temple will be rebuilt and the Messiah will be in the temple.” But I don’t see anything about an anti-Christ here I don’t see any warning about an anti-Christ here.  Your book explains why tell our Mishpochah.

Philip: Yeah in chapter 23 it’s called “Armilus Equals Anti-Christ” it’s about a 60 page chapter.  A subject on a Rabbi that lived over 900 years ago a great famous well known Jewish Sage in Orthodox Jewish circles wrote of this Armilus that would come and wreak havoc on Jerusalem on the end of days. And at this teaching you can look up Armilus in the different Jewish encyclopedias and he’s mentioned there and he’s kind of referred to as part of Jewish folklore, but it’s identical to what’s written in New Testament 2nd Thessalonians.

Sid: But I’m a Jew why didn’t I ever hear of that, why didn’t this Jewish man in the Atlantic Journal not hear of it? Why is there something intentional that we don’t hear about Anti-Christ the Jews.

Philip: Well I believe and I think I set forth a very firm case for it in this book that the conspiracy to cover up the Messianic prophesies by many of the Rabbis that have come together to recreate Judism at Yavne in the 1st century between the years of 80 – 110 in Israel and when they were preparing Jewry to survive in the diasporas they were afraid to intermingle with Gentiles that had these same beliefs that believed in the Messiah that believed that Jesus was the Messiah. Well a lot of the ancient commentaries that say that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem that say that He would suffer as Isaiah 53 points out. These commentaries were pushed aside and these apostasies were reinterpreted. So when you ask the Rabbi today “Well what about Isaiah 53?  He’ll say well that’s about the Jewish people or that’s about the sufferings of Israel.” But yet when you show him a Targum or a Talmud which are ancient Jewish commentaries and say “Look it said here about the Messiah” he often doesn’t know what to say because his idea his perception is “I don’t want the Jewish people to have questions about the Messiah being Jesus because that could cause assimilation and we quote the rabbi need to pass these prophesies off as not really being Messianic prophesies but being prophesies about the Jewish people and this way will hopefully hold our people together.”

Sid: But I don’t understand I understand why the rabbis to protect their own economic interest I mean let’s call it for what it is don’t talk about the prophecies and reinterpret them away from what the ancient rabbis interpret them they’re sort of rewriting history so to speak. But I don’t understand why the Rabbis don’t talk about their own writings about the anti-Christ what’s the reason?

Philip: Well quite frankly I think a lot of them don’t even realize that there was the predictions that there was an Armilius and an anti-Christ because it takes a lot of digging into ancient documents.

Sid: Is it because if you talk about anti-Christ…

Philip: People want to know who Christ is.

Sid: Yeah that’s probably the reason.

Philip: And also there’s a book called “The Real Messiah” put out by Orthodox National Conference of Synagogues used I believe in New York for the real Messiah it was written in 1976. And it says almost identically to what you told me that article said. That there would be a rebuilding of the temple and that there would be a time of peace and that there would be born of natural parents that’s on the opening page of chapter 23 at the caption. And I point out there that if we don’t return to these ancient believes and realize that that the anti-Messiah is coming. That we’re going to be fooled a lot of non-Jews also.

Sid: Well I don’t see how the Jewish people could possible accept someone ruling the world based in Jerusalem unless they thought he was the Messiah and we know that the anti-Messiah is coming before the return of the Messiah. And there’s no talk I mean it’s talk about a set up the rabbis have set our people up actually for a slaughter.

Philip: It looks that way and I’m just praying that people will look at these prophesies and look at these predictions and these commentaries and realize that even show the Rabbis even give them copies of this book or similar books that I believe a lot of them. Some of them I may have really want may really realize that he may be the Messiah and just want to hide to keep Jewish culture together. But there are others that if they saw this material I’m convinced they’d say “Somebody along the way has not told me the full truth. I’m going to reconsider and read my prophecies, and read my commentaries and just realize that maybe that Jesus could be the Messiah.

Sid:  Now you said something a little earlier, you talked about a place called Yavne where is that?

Philip:  It’s coastal town in Israel.

Sid:  Okay and you said a rabbinical conspiracy occurred there, explain.

Philip:  Well there was a rabbi named Gamaleo and Yochanan ben Zakai and they gathered there between the years 80 – 110 and they altered one of the most sacred documents of Judaism in a very dishonest way, but with good intentions as far as they perceived.

Sid:  What document did they alter?

Philip:  It’s called the Amidah Prayers 18 benedictions it’s said in the synagogue every Sabbath…

Sid:  And why did they alter it?

Philip:  Well in chapter 12 there’s an alteration that occurs in the 12th benediction and it’s called the birkat haminim, which means blessings for the Minim. Minim means groups or sects of Jewish believers but it wasn’t just groups of believers, in reality they discovered in 1925 underneath the old synagogue in Egypt in the Genizah where they stored old scrolls a copy who had Nazarenes writing and found the word Minim, it’s called the Schecter Fragment. In there they said “The Minim and Nazareth have no hope may they parish in a moment.” The reason they did that is because once people… there is a quote in Jerome 4th century that he says “The Minim are in all the synagogues of the east.” It says this prayer actually is one of the 18 prayers when Jewish believer would be in the synagogue and all the synagogue were saying the first 11 prayers he would become silent on the 12th because he would be cursing himself by saying the “May the Minim the Nazarene have no hope may they perish in a moment.” When he was silent on that one and continued to go on through 13-18 the rabbis would take notice. They would notice who were silent they would probably not invite him not to come back to the synagogue. In this way they were able to detect them and separate them from the new mainstream of Orthodox Judaism they were creating hoping that there wouldn’t be a possible assimilation because so many non-Jews were believing in Yeshua. If the non-Jews were believing and they didn’t follow Jewish holidays, and some Jews started to believe maybe they will. They wouldn’t start to celebrate holidays and Jewish culture and in the end the whole race of the Jewish people could melt down.

Sid:  Philip Moore our time is up.

Written by admin

October 20th, 2016 at 7:55 am

Our Guest Shirley Jones

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Sid: On yesterday’s broadcast I instructed you to have the elements necessary the bread and the fruit of the vine for communion if you didn’t do it yet get it quickly because on the other end of the phone is Shirley Smith.   I’m speaking to her at her home in North Little Rock, Arkansas. She had 3rd stage ovarian cancer she had 6 months to live and she received a miracle and part of a miracle was for her the very first time she had forgiven people but she got a release and she got a release and she could feel the chains coming off of her.  And we’re going to participate in communion together and I believe that the chains are going to come off of you. Shirley it was…you learned a lot about forgiveness explain.

Shirley: Okay let me ask first a question here starting out “What is forgiveness?” Let me explain the way that I see it and I understand it. Forgiveness is an act of a person’s will you don’t forgive just a little bit and you don’t say “Well I’ll forgive when I see that person change.” You don’t rejoice when they have had a problem and you don’t say “Well he deserved what happened to him” no you don’t do that at all.  You make a decision and a choice to forgive and even you know even sometimes you think you feel justified because things happened so severe against you but in this time and at this point you just say “Lord I’m just willing to be made willing.” And forgiveness many times is a process it just takes time but you must choose to make a start. So I’m going to ask the people to start who listen to my testimony to begin to start to make a choice and that’s step:

  • Number l Is to choose to forgive.

We don’t forgive by emotion or by feeling. Jesus didn’t feel like going to the cross or go by emotion to the cross He went by choice and obedience to the Lord and that’s what we have to do. There’s some steps of the process that I’d like to share on forgiveness.

  • Number 1 You need to give up the desire to punish the person who offended you. You have to give up the desire to get revenge on them.
  • Number 2 You have to stop making excuses for your false and your wrong actions and reactions
  • Number 3 You have to stop justifying your actions and your anger
  • Number 4 You have to stop defending yourself and just let God defend you.
  • Number 5 You must choose not to take offense you need to recognize that Satan is working in the situation through the person.

If I can just say it like this you need to just separate the comment or the thing against you from the person and say that it’s Satan working through them. You need to begin to take authority over your own self you need to refuse to be angry to be bitter to be resentful you have to just give it up. Just give up your desire to do that you say “Well how do I know when I’ve done all of that? How will I know when I’ve forgiven everybody?”

  • When the pain of the memory of the offense is gone number 1.
  • Number 2 When you can say from the bottom of your heart you don’t owe me anything not even an apology, not even an apology.

It doesn’t matter if they don’t ever ask your forgiveness because your free you’re totally free. And let me tell you some things that happens if you don’t forgive there’s a high cost if you don’t forgive:

  • Number 1 it robs us of God’s forgiveness.

Matthew 16:15 allows a root of bitterness this is Hebrews 12:15 un-forgiveness causes us to walk in darkness. 1st John 2:9-11 un-forgiveness shuts God’s ears to our prayers Mark 11: 24-25. Un-forgiveness turns us over to the tormentors and blocks our healing and deliverance Matthew 18 especially verse 34 and 35. Un-forgiveness gives Satan an advantage over us 2nd Corinthians 2 verses 10 and 11. Un-forgiveness binds us to the one that we despise. John 20:13 says “Remit sin” he says “That if we will remit the sins they are remitted if we retain the sins they’re retained.” So when you forgive another person sin against you you let it drop you forget it you cease to dwell on the offense and the offender. When you retain it it means that you hold on to it plus un-forgiveness blocks you to the other person its stuck in your memory you’re not free. And the poison of bitterness continues to flow within you. And I want to give you a good example of this in centuries past the punishment for murder was to chain the dead body to the one who murdered the person. They were forced then to drag this dead body around everywhere they went until it decayed and fell off their body and the body of the decayed person would infect that person. You know un-forgiveness is the same way we are tied to the person that we despise and we refuse to forgive and the memory of what they did and the bitterness abuses us over and over year in and year out just like the dead body dead to the murderer.

Sid: Lets go for our freedom would you lead us in communion right now. And Mishpochah you get the elements ready.

Shirley: Praise God Lord we just love You and we so thank You for the blood of Jesus and the power of the blood and the sprinkling of the blood. Lord we want to pray we want to release today so we want to take communion cup Lord and we want to say that Lord we forgive others who has trespassed against us who has sinned against us who has wounded us, who has hurt us. In obedience to Your command and Your example that You gave us we forgive every person who has ever hurt us in any way. In an act of our will we now forgive and we need right now to name the people those listening now and taking communion with me you need to forgive make a list and forgive the people one by one of who’s offended you living and dead.  And wait for the Holy Spirit those you need to forgive if you don’t consciously remember them. And Lord I also bless each one of these and I love them with Your love and I ask3 You to forgive them as well as forgiven me.  And since You have forgiven me also accept forgiveness of myself and the love of Jesus and the bondage of un-forgiveness has no more power over me. And Satan I take back all of the ground that you have gained in my life because of my failure and my unwillingness to forgive others and I belong to Christ He has washed me with His blood He has washed my sins away with His redeemed blood. You have no more right to me, you have no more power over me you have no more claim to me and I command every root of bitterness and all strongholds to leave me now in the name of Jesus I command all mental, emotional and physical torment to leave me in the name of Jesus. Father we partake of the blood right now we partake of the cup and we thank You Lord that it cleanses, it delivers, it liberates, it heals. And so Lord we allow Your blood to go through our emotions, through our spirit, throughout our body now and to cleanse us and restore us and deliver us in Jesus name.

Sid: You can participate and if you didn’t you can take the bread if you did fine but if you didn’t take the bread you break it and say (singing) “Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam hamotzi min ha-aretz. Amen.” you can eat the bread now.  And you can take the cup and remember that is representing the victory in the blood.  And Yeshua said this prayer Jesus said this prayer (singing) “Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam boray p’ree hagafen. Amen.” And drink the cup. Shirley I believe that a lot of people are being freed and some people are even coming to know the Lord right now it’s becoming so real to them.

Shirley: Amen.

Sid: Would you pray for their healing right now?

Shirley: Yes Father we are fearfully and wonderfully made and Lord even David said “When we were in the womb that you saw us being formed and shaped us and you know every member of our body.”  And Lord as a member of our body or any system of our body has decay and has an infection has an infirmity has an affliction and this one has a disease. And right now we take dominion and we take authority over the spirit of disease and affliction and infirmity and of cancer and we tell you right now in the name of Jesus that they have asked for forgiveness and they are forgiven and they have released their offenders and we tell you Satan that you have no longer any authority over them those doors are closed you are renounced you are rebuked and we command you to lose those their body and to come out of their body come out of their body now in the name of Jesus! You loose the captive we bring them we pull them out of the prison house we bring the prisoner of fear and intimidation and abuse and violence and all of those things against them and we pull them out of that prison house and to the power of forgiveness the power of your blood the power of your word.  And God we speak of deliverance in the household not just the people but we speak a deliverance in the household of the families of these people who are listening today who are participating with us. We thank Lord that our bodies are made in your image and we are to glorify and we present our bodies as a living sacrifice. God now that we are receiving our healing we want to give back to you oh of full service and full dedication our bodies every member of our body.  Lord we determine that we will continually walk in our confession.

Sid: Be whole in Yeshua’s name thank you Shirley.

Written by admin

October 13th, 2016 at 7:48 am