It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest David Martin

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Sid: I have David Martin on the telephone and David is a good friend. I was speaking to him a couple of days ago and he said he just heard a prophetic word from God.  I said I want people to hear this; what did God just tell you David?

David: Well Sid it was pretty amazing and in my 35 years of serving God I had never really did something like this. But literally I believe God was telling me to get alone with Him.  So I spent 8 days in a forest in a tent with God. After 8 days in the midst of the 8 days the take away of which you are speaking up hear a number of things that God said to me very very significant. I believe we’re in a point right now to see great prosperity; tremendous blessings from God and specifically for those that are pressing in; people that are red hot and on fire for God that the blessings are going to be upon all mankind.  But those that are pressing in are going to have a definite advantage because of hearing God’s voice and being obedient to do whatever He says. There’s going to be opportunities beyond anything ever seen before so that was number 1.  Then number 2, He said to me that “There was going to be a quickening of an open Heaven and pouring out of His Spirit” and it was likened to a vision God gave me many many years ago where He opened the Heaven and I saw all these beams of light coming down.  And what He showed me was like an umbilical cord Sid that we are connected to God in this unseen realm and those people that are pressing in really hot is like the bandwidth; the ability to hear from God is so increased. Just like Jesus was able to see things before they happened; this was what is going to happen in this day and hour.

Sid: You know what it reminds me of the scripture where Jesus said, “I only do what I see my Heavenly Father doing.”  And I’ve pondered that so much, I’m such a pragmatic type of person; that’s what I want; I don’t want to waste my time doing good things I want to do exactly what I was created to do.

David: Absolutely and this is what I believe God is saying to people.  Every one of us Sid; every one of your listeners has been put here on planet Earth; we’re not of this world. Before the foundation of the world God called us and it’s interesting in that word He said “He called us to be holy and blameless.”  And I believe God is moving in such a way to those that will fulfill the purpose that He made us they’re going to be under an Open Heaven to do exactly what Jesus did and even greater to see what’s going on before it happens.

Sid: Tell me a few more specifics that God told you.

David:  Well, I really believe that the reason He’s pouring out this anointing this was one of the things that He said to me that it was a great time of opportunity for people to get out of debt.  And that was number 1.  Number 2 that they would lead by example.  Every one of us Sid are being watched by our neighbors, by coworkers, by people that know us and they’re observing us.  And as they observe us in these closing pages of history we’re going to shine that this is what’s so incredible that He’s turning up the glory if you will, the radiance so that we shine as it says in Ephesians 5:14. “Awaken thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and I will cause you to shine.”  So we’re going to lead by example; people are going to see the brightness of our calling and walking. They’re going to be drawn to us and what’s going to happen is a good time is going to end and they’re going to know who was shining and they’re going to come to us.  And we’re going to see the greatest harvest the world has ever seen in a great awakening.  And the 3rd thing he said to me was that He was giving us this opportunity for great wealth as it says in Deuteronomy 8.  “He gives us power to get wealth that the covenant will be established.”  He’s giving us this great wealth that we have money to help in this funding of the gospel right now.

Sid: Now did He give you a kind of time window as to how long we’re going to have to get out of debt and become the head and not the tail?

David:  Well, I don’t have a specific Sid, I wish I did, but my sense though is that it is going to go through the end of the year and possibly into the coming year.

Sid: Well, you know David for the last decade there have been prophetic words warnings, get out debt so it sounds like this may be the final warning to get out of debt because God knows what’s coming.

David: Well, I believe it’s not only a warning but it’s coming with opportunity to those people to press in and really walk in a level of the glory that they’ve never imagined possible.

Sid: What do you think that’s going to look like?  Paint me a picture; what could that look like?

David:  (Laughing) Actually I have an example that one of the people on my staff went home for the holidays; this was a number of years ago he was telling me the story.  A lady in his church, this actually happened to her; she was in the market shopping.  A little girl came up to the lady and she was holding a tomato and she said “How do you do that?”  And she said “I squeeze it to see if it’s fresh.”  And the child said “No, no how do you shine?”  And the lady kind of embarrassed said “Oh that’s Jesus.” And the little girl said “Awe, mom’s got to see this.  She dashed off grabbed her mom over there to the vegetables where the lady was still and the mother said, “My daughter said I had to see this lady that was shining” and she said “It’s true you really do you’re radiating.”  And the lady said kind of embarrassed again; “Well, that’s Jesus.” But when she said that God gave her a word, and this is what is so key Sid.  That God is going to give us words of wisdom; words of knowledge and revelation in a greater dimension again because of this increase bandwidth this connection to have Him.  And God showed her that by this word that this lady had a tumor on her chest of physical I mean she could feel it I from abuse.  But anyway she told the lady what God showed her the lady started crying. She said “That’s true and the lady that was shining said “Can I pray for you?”  And the lady said “Sure,” well, she prayed right there in the market.  The lady was instantly healed; the tumor was instantly gone and the lady then accepted Jesus.  And then the lady got another word a prophetic word; God said to tell you “Your husband will never beat you again.”  And the lady went home; now she literally was transformed radiating the glory; her husband noticed a difference.  And he said “What happened to you?”  She told him the story; they both went to church the next week he got saved. I believe that that’s an exact picture of what we’re going to see in these days.

Sid: How did you get these keys David?

David: Well Sid it’s going to take a whole another radio show to tell the story. Essentially it’s 30 plus years of studying the word of God with pressing in with trying to understand how did Jesus do what Jesus did.  And literally when I was recovering from a head on car collision while I was laying there in bed God brought to me this entire list.  But these are key essence of principals and precepts from the truth of God’s word that when we believe them in our heart and we speak them we literally it transforms us from the inside out.

Sid: Well David someone that took these 20 keys was a woman in Toronto and the reason that she took the course is she saw someone else and this man was shining.  Tell me about him.

David:  (Laughing) Actually I just heard of this story; last week a lady contacted me because she wanted to get into the program.  And I said to her “How did you hear about it?”  She said she was at a conference and where was a number of other ministry people there and this man was sitting in front of her.  And she was so captivated by the radiance of this person she had to ask him “What are you doing that you are radiating like you are?”  And he said to her “I’m doing this program that David Martin.”  And she called because she wanted to get in on it too.

Sid:  Well, we’re talking about the most amazing, amazing principals; these are 20 keys that God has outlined to David Martin.  And he has cards which have each key; he has a CD.  I can picture you as you jump into your car or you go to your study time and you listen to this CD it’s only 5 or 6 minutes a day.  But you actually get into your heart the word of God; the principal, and the teaching; I mean you should start every day of your life with these keys.  David I’m amazed that 80% of the people that take your course have been believers 20 years or more and then all of a sudden they kick into the supernatural after every single day… why is it making such a difference to these people; they’ve been believers for say 20 years?

David: Well Sid I’m sure there’s a variety of factors here; one very significant it is anointed; it is God breathed; God inspired.  And when you take the inspiration with the word itself combine it with other principals of daily discipline, of meditating on the word; taking these principals and saying them over and over.  And then with these devotions the word comes alive you just understand and you begin to operate with a heart of God and the mind of Christ.  It just brings you to a new level of walking in the supernatural.

Sid: Many people are reporting that when they take this course they experience the glory of God.

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May 26th, 2014 at 2:57 am

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