It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for October, 2013

Sid Roth

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Sid:  Well, my guest is red hot for the Messiah, that’s me I’m the guest this week, and why am I red hot for the Messiah?  Because I know about paying in supernatural tongues; as a matter of fact what you’re hearing right now or if you watch our television show what you see right now would not be if I didn’t personally pray in supernatural languages, in tongues.  And why did I say that?  As a new Jewish Believer in the Messiah I would spend at least an hour praying in supernatural languages and do you realize that when you pray in tongues you are prophesying your future?  Do you realize that when you speak into the atmosphere what God has for your future your speaking it in perfect faith, you see you don’t even know what you saying. So there’s no doubt, there’s no unbelief, your praying in perfect faith.  And all things are possible when you pray according to the will of God in perfect faith. You see, and I believe that if I could supernaturally go back then and ease drop with revelation of what I was saying that someday I was going to have a radio ministry all over the world, some day we’re going to have a television ministry all over the world, someday we’re going to have our own television studio.  And as a matter of fact lately I know I’ve been prophesying on what’s going to happen in the future of this ministry.  I have to tell you everything that we have done to date is in preparation for what is about ready to unfold in this ministry.  So I have to tell you I am so excited but it never would have happened if I didn’t pray perfect prayers with perfect faith in those early years.  But it’s not too late, you will not miss your destiny, start praying an hour a day in supernatural languages.  Remember mediate on God’s word because God’s word is such power, if you could see in the Spirit when you’re praying in tongues things are going out of your mouth and you’re activating angels, they’re running all over the place, Heaven is being activated when your praying in tongues.  And when you speak God’s word, Heaven is being activated, angels are being activated.

Now the scripture we’re mediating this week is Acts 10:38 “God anointed me, He smeared His Holy Spirit and His power into me so that I can go about doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the devil.”  You hear that devil, “all who are oppressed,” I could put hands on…if I was in a problem now which I’m not I could put hands on myself and I could say “Oppression leave, sickness leave because I am smeared with the Holy Spirit of God, I am smeared with His power and everyone that I pray for that’s oppressed by the devil.”  It says “all” in the word of God; see I’m activating angels and now the next person I see that’s afflicted and oppressed by the devil watch out I got my spirit too late for you.

So we’re going back to supernatural languages or tongues, this will sound strange to you, but I am so grateful for the cellphone, yes you heard me correct.  I said “I am so grateful for the cellphone.”  Why do I say this, because I walk around praying in tongues and people would look at me like I was strange and so they would, you know and I kind of got intimidated; I did it but I kind of intimidated because I didn’t want them to take me out to the nuthouse.  You know and that’s what people do when your speaking out loud when no one’s around.  But the advent of the cellphone you see someone driving a car and speaking and you realize they’re just talking on their cellphone.  Well, I tried something the other day and it was amazing, I took my cellphone and I took it out and I pretended like I was talking to someone on the cellphone and I was speaking in tongues and no one thought anything of it; they didn’t take me out to the nut farm they thought I was just normal.  Well, so you know I’m not kidding you this is really what’s going on.  I mean if I’m on an airplane and there’s someone next to me I start speaking they’re going to call for the airline stewardess they’re going to be worried that something even worst I won’t even say that but on second thought I can’t do this on the airplane, use a cellphone on the airplane.  Any way it was a good thought, but I’m really going to start doing it, I’ll be at a scheduled event and I’m going to take out my cellphone I’m speaking to God.  It says “When you speak in tongues you talk to God,” right?  Well, who are you talking to?  Your talking to God personally, someone could walk up and say “Sid your so animated I said “Wouldn’t you be animated if you were talking to God, I got God on the other line of the cellphone.”

Also one other thing, I’ll change the subject a little bit you may be getting tired of the cellphone thing but I love it personally.  I have found something interesting, when I’m praying in tongues a serious problem all of a sudden after I’ve been praying for a while I’ll start laughing, it won’t be a laugh like someone’s told a joke, it’ll be what I call laughing in the Spirit.  I’ll start doing ha-ha-ha-ha- ha-ha-ha, and to me what God is showing me is it’s finished, it’s done.  Have you ever heard about people praying through until they get an answer?  Well, that’s what this is when you’re laughing in the Spirit you have prayed through to Heaven and the angels have already been released and their moving according to your words.  And I cannot impress you enough that if you currently pray in tongues one hour a day and if… I’m going to promise you something if you already speak in tongues you will be, you won’t be able to listen to this teaching without speaking in tongues at the same time because the anointing is so strong on these two CDs.  And then the teaching this week I’m going to include that in the package and a special DVD that will teach you more on praying in tongues.  And then I’m going to pray for impartation and a special DVD that’s going to teach you how to how you can pray in tongues, or you can give it to a friend that wants to learn how to speak in tongues.  Then the impartation is so strong.  You know years ago wherever I would go I would pray for people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, then I got into praying for healing and I didn’t have time for both so I stopped.  But you know what that used to be one of my strongest anointing’s and I’m going back because we need the prayer of the first church which was speaking in tongues, we need what the apostles used to pray.  If we don’t need it now when?

And you know what else is going to happen to you as you start praying in tongues for an hour?  God’s going to do something amazing He is going to…when you go to sleep at night you’re going to be praying in tongues while you sleep, talk about double duty.  Don’t be worried about bad dreams if your praying in tongues all night.  The devil won’t want to come near you, but that’s what people do.  They start praying I mean time is being compressed.  That hour a day isn’t enough, he’s going to have you praying all night long and you’ll be sleeping, your spirit doesn’t need to sleep; your spirit will be praying in tongues.  You know what I think I’m going to pray in tongues right now is that okay with you…well good if not it’s okay with God and that’s all that counts (Sid praying in tongues) Guess what happened didn’t I just teach you I was laughing in the Spirit – did you catch that? (Sid praying in tongues) That’s not laughing that’s tongues laughing…tomorrow’s broadcast if you’ve never spoken in tongues before you’ll be speaking in tongues on tomorrow’s broadcast because we’re coving the bases and if you… and by the way, if you speak in tongues already I’m going to break you lose on tomorrow’s broadcast to speak in multiple languages, you’ll be speaking in a Chinese dialect, a Pilipino dialect, Aramaic dialect, a Spanish dialect.  It’s wonderful and by the way all the gifts open up to you when you pray in supernatural languages….

Written by admin

October 30th, 2013 at 2:33 pm

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Our Guest Eddie James

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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah and on the right side of the fence in reference to the Jew in Israel. It’s not a matter of whose right whose wrong it’s what is God saying and we’re going to do it.  My guest Eddie James, he’s had a supernatural burden most of his life for the Jew and the nation Israel.  Eddie there’s something sweeping Christendom its demonic called Replacement Theology that basically says the church replaced Israel.  What do you think about that?

Eddie:  I think your right I think it’s absolutely of the enemy; I do not believe that what God has done to bring the Gentiles in is to replace what He has spoken to the Jews.  I believe that we get to be a part of a heritage and inheritance that has come through the Jews; I do not believe… I’m not even sure why that theology has come up and what has caused it.  I just know this Jesus Christ is not coming back to New York; He’s not coming back to LA He’s coming to Israel and I believe that’s the place and the thing that is in God’s heart when it comes to the world; the climates right there.  And I believe the Jewish people are still God’s chosen people and that we are blessed and honored to connect to God’s heart as relation to the people of God in Israel.  And I count it a privilege and I believe that when we get the right perspective about God’s people then we all benefit we all become…

Sid: Oh I’m going to go one step further Eddie and here’s what I believe.  Where we are in history we’re literally as the Orthodox Jews say “We’re in the footsteps of Messiah.”  We can almost hear His return. Except they would say “First time,” we say “Return.” Where we are in history that are on the wrong side of the fence in reference to the Jew in Israel will go into further further heresy don’t have time to teach on it but I’m 100% convinced of that.  Also there’s a move of authentic power of God that this world has ever seen and it is not; it’s going to bypass those that don’t understand the Jew in Israel, that I’m convinced of.  Now Eddie will you spend about 8 hours a day with the Lord, just out of curiosity what do you do personally with your time with the Lord?

Eddie: Well I read, I worship, I dance, I shout (laughing) I cry, I just really I seek if it’s the word I embodies what my heart is about is seeking stirring up a seeking heart.  Stirring up the holy curiosity about God and Ephesians says “Everything that pertains about the life and knowledge of God.”  So I want to know God I want to know who He is, I found that what stirs my curiosity about Him is when I celebrate and then invite God in my life then I’ll know who He is.  Sometimes I’ll just walk around my room and say “Your holy, Your magnificent, Your great, Your awesome; God You’re just beautiful.” I just speak the attributes of God, begin to speak of what He’s done.  David said in Psalm’s 8 “When I consider the Heavens, the work of Your fingers the moon and the stars which thou has has ordained what is man that thou art mindful of him and son of man that thou visited him.”  I just go quoting stuff like that and stirring curiosity of my heart and I just speak of the attributes of God talking of who He is and what He has done and the work of His hands; His power, His greatness and I do that and when I do that I begin to sense His anointing, I sense His presence in the room and I’ll get on my keyboard and I’ll begin to play worship music, I’ll begin to just get on my physical, I’ll weep before Him; I’ll go into the scriptures and learn more about Him.  Even right now I’m in the middle of learning some things about the burning bush experience when Moses was there and I’m getting fascinating things that I’ve never seen before.  I just need to look at what is Mount Horeb, what is all of that about, why would God put His finger on that spot, and Moses bringing people back to that spot where he encountered God.  And it begins to do something to my own heart to bring me to the spot where I can bring myself back to it and say “That’s where I found God, that’s the place I met Him; that’s the place I take my shoes off; that’s the place where I saw the all consuming power and fire of God; and it gripped my spirit and turned me into the deliver He made me to be today.

Sid: Eddie I want them to experience that right now with “Lion of Judah.”

Excerpt: “Lion of Judah”

Written by admin

October 25th, 2013 at 6:28 pm

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Our Guest Bill Johnson

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Bill Johnson

Sid:  Mishpochah the presence of God is strong on this broadcast I think it has to do with my guest Pastor Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California.  Bill the presence of God has just descended as I just started the introduction I had to stop the introduction. I happen to believe that if you will pray whatever the Holy Spirit inspires you to pray with this anointing things are going to happen you are going to be a demonstrator of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Bill:  All right let’s do it.  Father I’m asking right now especially right now for terminal cases for those things that have declared impossible by the experts I’m asking Spirit of God come and invade, we stand in the Name of the Lord Jesus against the Spirit of Infirmity that has stolen life, time, resources, strength health from the people of God, and I declare in the Name of Jesus be released from infirmity now, be released now.  Rheumatoid Arthritis dissolve be out of that body in Jesus Name, I command cancer, I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus you have no place in the people of God, we declare that our body is a cancer free zone.  And Father I cry right now for the invasion, the outpouring of the Spirit of God in household, after household, in church family, after church family restore us to the normal Christian life I pray in Jesus Name.

Sid:  Amen that means…

Bill:  Amen.

Sid:  So be it.

Bill:  Yeah.

Sid:  And I believe that that’s not just an expression Bill I believe so be it.  Now when I think about you and in everything you write you talk about this from the Lord’s Prayer “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”  What does that exactly mean to you?

Bill:  Well the word kingdom is the Kings domain, the realm of His dominion. When it comes upon the tormented mind that torment leaves and there is a structure the order of Heaven comes into the way of thinking for a believer.  When it touches the human body affliction, infirmity leaves, homes that are divided, businesses that are becoming bankrupt, cities that in chaos, all these things are affected by the presence of the Lord.  And the Kingdom of God Paul said in Romans 14 he said, “The kingdom of God is not meat or drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.”  The kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit contains or manifests if you will the dominion of Jesus over any situation that we’ll invite Him into.  And so when we pray for the Kingdom to come we’re crying out, we’re declaring that it is the will of God for God’s dominion over all things to become manifest and realized in a person’s life.

Sid:  Well, as you talk about this in you book you say when you see something, if you see someone with one leg shorter than the other you say “That’s not the way it is in Heaven.”  And what do you do about it?

Bill:  Well, then we pray we ask for permission if it’s in a meeting of course it’s usually more normal because we do that in every meeting. If it’s in public we just ask for permission to pray for them and tell them that we see God heal people all the time and encourage them and then we set them down and we command the leg to grow.  And it’s just amazing what Jesus does we have had deaf mutes healed in our mall, we’ve had just you know amazing things just happen right in public places as people just step outside of their little comfort zone and take some risk and give God a chance to reveal His extravagance.

Sid:  Now you have a Bible School there of which I know a number of people that have gone there and graduated. You give them assignments, give me an example of what an assignment might be.

Bill:  We’ll send them to a restaurant for example and they are in the course of the evening they are to ask the Lord to show them five things about that person the waitress so that they can use them as tools to minister God’s love and kindness to them.  And they write them down on a napkin and then in the course of the evening through conversation they may ask them by any chance were you born in San Diego?  If the person says “Yes” then it’s an open door and they’ll step a little farther.  They may ask why?  And they’ll say “Well, I’m just learning to hear from God and I feel like He told me that just so that I could confirm to you that He is really in love with you and then they use that as a ministry point. If it’s not correct and they ask “Why do you ask?”  You say well, I’m just learning to hear from God and I thought that might have been something about your life, but you know we don’t stand up and say “Thus saith, we give them a way where they can learn how to hear from the Lord.”  And then when they get it right then it really opens the persons’ heart for ministry.  We had a guy going down the street here awhile back and a lady walked past and was extremely angry. So he asked if he could stop and she did but she was anxious to get going and he say’s “Could I pray with you?”  And she said, “No.”  And he says, “Well how about if I tell you something about your past?”  And this guy is very prophetic and he didn’t have anything, but he just felt like God loved this woman so much that he would speak to Him about her.”  She stopped just out of curiosity she said, “Okay,” and he paused for a moment and then he lifted up just the bottom edge of his shirt where his stomach could be seen and he pointed to a part of his stomach, he said, “You’ve been stabbed right here haven’t you?”  And she looked with absolute shock as she lifted up part of her shirt to show him that she had been stabbed and had a fresh stab wound there.  And it opened up an amazing door for ministry.  We just teach people how to hear from God to take risks, and then try to just love people.

Sid:    You have a story in your book about a team that was out in Johannesburg, and they encountered a homeless man and do you remember that story?

Bill:  That was an amazing story actually, he had been robbed, he had been taken out of town some distance and left to die, he was paralyzed. Miraculously his life was spared and they found him and began to minister to him and he forgave the individual and ended up getting completely healed right there in the parking lot.  And the strange part of the story is the people who actually kidnapped him and took him out and beat him, actually drove up into the parking lot at that time. It was was just an amazing, you know, God just restores everything He restores relationships, and He restores physical body, emotion, mentally, all of it. There was an amazing healing between one of his assailments, the rest drove off in terror.  But as I recall it was only the one that got out and was somehow reconciled, really amazing stories like this are just continuous.

Sid:  I’m curious Bill you as long as I’ve known you and it’s been a number of years what your sharing now has been the norm with you, but are you seeing increase within your students and with yourself, or is it the same as it’s been for a few years.

Bill:  Oh no, there’s absolute increase.  We had a leaders gathering here 800 leaders around the world gathered here last week. I asked them the question, I asked “How many of you had miracles on a consistent weekly basis ten years ago?” Out of 800 plus leaders three people raise their hand.  I said “How many had it five years ago?” Somewhere between 8 and 10 people raised their hand, and then I asked them “How many of you have seen it consistently over the last year?”  And about 75% of the people raised their hand.  There is such a traumatic increase this is just simply the time to cooperate with God let His extravagance be displayed and to learn how to take risk and how to walk in this anointing.

Sid:  Can I get you to speculate as to why the increase now. Because what you’re telling me doesn’t surprise me this is what I’m hearing all over the world also.

Bill:  Why because I don’t know, I think, I think some people really paid a price 5, 10, 15 years ago and their message caught on. God has really honored, you know, many of them suffered so much rejection and stuff because they would preach to this message and yet they stuck with it.  They’re fruit is credible, their life is filled with integrity and the message has caught on.  The bottom line is that it’s natural for us to hunger for to see the impossibilities of life bend their need in the name of Jesus.

Sid:  Now, what would you say to someone that says, I want to be hungry, and I want that desperately but not desperate enough to pay the price, what would you say to them?

Bill:  I’d say repent.

Sid:    [Laughing]

Bill:  Repent your wrong, it’s not normal.

Sid:  But I’d say I don’t feel like paying that price, fasting, praying but I want the results.

Bill:  Well, I don’t know what else to say. It just comes down to at some point they’re going to have to recognize that what’s going on in their heart is not consistent with the authentic gospel. At some point the person has to break before the Lord they may not be hungry, but if you can at least recognize I’m not on track, I’m not hungry for what I should be hungry for.  The absence of hunger in a small child is a sign of sickness, disease. In the Body of Christ the absence of hunger is sign of disease and there has to be a time of yielding and breaking before the Lord where He restores what is natural to us and that is to hunger for his name to be honored by the impossibilities of life yielding to his power.

Sid:  The book we’re making available called “The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind,” you start out by saying that this is a very abused subject because believer’s go to two extremes what do you mean?

Bill:  Well, there is a lot of self discipline involved in one camp on the renewed mind where if they feel they can quote a scripture in response to a problem they consider that to be the renewed mind.  And it just simply isn’t the renewed mind is where you see from God’s perspective. I like to illustrate it with the word repent. This isn’t the actual formation of the word but it illustrates the word perfectly. “Re” and “pent.” Re means to go back, penthouse would be top floor of the building.  Go back to God’s perspective on reality and when we see things from perspective that is what the renewed mind is.  And we have people who are trying to get renewed minds without divine encounters and it’s really a big deal that we cry out to meet with God so that we are changed.  And when we have those encounters our way of thinking is transformed.

Written by admin

October 16th, 2013 at 3:21 pm

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Our Guest Mickey Robinson

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Sid: Guess what I’m  being interrupted by our sponsor; I love to be interrupted by Almighty God and He tells me there are people that have pains in their back and if they will just move by faith recognizing they have already been healed; the pain will lift completely.  And there’s a strong anointing to be healed of hips and if you drive stop your car and go run around the car.  But I’ll tell you what this is going to be some week if you have been listening I have on the telephone Mickey Robinson. Mickey was one of the sky divers and he went up on a routine dive sky dive and all of a sudden the engine quit and the tree was in the path of the plane and if he hadn’t been pulled out he would been toast and a miracle happened that he even survived.  However he was burned over his body, his brain was injured; his right eye was hanging out.  He was in such pain that pain medication did not help him and he experienced on the way to the hospital repenting to all he was worth and he had an encounter with Jesus.  And Jesus told him what was going to happen, like where he was going to live; who his wife would be; and even what would happen in the United States.  And tell me again because it’s so wonderful; what is being in eternity with Jesus like?

Mickey:  Being united Spirit to Spirit with God is the highest form of ecstatic life it’s the only way I can tell you it’s all understatement.  Any kind of words there all understatements, superlatives understated but it is God’s original intent was that we would have that kind of communion with him.  That’s why Jesus said “I long to have the glory that we had before the world was.”  The glory is our destiny; but while we live on this earth we have a job to do and that is to glorify God in whatever the greatest fashion that we can and in that we’re edified.  We walk in the flesh that’s not the way we’re supposed to live; we’re supposed to live out our life in that.

Sid: But Mickey having experienced eternity, having experienced the glory of God; having as you described the love of God being poured into you how do you handle it on this side of eternity?

Mickey:   Well, let me tell you how I came back when the Lord after this extended vision that encompassed about 7 years was concluded God spoke to me not in an English language or any audible language but a higher form of communication directly into my being.  I knew I was headed back to the earth and He was answering my prayer for the second chance of life and I just left the same way I entered drifting back out of the of the third Heaven through the second Heaven through the earth’s atmosphere; through the roof of the hospital.  And there was a sense of traveling; I could feel my spirit press into my body and as it did I could see out of my left eye which was not blind and out of mouth was this beautiful language that I had never heard about I was worshipping God with a unknown language that I had never ever heard of that before.

Sid: You’ve never heard anyone speaking in tongues, it’s never been discussed?

Mickey:   I never heard it or ever heard of it – it was beautiful and this incredible – I was filled with incredible sense of peace just indescribable.  Here’s a person who has no hope, whose body is destroyed; who has no destiny.  Well the doctors were deciding the next medical move which was to take me to the morgue, God was revealing to me my destiny and I was just so full of joy it’s indiscernible, joy and love and peace.  The glory that I had stood in heaven, the last gasp of atmosphere that I had breathed was the atmosphere of Heaven and that was now living inside me.  I had never heard of the fullness of the Holy Spirit I had no knowledge of it, but let me tell you it is more powerful than the power of death because I was now alive; but I was still blind, I’m still both legs paralyzed and so full of love and hope and joy. It just shows you that God gives us peace that passes understanding.

Sid: Now what did the doctors think they realized that you were alive and they’re planning your burial.

Mickey:   I woke up looking at the faces of about a half a dozen doctors and nurses who were terrified.

Sid: I’m sure.

Mickey:   And I probably looked like the cat that ate the canary. I had what was ever left of my face I probably had this blissful grin on it and I had this ability to perceive the heart of every one of these people. I felt bad that they felt that. I thought “Why did they feel bad every things perfect.  And they’re thinking if this guy doesn’t die he comes back talking in this unknown language I’m going to get the heck out of here.” They were just scared to death but I actually had this compassion for people because they felt bad; everything was perfect I’m still as wrecked as I was.

Sid: Now when the doctors’ realized that you were alive did they just expect you to die any way again.

Mickey:   They were still waiting for me to die.

Sid: But your body is as wrecked as ever you explain but what’s going on in the inside of you.

Mickey: Absolute ecstatic love; just love that I’ve never even heard of before and confidence for a full life when there’s absolutely no way.  

Sid:  Alright if a doctor was going to describe your physical condition at that time what would the description had been?

Mickey:  Absolutely terminal.

Sid: But tell me what was wrong with you.

Mickey:   Infection throughout my body, had microorganisms living in my blood; was bleeding 10 pints of blood; actually they found out later that I was taking in no nutrition at all, the insides from an ulcer and the gastric juices had digested the lower third of my esophagus and my whole stomach was closed.  You burn 40,000 calories a day with the types of burns I had and all I was getting was what I was getting through the IV.

Sid: Now what about your eye and your walking?

Mickey:  Oh my eye was blind, both legs had nerves in the front were dead, my feet were curled up like bird claws, absolutely lifelessness in my legs I didn’t have strength to even move a muscle.

Sid:  Okay you just back from an encounter with Jesus; you recognize what eternity is and what Heaven is all about; you’re ecstatic on the inside your dying on the outside; when did it dawn on you came back but you came back in the shape as you went?

Mickey:   I was overwhelmed with this love and all I couldn’t help but to love everything. As time went by they put a rubber tube, they x-rayed me and found out that my stomach…they thought I lost the will to live when they would give me food it would go so far and regurgitate but never entered my stomach because my stomach was closed.  Well, they put a rubber tube called a gastrostomy tube about a ½ inch in diameter surgically right into my stomach and they fed me like blenderized liquid protein and vitamins and put the medicine in there. I gradually you know I was at death’s door for months.  The moon launch of the Apollo launch that went around the moon; I remember watching it and I was still very sick when the first word’s of a human being on the earth were “In the beginning God.”  And it was so beautiful because I liked the space program as well as sky diving and flying.

Sid: Yeah, but your still just human and your back to that body and pain and your back to all of those horrible things in your body didn’t you lose hope; hey I’m going to tell I’m going back to that third heaven I liked that atmosphere.

Mickey:  The unexplainable thing not only did I have more hope than I ever had in my life the ridiculously thing I just couldn’t wait to get out of the hospital and live a full life when there was absolutely everything says “You have no chance to even live.”  And then after I survival I was in survival they said “I would never walk, I’ll never leave a nursing home” you know and then God began to heal me.  And when they saw I wasn’t going to die they began to treat me like I was going to live and that was within you know about the next month.  And then I actually had an experience where a man came in the hospital and he; it was an unusual time when no family was there and the vigil was almost constant.  He came up to me and they had to evacuate the intensive care department because someone broke out with a staph infection. That staph infection could have killed me or anybody else in that intensive care.  So they set up some kind of a make shift one on the first floor and some guy was cruising and I don’t know if he was a pastor or just a Christian but he had a Bible; he came up to my bed and he introduce himself I don’t recall his name.  He said “Is it okay if I pray with you?”  And no one had ever said that before and so he prayed, I don’t remember; I wish I remember but I don’t remember what he prayed.  And then he said, “Is it okay if I read to you from the Bible? When he read the Bible I don’t know where he was but something began to shake in my stomach.  Now I don’t have the strength to move a muscle and as he read the Bible I began to vibrate and shake so much the protective bars, the chrome bars on the bed where clanging against the frame and I was flapping up and down like a piece of bacon on the griddle.  And if I didn’t say anything I felt like my head was going to come off and I said “I’ve got to be some kind of a priest of something, I’ve been term born again.”  I’ve never heard the term.

Sid: But your background is Catholic you said “Some kind of a priest.”

Mickey:  It’s when the Spirit of God communicated to my spirit and like an artesian well or like a volcano came out if I didn’t say something I felt like my head was going to pop off.  It’s the first prophesy I ever gave, I was prophesying over my own life.  I believe that it activated my healing and my destiny; it’s important that we speak out what the word of God is.

Sid: In your two CD’s that we’re offering “Show Me Your Glory.”  You teach things that you learned in the Third Heaven. What effect does it have when your speaking this message or when people listen to this CD?  What affect does it have on them?

Mickey:   We’ve had the presence of God come fall so strong that people could not move for up to 30 minutes.  We’ve have other people just gain greater faith or confidence that our praying our singing are just not edifying and are not just encouraging but they actually go in before the throne of God and go before the altar of God, and God sends it back down to earth in the form of power.

Sid: And how does it change their worship, how does it change their prayer life?

Mickey:  More intensity, more confidence, more passion and more feeling of partnership with God in the spirit realm of the Kingdom.

Sid: See Mishpochah we are praying from this side; he saw what goes on the other side…

Written by admin

October 7th, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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Our Guest Graham Cooke

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Graham Cooke

Sid:  I want everyone everywhere to be normal, and my guest Graham Cooke and myself are saying “We just want to be normal.”  And most Christians that I meet have so many layers Graham of tradition and so many layers of religion that there’s just plain not room for God.  Now the normal paradigm in Christianity today is, and I’m going to use a very godly man as an example Billy Graham brings somebody to a Billy Graham meeting.  Billy has an anointing that will cause them to say a prayer which I don’t see this prayer really as the objective from the Bible, but they say this prayer, praise God they’re saved.  Now I happen to know statistically 98 – 99% of the people that say this prayer a year or two later aren’t even in a church anymore.  I almost question.  There’s something wrong with this picture compared to the Book of Acts, what’s wrong with this picture?

Graham: I think… I love Billy Graham’s ministry I think that he’s an amazing.

Sid:  Well, you’re named after him right, I’m just teasing. (Laughing) This is Graham Cooke that I’m talking to. (Laughing)

Graham:  The difficulty Sid is where people who bring people to Billy Graham’s ministry don’t always take responsibility for following up so that people do come into a direct encounter with the Spirit of God with the Lord Jesus Himself.  You know there’s no breakthrough without follow-through. A lot of these people are not followed up adequately.  They’re not taught what relationship with God really should look like, they’re taught to go to church, they’re taught to read their Bible and they’re taught to you know well just do the best you can kind of thing.  Join a small group, go to a Bible study. They’re not taught about some of the magic and mystery of actually walking with God that you can hear His voice, that you can have encounters with Him.

Sid: You know what I love about your new book “Approaching the Heart of Prophecy” you have some of the early church fathers known as the mystics and some of their nuggets are so wonderful.

Graham: I know they are amazing, ay.

Sid:  Really and truly what we’re talking about all this week is having such intimacy with God that you’re lead by His Spirit and we have such intimacy with education that we’re led by our mind and that’s the rub.

Graham:  Yeah exactly.

Sid: Okay, now I’m going to get a lot of people upset at me if I don’t go back to that second dream you had you’re a brand new believer you had your dream to go a house with words of knowledge. You see the woman in your dream you knock on the door and sure enough the same woman you say “I’d like to pray for your washing machine and she say’s come on in.”  You pray for the washing machine and it works, the second day you go back and it’s not working and you pray for it again, you figure oh this is my lot in life I’m going to be she called you this and the idiot that prays for one washing machine the rest of my life.  And then God spoke to you and said “Tell, her to pray and she did it and she got the same results.  Now you had a second dream and so you’ve find the house, you knock on the door what did God tell you about that particular house?

Graham: There was a man there who was unemployed he’d lost his job. He was in his mid to late fifties and he was in despair.  It was at a time when the British economy when, you know the whole economy was really in a very poor state; the manufacturing there were hundreds of thousands of people out of work and of course he’s in his late 50’s with very little chance of actually getting meaningful employment facing him and he’s acutely depressed.  So I knock on the door and there’s the guy exactly in my dream and so I go to my little routine “I am a Christian, I believe God speaks I had a dream about you and this is what the Lord said to me.”  And he interrupts me and his language was quite abusive and so on and so I listened and tells me this blank blank dream that God gave you.”  And I said, “Yeah, and do you have anything better to do, give me two minutes, it doesn’t make any sense you don’t have to do anything.”  And he went “Oh go on then.”  And so, “In the dream I saw you getting a hold of the local newspaper on Thursday evening” which is like when all the jobs are displayed in the paper, in the newspaper And I said, “On page 45, third column across, second advertisement down God is going to give you that job.”  And he looked at me and relayed the dream and he said, “This is what you are telling me I just got to buy a paper, get page 45 third column across second advert down God’s going to give me that job!”  And I said, “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”  So he let me have it in no uncertain terms how stupid I was and you know and the language is extremely industrial (laughing). So I gave him some money for the newspaper and I said, “Well, I’ll come back on Friday and you can tell me if it doesn’t work you can tell me to my face how stupid I am and how’s that?”  And so he took the money so I went home and went back on Friday opened the door, he’s clean shaven, he has a shirt and tie on, he beams this smile at me and says “You won’t believe it, you won’t believe it come in let me tell you.”  And I get to hear his story and years before he was working for a particular company and he got head hunted to go and work for a better one with a much better salary benefits and so on and so he left.  He was about two years into his new job and they were taken over by a bigger company and his particular part in the business was downsized and he was unemployed.  In the intervening period the first company he worked for moved offices, they’d had a fire and their personnel records had been destroyed; anyway long story short, the company that’s advertising the job is his old company advertising his old job.  And so he calls them on the phone they remember him and say they’ve been trying to get in touch with you, he’d moved of course because he got a better house, a better job better house.  And so he ended up getting employment back with his old company and his old job.  (laughing)

Sid:  Now, as I understand it these experiences that you were having were the nucleus for you starting a church where God was accepted.

Graham: Yeah, and so these are my first converts basically.

Sid: So you started a house church.

Graham: Yeah, exactly.

Sid:  But you don’t know anything, you’re not even raised in the church you don’t even know, you don’t know how to run a service; how did you do it?

Graham: Well, we just we sat around we made some coffee, basically the first few times we just talked about who God is, who God was, and I just shared about what I was learning about Jesus and the gospels and the Book of Acts.  And talking about you know the thing that I like about you know the Lord when I read the scriptures is that every time He showed up everyone was astonished; everyone marveled.  So for me that’s the normal that we should be totally astonished by who God is. So we just used to read the gospels together and the Jesus said and the things that Jesus did.  And for me I knew the audible voice of God and what it sounded like I could say well, “This is how Jesus would have said it, you know, He had this kind of voice. And so we would just pray together, we would practice listening and we would encourage each other. So in the early days… then people began to be added and then we began to get some Christians coming who had experience in churches and say “Well, you need to do some worship and I would say “Okay great what does that look like?”  And so we started to learn songs and we started to sing and it’s a whole process really began.

Sid:  How large did it get?

Graham: Not very big it probably grew from to about 160 or something like that.

Sid:  But these were people that you were reaching right off the street.

Graham: Yeah, and what was interesting to me was that I began to find that the people that we were reaching off the street were much easier to deal with then people who’d like came from established church backgrounds.  You know they were much more open to understanding who God is in terms of how I saw Him; then some of the other people who began to come to meetings because they were new and because they were fresh.

Sid: Graham I believe someone could take your new book because it’s really a work book it’s called “Approaching the Heart of Prophesy” and they could follow the lessons, due the exercises, get these nuggets that you’ve learner over all of these years and start doing the same thing you’re doing with the same person helping them the Holy Spirit.

Graham:  Oh, yeah because in the book Sid there’s a great workshop on how to hear the voice of God and how to practice it. If you follow the workshop you’ll hear, yeah.

Sid:  Will you ask the Holy Spirit what He wants to do at this precise moment for our people?

Graham: Sure. Father I thank you, I thank You for who you are, I thank you for Your heart.  I thank you that You are so intentional about everything, You’re the One who always says, “I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare not for your calamity, to give you a future and a hope, Jeremiah 29:11.”  And so we love Your Word Lord because it’s such a mirror image of Your heart, so Holy Spirit I thank You that right now You know whose listening and You know the things that You want to do in the hearts and minds of people right now who are intent upon searching for You.  So we ask you to bless this time in Jesus Name. Amen.  Well Sid the first thing that occurs to me really in my heart is let’s go with that last story in particular and I’m just going to pray for people who are unemployed right now and who know visible means to support their family.

Sid:   And I believe that they’re going to be such miracles. What we’re going to do is we’re going to ask you to come back tomorrow and pray for those that need a job and need a miracle but I believe that we are going to push this gift and you’re going to speak to every single person that listens tomorrow.

Written by admin

October 3rd, 2013 at 1:59 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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