It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guests Tom Horn & Cris Putnam

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Sid: My guest Tom Horn is coauthor of the bestselling book that many of you have been talking about called “Petrus Romanus, It’s the Final Pope is Here.”  And you made headlines literally Tom when you predicted that the Pope would resign and the next Pope would be the final Pope.  But before we get to some of your amazing background that God had to prepare you for this project, briefly describe why every Christian in the world must read “Exo-Vaticana.”

Tom: Well every person in the world should read “Exo-Vaticana” for one reason and I don’t mean this as to brag, we were the ones who correctly predicted that Pope Benedict the XVI would step down and we explained why he would.  The first Pope to do so in 600 years; In fact Sid we found out that we were more accurate than we thought that we would be in last year’s book “Petros Romanus” which is picked up in this new book “Exo-Vaticana.” And by the way “Exo-Vaticana.” is actually over 600 pages long.  But the subject matter that we have been talking about we had predicted first of all in the book last year that Pope Benedict would step down in either March or April of 2012. Later in that work we said “If he doesn’t step down in March or April he will before the end of 2013. Now we found out that we were accurate in both cases which is astonishing, right?  We found out that in February the 11th the New York Times right after the Pope stepped down they interviewed Giovanni Maria Vian.  Now that is the Vatican’s spokesperson for the El Observatory Romano, which is there offical media mouth-peace.  And in that article and people can look this up it’s the New York Times article “A Statement Rocks Rome” if they want to Goggle it and read it for themselves. They admitted that Pope Benedict actually stepped down at the end of March 2012; he did so privately; he did so with a half dozen Cardinals.  And in fact they said that his decision to step down then was held in what they called “A reserve that no one could violate.”  So they couldn’t even be shared among the curry among the other Cardinals who would form the conclave and immediately in April they started remodeling a building that the nuns had been using there are the Vatican that would then serve as an apartment that the Pope would retire in. So he actually resigned officially right when we said he would, but then he didn’t make it publicly official until this year in February 2013 which was also what we said he would do.  So the point about that is if this incredible research and it wasn’t just Tom Horn and Cris Putnam I had a team, I had a private investigator.  We spent over a year researching the material that would go in to this book; we had probably 20,000 pages or more of documents. This was a tremendous research project and wanted to make sure that we covered our trail. Because if you are going to predict something that hasn’t happened you know in 600 years you probably ought to have good reasons for making such a spectacular decision.  Well, if we were right about that people are going to be blown away about what we’re saying in “Exo-Vaticana.”  The bottom line is there certainly are from horse’s mouth, I mean there are documents that were provided to us by leading astronomers and academics from the Vatican who were willing to talk to us over 5 times we interviewed the Vatican’s top astronomer Guy Consolmagno.  From their own mouths and the documents they sent us they definitely are preparing for the arrival of an alien intelligence and they definitely believe that this is going to require a change to the gospel as we understood it until now.  As a matter of fact they believe that these intelligences are superior to us morally; they’ll be coming here to evangelize us and in fact that to not believe in their message will be the real heresy.  So this is a gigantic set up for what we believe to be an end-times deception

Sid: Well, it’s a perfect scenario for the one world religion; I mean what if I mean, I can just paint the picture, the world is in a catastrophic position, the economies are reeling, national disasters are going on in countries all over the world.  The economy is falling apart there is shortages of food, there’s wars going on. I can paint that picture and all of a sudden what do you think the Catholic position will be when some alien comes in and says “I can help you, I can solve everything.”

Tom: Well, that’s absolutely right and as a matter of fact anybody who reads this book, who reads to the documents that we are providing in the book; in fact I should also let audiences know that your ministry Sid Roth It’s Supernatural basically have a world exclusive on having the first release of this book before anybody else will be able to get it in their hands. But smack dab in the middle of this whole conspiracy isn’t just…they’re going to find that it’s not just NASA, it’s not just aeronautic and space administrations like the European Space Agency.  Some of whom are saying that an official disclosure is going to be made in the year 2013; they’re going to find right in the middle of that the Vatican.  And in many ways that makes perfect sense, the scenario you just described. Official disclosure of extraterrestrial intelligence habitual alien world suddenly some intergalactic Messiah appears to solve all of our problems and it’s going to be warmly embraced by the world.  And they will be in the middle of it because as the most powerful church on earth it has its own diplomatic core of ambassadors posted throughout the industrialized nations of the world. The Vatican is uniquely positioned and has been actively preparing as we show in this book for this moment.  They have put themselves intentionally in the position to be the benefactors of an alien invasion.

Sid: But you know simultaneous with this it seems as though the scriptures are being devalued as not being authentic in fact many of the Jesuit Scientist don’t even believe in the scriptures any more,

Tom: Yeah, that’s right and as a matter of fact the book starts out with Cris Putnam and I going to the Vatican National Astronomical Technology Telescope in Mt. Gram in southeastern Arizona to ask the Jesuit astronomers why, you know why are they carefully releasing to media the recent years these captivating comments having to do with an alien intelligence and why believe that it’s going to so dramatically force really upon us a reevaluation of Christianity as we have understood it.

Sid: Now tell me some of their responses to that.

Tom: Guy Consolmagno is a leading astronomer he also terns up at the media as a spokesman for Vatican; he’s worked for NASA. He’s taught at Harvard, he’s taught at MIT. Right now he splits his time between the Vatican Observatory Laboratory what’s called the Specola Vaticana, which is headquartered at the summer residence of the Pope in Castel Gandolfo, Italy.  He splits his time between there and Mt. Gram in Arizona, but he is one and we interviewed him 5 times. He’s one that focused so much time and effort in recent years to reconcile Science and religion in public forums specifically as it relates to the subject of extraterrestrial life and its impact on the future of faith as we have known it and specifically as a person that we targeted. By the way once he knew who we were and what we were really doing then he still kept talking to us but his answers became really short and it’s not altogether evasive.  But on the upside he was gracious enough to send us a copy of a private PDF which is gold mine of what he and the Vatican are considering regarding ramifications of ET. And in that what he says to answer your question, is that first of all the Bible is not contrary to the idea of extraterrestrial intelligence; then to illustrate to the soundness of that possibility he argues that humans are not the only intelligent beings in the universe and this is proved by the Bible.  And then he astonished us be making his theological argument by pointing to the angels that fell and created the Nephilim of Genesis chapter 6 it actually goes through and details how they came down and what they did. And then he ends it saying if you interpreted those creatures as angels, aliens, whatever you want it doesn’t really matter for the sake of the argument the point is that ancient writers of the Bible like all the ancient people were perfectly happy with the possibility that other intelligent beings could exist; could be morally superior to us who could also visit the earth again in the near future.  And I emailed him back and I said “Well now, think about what you’re saying, I mean do you actually mean to use the story of the Nephilim from the Bible as an example of a kind of space saviors that you are looking forward to come back for our salvation?”  This just seemed incredible to me and yet when people read “Exo-Vaticana.” they will find that it is substantiated over and over again by some of the leaders. He also by the way quoted to John 10:16 that says “Another sheep that I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they will hear my voice and be one fold and be one Shepherd.”  And He said “Perhaps it’s not so farfetched to see the second person of the Trinity,” now get this I’m quoting him now, he writes to me “Perhaps it’s not too farfetched the second person of the Trinity, the Word who was present in the beginning John 1:1 coming to lay down his life and take it up again not only as the son of man but also as a child of these other races.” end quote, that’s an end quote. So again emailed him back and I said  Really Vatican scholars believe that Jesus might have been the star child of an alien race. I mean do the Jesuits really hold that the virgin birth was in reality an alien abduction scenario in which Mary was impregnated by ET giving birth to a hybrid Jesus so it’s amazing.  Now I should tell you I also have had Catholics who have heard us on radio and television talking about some of this stuff over this last year that have email me and said “You know these Jesuits absolutely do not reflect our true faith; I mean these guys are utter heretics.”

Sid: Well, if that’s the truth then what difference does it make?

Tom: Well, the difference that it makes is that they’re the ones who write the rules, that right now there’s Opus Dei level theologians who are writing rules; who are writing the theology for Rome that will be…

Sid: Whoops, we’re out of time, we’re going to pick this up right here next week.

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June 28th, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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