It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest John McTernan

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Sid:  Now a subject that I have been studying and thinking about lately is a subject that few people talk about it’s called “The Day of the Lord.” I mean that’s it, that’s the final judgment but there are warnings before the Day of the Lord hits and these warnings it seems it’s almost like the warnings has if she’s expecting a child that it’s ready to come to birth. Well, we’re in the birth pangs of the Day of the Lord at this moment.  So I’ve asked my friend John McTernan to talk to me about what he sees going on.  And what really triggered it John is a month or so ago when the Chick-Fil-A incident occurred and one man who owns a chain of carry outs made a statement to a Christian publication “I believe in the Bible” in reference to marriage; that was it.  Not anything to do with his business it’s his personnel belief. It caused such uproar that major and leaders of cities of major cities in the United States said, “We no longer want your franchise in our city.”  And I feel that we hit morally, Biblically, rock bottom in the United States of America.  Now I’m curious John what did you think when that occurred?

John: Well Sid the kind of stunned me because these were publically elected officials like you said, mayors or major cities, Chicago, Boston, Washington, D.C., other smaller cities also in Philadelphia there was a reaction.  And what they’re saying is they don’t want God in these cities.  And they because of the conflict between Biblical, the authority of the Bible and marriage which is ordained in the Bible, and the homosexual agenda of same sex marriage they’re saying to this man “We don’t want you and your business in our city.” By inference it means everybody that believes like him.  I can’t think of a time in American history when anything like that ever happened, now of course individuals could say it and maybe some organizations could say it but elected public officials it shows that America has reached a really high level stage of rebellion against the Lord and is rejecting the Bible.

Sid:  And when I think of your John McTernan I have to tell you the vision that I receive is an Old Testament Prophet that is like a John the Baptist that is going around saying “Repent the Kingdom of God is at hand.”  And I can see you running around saying “Repent, the Day of the Lord is at hand.”  What is going on if you can put this into words inside of you in your spirit; what are you feeling, how long have you felt this?

John: Well Sid that’s a real interesting question and throughout my ministry with the Lord I kind of learned like Isaiah talks about the burden of the Lord, and I’ve experienced that, I’ve experience it just prior to 911.  I remember for about a week or two before 911 I had this heaviness and I was warning, I was telling people something terrible is coming on America and it’s right on top of us.  But what happens Sid starting… I can remember vividly January 1st of this year New Years when I saw the year 2012 something hit me deep in my spirit and it’s kind of like dread came over me this like burden but it wasn’t as intense as 911, but it was constantly there and it hasn’t left.  This entire year I’ve got this ominous feeling that something dreadful is happening or going to happen to America.  And as the year progressed I mean we’ve had incredible drought, record breaking drought and heat, our crops are being destroyed all over the country, massive forest fires, we’ve had incredible tornadoes and of course the economy is continuing to tank.

Sid:  Let me for those that aren’t familiar with you John I want to take you back to a pivotal date in your life October 11th 1987. What happened?

John: Well, Sid that’s the day that the Lord called me into this ministry.  It had to do and I remember it vividly because I had just moved to Pennsylvania like a week before. I was watching TV and on the news it had to do with a huge homosexual gathering in Washington, DC.  At that time it was the largest gathering in history of homosexuals and their supporters.  It kind of upset me I turned the TV off I didn’t think of praying, I didn’t intercede before the Lord, I never even thought of the Lord.  A week later well…

Sid: By the way, you know what you’ve just done you have described the average; I hate to say this, good Christian in America because at this point we have been desensitized to sin.  It’s become so rampant throughout all of our media that that’s the way most good Christians react; it’s not the way they should but it’s the way they do.  Okay, so you saw it, you felt a little disgusted you said, “Awe look what’s going on,” and you went about your own business, then what happened?

John: Right Sid, you hit the nail right on the head and then it was six business days later the stock market crashed, the big crash in 1987 when it fell 508 points but the whole week before it the stock market went into record decline so immediately after that homosexual march in Washington the stock market began to melt down until it finally fell 508 points. I was watching the TV and the news announcer he was literally quivering in his voice; you could see his lip quivering “Is this going to be the start of another great depression, is this going to be an economic meltdown?”  And Sid the Lord intervened in my life right there, He took me back I had a vision of the week before and watching the homosexual gathering in Washington, He put the two together and I could hear His voice Sid inside me clear, it was crystal clear.  I was having a conversation with the Lord and He told me that this stock market crash was connected with the homosexual event that this was a curse coming on the country, that I didn’t fear Him.  If I feared Him I would have intercede, I would have cried out to Him, Sid I fell on the floor before the TV and I repented.  I said, “Lord I didn’t know what it meant to fear You.”  He said that, “The United States is naked and open before Him in judgment for the sin.  And that’s when He called me into this ministry and I began to see these tremendous correlations between Gay Pride Day and massive earthquakes.  Supreme Court decisions about abortion and earthquakes, hurricanes hitting on Supreme Court decisions.  Then in 1992 the Lord showed me the link for touching Israel as we begin to divide the land the same judgments were happening. So these great disasters that were hitting America would directly connected to abortion events, homosexual events.

Sid:  But wait a second John, some people would say “Wait a second, these aren’t acts of God the earth is just a self destructing, it’s old, and there are horrible events that happen all the time throughout the world; and you’re just tying it in it’s coincidental with Israel, abortion, and homosexuality.”  What would you say?

John: Well Sid it’s the timing, if I could show the ten worst disasters ever in America history are connected to these events like 24 hours.  If that’s not enough I could show twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.  I have over 100 of the greatest natural disasters including stock market crashes that hit America are directly connected to these events.

Sid: Well, that’s good enough for me I can tell you that. I am so excited to release to you we have just done 3 DVDs and John McTernan came to our studio in Charlotte, North Carolina our mentoring center.  And the first DVD is America, it’s Israeli, Jewish, relationship very, very few Christians know from “The Origins of America Why God Blessed Us,” and you’re going to get the facts.  And then DVD 2 “America’s Fatal Mistake Regarding Israel.”  And it is absolutely amazing God has given so many warning judgments to America; every American must, must understand this!  The 3rd DVD is “The Coming Day of the Lord.” You see everyone know about the day of the Lord but they don’t know that the Bible clearly states what nations will destroy other nations, what will happen to countries.  We can even figure out what’s going to happen to America, what’s going to happen in the Middle East, it names countries and people that will be obliterated.  And I haven’t met any Christians that have all of this information as well as John McTernan.  Now short of the Bible one of the most important prophetic books I know was written by my friend John McTernan it’s called “As America Has Done to Israel” I want you to get these three DVD teachings and the book….and I’m going to tell you something if you could read the newspaper a year from today what difference would it make in your life?  Major difference!  You’re going to read the newspapers a year from today by watching these 3 DVDs.

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Written by admin

January 10th, 2013 at 1:22 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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