It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for April, 2010

Sid Roth welcomes Michael Galiga

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SID: U.S. debt is worse than the Great Depression of 1929. Fear: it’s epidemic. My guest was downloaded a strategy from Heaven that will allow you to win every battle supernaturally.

 Can ancient secrets of the supernatural be rediscovered? Do angels exist? Is there life after death? Are healing miracles real? Can you get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent 30 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of It’s Supernatural.

 SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I love inhaling the rarified air of Heaven. How about you? Take a deep breath. Just inhale it. That is if the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, lives inside of you, he lets you inhale the rarified air of Heaven. My guest, Michael Galiga, was mentored by Sam Walton, and he has been involved in real estate, instructing real estate deals for over 25 years. He’s worked for companies that are household names: Cigna, Citicorp, J.P. Morgan. Mike, give me an idea, since you’re in real estate, and I know what’s going on in the real estate market. Give me a snapshot of what’s going on in your life in real estate right now.

 MIKE: Well right know it’s very counter what you would see generally in the real estate industry. The real estate industry is really on its back. But my business, in four weeks from tomorrow I’m closing $300 million dollars of real estate. I have the financing lined up. I have the properties in contract. That just doesn’t happen. Four weeks from then I close on $2.1 billion worth of real estate.

 SID: Did you say billion?

 MIKE: I did, yes.

 SID: That’s what I thought you said. That’s unreal.

 MIKE: And for your listeners that are in the real estate business it is very unusual to have that kind of financing lined up for any kind of project.

 SID: Well that’s because of this supernatural download that Michael had from Heaven. Now Mike, when you were five years old, you’re just a normal kid, you’re playing marbles. What happened?

 MIKE: On the day we played marbles, I’m 54 years old, so that was 49 years ago, I’m playing marbles with my buddies in the first grade in Phoenix, Arizona, minding my own business. I’m standing up watching them shoot their marbles. And, Sid, I went somewhere. You know it was like if you’ve ever had surgery and you had an anesthesiologist–

 SID: Now were you raised as a Christian?

 MIKE: No.

 SID: Did you understand Jesus? Tell me a bit about your background before that.

 MIKE: Good parents. But we didn’t go to church. We didn’t know God. We didn’t know Jesus. We didn’t know Messiah. We didn’t know anything. But good people; okay, and brother and sister were good people. But I didn’t know God. But I was put in first grade when I was five. I was a preemie when I was born. I was in first grade with seven, maybe even eight-year-olds and was very slow, did not make good grades, and so I was kind of afraid. But I would walk to school, 20-minute walk, and honest to goodness, I would worship the Living God. And I don’t know where that came from.

 SID: I was gonna ask you, how would you know? Listen, I was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home. I wouldn’t have known to do that.

 MIKE: Yeah. I was surprised myself. But there was kind of this envelope around me of Him and I didn’t know His name. I didn’t know all the names of God. I didn’t know any of the religious talk or church talk. I knew nothing. I just knew He was real and I needed Him.

 SID: Okay. So we’re taking you back. You’re playing your marbles and all of a sudden you had no paradigm for this, no reference whatsoever. What happened to you?

 MIKE: Well one second I was there and the next second I was gone, and I did not know where I went. We can pick up later on that. But I didn’t know where I went at the time. I didn’t know exactly how long I was gone. I felt like I was gone seven or eight minutes. I found out later it was much longer than that. But at the time I felt it was seven or eight minutes, and then all of a sudden I was back.

 SID: Now what did the other kids playing marbles with you think of this?

 MIKE: They didn’t know anything had happened. I was so shocked. I was utterly shocked that they didn’t, you know I felt they would look up at me and say, “Hey Galiga, where have you been?” And I would have said, “I don’t know, but I went some place and it was great.” But they didn’t say anything. They didn’t know anything had happened. Time just stood still.

 SID: Now every six months or so thereafter you hear from God and what does He tell you?

 MIKE: Yeah. Every six months, plus or minus, from that time when I was five until July of 2008, He would show up a few times audibly, mostly just in my journaling, and in my heart He would say, “Mike”. He would say my name, “Mike, don’t forget that day.” And sometimes I would weep at His presence and say, “God, I could never, ever forget that day.” Sometimes I would just say, “Yes Sir, I will never forget that day.”

 SID: Okay. Then you had another interesting encounter with God interceding in your life when you were 14 with your dog.

 MIKE: Yeah. Well in some families their animals are like, you know, people, members of the family. And our own dog Dogie was and he ran away. And I looked for him for three days on my little Honda Mini Trail, my Honda mini bike. And with tank after tank of gas, I had this elaborate plan and a scheme on how to find him, and search every place, and I couldn’t. I didn’t find him. And three days had gone by. I was going through this field near our house and I cried out for the first time to my Maker. I said, I screamed aloud in my voice, “God, help me find my dog!” ‘Cause I was at the total end of my rope. It was over. I knew it was over. And I said, “God, help me find that dog!” And that’s the time when God spoke to me audibly, and he said one word: “Stop.” It shook me. It shook me. And I let off the gas and put on the break, and came to a gentle stop. And there was a bush, more like a tree-type bush, probably 12-foot tall, 12-foot wide, thick. You couldn’t see into it. And because my mini bike was now at a slow idle, I could hear a whimpering coming from that bush probably 20, 25 feet away. I threw the mini bike down, ran into the bush, fought my way into the inside and there was my dog. He had run away with his leash on and his leash was wrapped around the inside of that bush. So I unleashed him and he ran home, and we had a big party that the dog had come home.

 SID: But did you realize what a miracle that was? If you hadn’t stopped your dog was stuck. He might have even died.

 MIKE: Yeah, Sid, I knew. I was 14, but I have been back there as little as just a few months ago to that same spot. The bush is there and it’s a sacred spot for me. I go back there from time to time.

 SID: But the question I have is what happened to him that God says, “Remember” every six months? What happened to him at age five? He cries out at a certain point in his life and gets an answer. We’ll be right back after this word.


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April 30th, 2010 at 11:51 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Our Guest Henry Wright

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SID: Sid Roth here with Pastor Henry Wright, I am so excited because I have a passion to understand how we can have physical healing actually effect our body to change so we can feel good, and you know I take vitamins, that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m saying there is a principle in God’s word that He has healed all of our diseases and I will not be satisfied until I see this played out in life. We were, in the last segment we were talking about someone that had high blood pressure, and how worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow, which is actually a sin because you are doing the opposite of what God says, don’t worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow, so you are involved in sin, so your blood pressure goes up, you take your medication, and then Henry, you read this book, what’s going to happen to the body and you follow the instructions.

HENRY: Well if we can show a person that their high blood pressure is because they are worrying about the future, and it’s a fear issue, and get them to repent to God, recognize it, take responsibility with the Father, say I’m sorry, I didn’t see this, I didn’t know this, I repent to You Father, I know You have not given me a spirit of fear, I repent to You for worrying that You cannot take care of me in the future. Then in that moment as they begin to line up with God, as a work of the Holy Spirit, the power of that fear is broken and it becomes a diminishing reality, they have their mind renewed because they have the word of God now to meditate on, not just that thought that comes to them that something is going to go wrong in the future, there are hundreds of people in the world no longer have high blood pressure when they just become a doer of the word and take no thought for tomorrow. In that time the mind-body connection is broken, the cell membrane semi-rigidity is broken, the blood vessel’s open up to proper diameter, the blood flows and high blood pressure is finished and the good news is this: no medication is required any longer. This is what God wants for us, to be able to walk in health, not be maintained in a disease, or managed in a disease He wants us to be changed spiritually.

SID: You know Henry, at dinner last night we were talking about environmental illness, E.I., which seems to be almost epidemic, especially among a lot of Jewish people, and your comment was, “That’s easy, what’s the root cause?”

HENRY: Oh easy, compromised immune system coming with a broken heart. All a broken heart is, is this: a person was damaged by somebody who was supposed to love them and didn’t. And when you are not loved by somebody who was supposed to love you, fear comes because there is no fear in love. Now that compromises the immune system, we are internationally recognized in healing and prevention of simple and complex allergies as you know, and allergies are so easy to get rid of.

SID: Now I’d like, the best thing for us to do right now is tell me a few people, real people and what was wrong with them and what happened?

HENRY: Well first of all we have Karen who is a gold medalist. We bumped into her in Dallas, Texas, actually Houston when she was nine, having epileptic seizures, she had grand mal seizures. She couldn’t continue her training as a young girl to be a gold medalist because you can’t go out and skate and have a seizure. Her parents brought her to a conference that I was doing in Houston, and actually I had had some success in the removal of epilepsy from people. This is a great story because I was busy in that conference and my wife Donna was there and I said, “You go deal with it, all you have to do is cast out a deaf and dumb spirit like Jesus and the disciples did.”

SID: That’s all you have to do.

HENRY: That’s all you have to do in the Name of Jesus, and my wife looked at me and said, “Me?” And I said, “Aw you can do it, He’ll work with you.” And she went over and spoke to that deaf and dumb, that was an evil spirit Sid, causing the seizure manifestation. she cast it out in the name of Yeshua. And that young girl never had another seizure and now she is a gold medalist in America in figure skating.

SID: That must excite you when you turn on your TV and see her skating. Tell me someone else.

HENRY: The other situation was Randy, and he was advanced MS, when he came to us he had to have a walker; he had lost most of his mobility. And in one of our programs, “For My Life,” he understood that he had self-hatred, he had not been loved by his father, he didn’t experience the love of a father, and he had come down under it. When he received the love of God his Father, and that was removed from his life, the doctor’s reports are incredible. The very same week when his doctors interviewed him, they took him off his medication, he is healed today. The sclerosis of the immune system eating the myelin sheath in the nerves has been healed, and he has full mobility and goes where he wants to.

SID: Quickly tell me about this man that died with his doctor right next to him in your presence.

HENRY: That was Casper. In Casper’s case, he was a well-known rock musician in America; he played John Lennon in Beatlemania on Broadway, he was led to the Lord by Phil Cagey, and, but he had atra-fibulation, he had allergies, he had asthma. His doctor brought him to me for prayer, I didn’t get that far, he dropped dead with his doctor standing there in my church.

SID: Now that is not someone that has a passion for healing, something you look forward to.

HENRY: I’ll tell you something; it’s not good when people drop dead in your church.

SID: No.

HENRY: You can bring them in dead already, but not when they are alive, okay? In this particular case, he had no more pulse, his doctor was there, and I cast the spirit of death out of him in the Name of Jesus, or Yeshua, and he came back to life. And when he got up off the floor, he not only was alive, he had no more asthma, he had no more allergies, he had no more atra-fibulation, and this has been over five years and he is well today.

SID: Now do people get healed, I know they get healed in your church, I know they get healed from your seminar, what about just reading these books?

HENRY: Around the world, and this book is an international best-seller, and people have this book all over the world and the letters and e-mails that we are getting from around the world of people who have been healed just reading the truth their hearts open and they go, “I didn’t know that.”

SID: How many diseases have you researched?

HENRY: We have, being in health research, we are now researching in our research department over seven hundred diseases ongoing, and Sid, with God’s help, we intend on defeating every single one. You know why?

SID: Why?

HENRY: Because when you take a disease and you say incurable, you are exalting Satan. There is no such thing as incurable because that means God is limited. God is all-powerful and He is able to save and heal and deliver one hundred percent and as a believer, a human being, as a pastor I must hold out for God being God at this level one hundred percent of the time.

SID: God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Do you realize if you are not walking in power, you are not walking in love, you are not walking in a sound mind, you may be walking in a spirit of fear, that’s the way of checking yourself? And the minute that you are out of love you are in fear, so you know what you do? Resist that thought and jump back into the love realm, of course you can’t jump into the love realm mentally, you can’t do it through the occult or the new age, you can only do it if the King of Love lives inside of you; and you don’t have to say, “Oh love come here,” you see if Jesus is your Messiah and Lord, you say, “Thank you Lord, your love is inside of me, your peace is inside of me.” I’m so grateful for intimacy with God; I want you to have intimacy with God. There is nothing this world has to offer and when you have intimacy with God this is what God’s word says, “All things are yours.” Don’t you want to walk in peace no matter what’s shaking? Yet once more God says I am going to shake this earth and those that are not on a foundation will not stand, get on that foundation, go for the gold, you may not be a swimmer, but go for the real gold.

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April 23rd, 2010 at 9:01 am

Sid Roth welcomes Henry Wright

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SID: Sid Roth here with Henry Wright, he has fascinating insight, you see he has a passion for seeing people walk in all that God has for them. In fact Henry, you told me your passion isn’t for people to be healed, your passion is for them to not get sick in the first place.

HENRY: That’s right, if we center on the fact that healing is the issue, healing is actually the bonus, healing is God’s grace and mercy towards us as we begin to realign ourselves to Him. God’s perfect will is not to heal you scripturally and theologically, in Deuteronomy chapter seven, beginning in verse eleven it says this, that if you’ll hear what God said and you will understand it and be a doer of the word that He will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt upon us, so God’s perfect will is that we don’t get sick. Could we consider possibly, that we could live a lifetime and not have a disease? Is that possible theologically?

SID: Is it?


SID: All right if someone were to follow and go after those open doors in your book, not even go to your seminar, which is wonderful, I’ve been to it, but just follow these; do you think that will change their destiny health wise?

HENRY: Absolutely, to know the truth, the truth shall make you free. But we are wandering in area even science, even medical science, we are in the dark ages, all we are doing is chasing symptoms, all we are doing is disease management. The ability to consider the root cause for disease is an ever-evaporating reality.

SID: Let’s go back to, first segment we were talking about high blood pressure, and you said it’s basically being fearful of what is going to happen in the future was the major root. How does, what happens physiologically to the body when you start worrying about tomorrow?

HENRY: Well this is what we call spirit, soul, body connection, everybody knows mind-body connection, but what, it has it’s foundation with a spirit of fear, but in the New Testament, in Timothy it says, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” And what happens in this pathway to produce this disease is a person begins to become one with fear, they become one with it spiritually, they become one with it psychologically, and its thought and their thoughts are one. They begin to project what could go wrong in the future. The body sets in motion an imbalance

SID: So you are saying all that we have to do is think this and it actually has an effect on our body.

HENRY: Absolutely. Unfortunately many people don’t know that their thought aren’t their own and so, and that opens up, Paul said our battle is not with flesh and blood, so this may not be just be a psychological problem, it may not be just a soul problem, I understand it as a spiritual problem. I know the source of people’s thoughts more than they wish I would know and that is a whole new dimension we don’t want to get into here. But let’s just talk about this pathway of one disease because it will help people understand what we are saying. If you have fear of tomorrow and what could go wrong, then there is an imbalance of the sympathetic nervous system

SID: Listen you can’t watch tonight’s news without getting fear of tomorrow with all that’s coming out there.

HENRY: I understand, but what does the Bible say? It says when you see these things happening in the earth don’t let your heart be troubled. So why don’t we just take our peace?

SID: Okay, someone sees that it’s going to be a pandemic death throughout the world from bird flu; over and over again the fear hits them, then what happens to them.

HENRY: Well if you’re a natural man I’d be afraid, but if you’re a spiritual man what is the worst thing that can happen to you? You can die and go to heaven. So why would we, see Paul to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

SID: Okay, but what is going on inside a body when they don’t take their thoughts captive and they see what goes on in the six p.m. news?

HENRY: In the area of high blood pressure there is a mechanism of the cardiovascular system in which the membrane of the cardiovascular system actually stiffens and narrows, and the blood that’s being pumped by the heart cannot get through, and that raises the blood pressure. And so the person goes to a doctor and they don’t feel well and he says to them, “My, your blood pressure is off the charts.” And they say, “Is that serious?” And he says, “Yes, you could die.” You think they had fear coming into his office? Now they have the fear of death, they thought they were worrying about their mother-in-law coming next week.

SID: And at least they get medication that will mess them up even worse sometimes with high blood pressure.

HENRY: Well the medication is a beta-blocker, all that does is circumvent the imbalance of the sympathetic nervous system, but now they are being maintained by a drug. Do they still have the same fear about what can go wrong tomorrow?

SID: Yes.

HENRY: Yes. Have they been sanctified? No. Are they doers of the word? No. They are being maintained by a drug.

SID: Listen, you know what I think is so wonderful? Is in Henry Wright’s updated new book, especially this booklet on cancer, he takes every disease, he points out what the problem is, and what to do about it and how to get rid of the problem and he is not against medicine, without medicine a lot of people would die, without doctors a lot of people would die, so use these things that just puts you in a maintenance mode with your disease until you can get whole. Don’t go away, we’ll be right back after this message.

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April 16th, 2010 at 8:46 am

Sid Roth welcomes Henry Wright

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SID: What’s going on? I don’t know about you but health insurance premiums, they’re going up all the time, there’s all these dread diseases, it seems like everyone knows someone with cancer, if you go into a church, the majority of people are sick, they say nationwide less than five percent of people in Christian churches are healed. Something is wrong somewhere with the picture. I’ve got the Book, the Book is very clear, the book says that God has forgiven all of our sins the Book says that God has healed all of our diseases, but there is a misconnect and my guest, Henry Wright has a great a passion, if not more, to find out what is this misconnect, and how can we get the connect going so that we can get what we are entitled to according to the written word of the promises of the Living God, because God isn’t a man that He should lie and even in the Jewish scriptures He is the God that heals all of our diseases. So, Henry, you come from a family that understood healing, your mother had, was supposed to die, what happened to her?

HENRY: She had fiber-sarcoma cancer, fast growing and fatal, and in a church service when everybody was forgiving everyone else for bitterness God took the cancer out of her instantly, she was paralyzed on a stretcher. I assume when she was repenting to God for some bitterness issue that she met the conditions of the covenant.

SID: And because you knew healing was for real, now you are a pastor, you read the Book, you lay hands on the sick, you anoint them with oil, you take communion, you do everything you know to do, and what results were you getting?

HENRY: Initially pretty good, and then nothing, very little. And I went to God and I asked Him, “How come? I see in the word that You forgive us of all of our iniquities, You heal us of all of our diseases, why not?” And God took me to Second Timothy, chapter two, and He showed me in verses 24, 25, and 26 that the enemy, our enemy, our invisible enemy, Satan, his kingdom, can have a legal right to our lives even as believers, and by the way that legal right is the same in the unbeliever’s life as it is the believers. And it was shocking to me to read in those verses by the Apostle Paul that Satan could have a legal right to our lives and hold us captive at his will. And then I found there that he said, “The servant of the Lord must not strive, must be gentle unto all men, patient, able to teach, in meekness instructing those that are in opposition to themselves, that God per adventure give repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that they may recover themselves from the snare of the devil.” And I said could it be that there is something in a person’s life that is preventing God from honoring covenant.

SID: Yes, but if someone’s got a dread disease they are not going to rob a bank, they are not going to get involved in adultery, they are not going to murder someone, so what is the misconnect?

HENRY: Well I think we have made everything evil, big. I think there are things like, called little foxes, like bitterness and fear. Self-bitterness is a form of self-murder. Bitterness against other according to scriptures is a form of murder. We don’t think this way, we always think of sin as, or evil things, as robbing banks and adultery and so on. Could it be that we misunderstand and have maybe humanized what is really a spiritual defect?

SID: You know you said something before the show started, you were talking about one of the causes of one of the biggies, fear, is lack of love, why is that?

HENRY: Well, First John, 4:18 says there is no fear in love, says perfect love casts out fear, fear has torment and he that fears is not made perfect in love. If you don’t feel loved, fear is at your door. I mean, you look around, when you were growing up as a child, maybe your father didn’t love you the way he should have maybe your pastor.

SID: Wait, let’s talk about me for a minute, coming from a Jewish background it’s like the macho, we men don’t cry, we are kind of aloof, but the mother, it’s okay for the mother to do it, so I can’t remember my father, now I’m sure he did when I was real small, but I can’t remember my father taking his arm, putting it around me and saying, “I love you.”

HENRY: Well that’s a big issue. In conferences that I do around the world, regardless of culture, regardless of size of audience, regardless of denomination or religion, 95 percent of the people in an audience will raise their hand when I ask this question, “How many of you growing up as children do not remember hearing your father say, “I love you”? yet in the Bible, and the three things that the Father’s voice is recorded in the New Testament, only three times, God the Father’s voice is audibly recorded, two of the three times concerning Jesus He says, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.” I think probably part of the fear issues we deal with is we are not sure God the Father loves us. Maybe Yeshua is our friend

SID: Is it possible to intellectually believe God loves us but in the place that it really counts, not?

HENRY: Well relationship is not intellectual, relationship is in the heart and oh we know what is right or wrong, we know we are supposed to forgive our neighbor, we know that we are supposed to love, but it does not mean that we have the ability to because we have not had role models, we have not experienced it and many of the diseases I deal with are coming out of separation at these levels, separation from God, separation of a person from themselves, and separation from others.

SID: You have been able to identify specific roots or doors, or, if you really want to get technical, sin areas that are not the quote “biggies” they are very specific for specific diseases, give me one disease and tell me a specific door.

HENRY: Well the one that is most famous is high blood pressure which is an easily understood disease, in fact high blood pressure should not be classified a disease at all. That will come as a surprise to you.

SID: That is, I’ve never heard a doctor say, “Oh you have high blood pressure, that is not a disease.”

HENRY: Well, the bulk of high blood pressure is, should be classified as syndrome, because there is nothing wrong with the cardiovascular system at all, but something in our thought process, you can say our spirituality and our thought process, in which we are not at peace about an issue. In fact high blood pressure is the biological manifestation of not being a doer of the word, and when you go back to the Torah, and you look in Deuteronomy chapter 28 it says, “And it shall come to pass.” You want to hear a prophetic statement?

SID: Yes.

HENRY: And it shall come to pass. Is that prophetic?

SID: That is.

HENRY: All right. The next word in

SID: True prophetic.

HENRY: That’s true prophetic, and it shall come to pass, as prophetic as you can come. But then the next word is “if”. So that means the prophetic has a condition, and it shall come to pass, if you hear what God has said, and you will be a doer of the word, then all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you. Then over in verse fifteen, here comes another prophetic statement, and it shall come to pass is that prophetic?

SID: Yes.

HENRY: Next word, “if” there is your condition, and it shall come to pass if you will hear what God said but you will not be a doer of the word then all these courses shall come upon you and overtake you. So here we have ourselves caught between two realities, blessings and curses. Now what does that have to do with high blood pressure?

SID: Good question, I was about ready to ask.

HENRY: Very simple, very simple. In the writings in the New Testament it says this, “Take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow may never come.” I ask believers, “Do you think that is a philosophical suggestion or a commandment?”

SID: Command.

HENRY: Well it doesn’t say, “Thus sayeth the Lord.”

SID: It’s a command.

HENRY: It is, isn’t it? So what happens to people and they begin to worry and project into the future things that might go wrong, it could be finance, it could be health, it could be a number of things. When we begin to take thought for tomorrow, you see, what it says in the scriptures.

SID: I tell you what, hold that thought. Did you know there is a specific door for every disease and Henry has found doors, I mean most unbelievable in his booklet, “New Insights Into Cancer.” I mean this is really cutting edge stuff, and then your book, “A More Excellent Way, Be In Health.” You have things in here, you take every disease and you state, not by theory, but by working with them, what that open door is, how to get rid of it and how literally your body physiologically will start changing when you are feeding it the right food. Don’t go away, we’ll be right back.

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April 9th, 2010 at 8:17 am

Our Guest Jeff Jansen

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SID: Now you see I believe everyone has a personal angel. But this is really stretching the envelope Jeff Jansen. You were in one city, and your angel was in another city, and this angel looks exactly like you explain.

JEFF: Wow, okay what happened was, shortly after I had the visitation from the two angels, which I alluded to before, I was supposed to be at a conference called the Engaging The Revelatory Realm of Heaven conference in Cincinnati Ohio. I was supposed to be there on a Thursday night. It started on Thursday and there were many, many, there were like four key, if I mention who they were you’d know who they are. Four key main speakers, and there were about fifteen hundred people in this  congregation, fifteen hundred people at this conference, that know me personally because I’ve ministered there quite a bit. I couldn’t make it there on Thursday night. I had a prior commitment, and I just could not make it and I was there in Nashville Tennessee, and we were in an um, we were in, on Thursday night after dinner, going out with this couple that are friends of ours in ministry, we went back to our house and we were having  communion, just sharing a wonderful time in the Lord, and something happened to me Sid, I felt the presence of God come on me as we were taking communion, and the Holy spirit came on me. And I felt this fire on me, something I’ve never felt before. And I remember telling the people there “There’s something going on. What’s going on, I feel like I’m there but I’m not there.”

SID: This wasn’t an angel, this was like you were in two places at one time is what it sounds like

JEFF: Yeah.

SID: Whoa, that’s, that’s even neater.

 JEFF: Well what happened was, I’d left that night. I went to bed for several hours, got up at two in the morning which was early Friday morning and drove to this conference in Cincinnati. I got there, signed in the ledger book, nobody was there, everybody was in the conference, I went through the whole day Sid, everyone was in the conference, in the end of the night, the host pastors where there, and they said “Hey, I thought you weren’t coming until today, we saw you last night at the conference.” I just kind of blew it off like I’m not sure what you’re talking about, and I said “Actually I got up early in the morning and I drove here and I’m tired now I’m going back to the hotel to rest.” They said, “What are you talking about, we saw you last night.” And I said, “No I wasn’t here last night.” They said, “Yes you were.” The MC who was MCing the event said “Yes you were here last night. Don’t you remember our conversation? You signed your name in the book, I put your name badge on you, you told me about this and this and this. You prayed for me last night.” Come to find out Sid, there were 40 people that I talked to that night, ministered to, touched and it was a supernatural event. Caught the attention of a lot of,

SID: Uh, let me tell you, you think that’s wild. He just got back from Peru, a little girl who had never walked before. People blind getting sight, deaf beginning to hear. Let’s take a look at that conference.

MAN: His ear popped open. He said he could hear completely clear. But not just that, he said he could barely see anything, that he was blind tonight, and he can see clearly. Look at this, he’s crying aw, look at this he’s crying. Jesus is so good. This is all worth it folks, this is all worth it.

MAN: Jennifer! Look at Jennifer, she’s never walked.

 MAN: Look at her, she’s pushing her wheelchair. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

SID: Did you see that footage?! I mean that person that was weeping, why was he weeping?

JEFF: That man was weeping Sid, because he couldn’t see. Actually he came up, he couldn’t see and he had an earpiece in his hand. He opened his right ear and his eyes at the same time.

SID: Okay, can you call on the release of miracles right now on those that are watching.

 JEFF: Yes I can.

 SID: Go for it.

 JEFF: There is no distance in the spirit of God, in the glory Realm. You can touch and experience the presence of God even right now as I’m talking. You can receive this impartation. I’m going to release miracles on you. And as an act of faith I want you to stretch your hand out towards my hand. It’s an act of faith, it’s how you engage with the presence of God. I want to release to you, miracle healing anointing. So Father now, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father I release miracle flow, miracle healing anointing through the television, into the lives, into the hearts of those who are out there now. There’s a man in a wheel chair, God, I pray for a healing in that man’s back. You haven’t been able to use your legs. Father I pray for a release of miracles out into this man. I pray for an impartation of release of miracle flow. Father for those who are reaching their hand out in  faith, for those that are reaching out to the camera and towards you, Holy Spirit I pray for a release of miracles. Ears open up, eyes, open up, tumors, fall off the body, cancer come off the body in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m seeing lungs right now. I’m seeing lungs right now. You’ve struggled with emphysema, lungs open up, pockets fluid go away, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father I pray for an invasion of the glory of God, I pray for the invasion of the Holy spirit, into the lives, into the homes of everyone watching, stretching their hand out, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

SID: Now what do you believe just happened?  

JEFF: I believe you’re going to start getting reports Sid, of people that have been engaged. See it’s important to get people to engage.

SID: What do you mean by engage?

 JEFF: By engage I mean to get out and move, do something. Jesus, many times said, do you believe that I can do this? Stretch out your hand, stretch out your hand. And as the man stretched out his hand he was restored. God wants us to engage with him Sid. He wants us to become parted and engage with him.

SID: I can feel, the presence of God. I heard some of those same words that Jeff heard for you. And I heard one more word. I heard that someone’s hip, has been totally restored. I know that pains of all kind have disappeared. Their most important pain, is the pain of not having personal intimacy with your creator. You were created to hear his voice, you were created to have sweet fellowship with him. If you know the story of Adam and Eve, before that fall, that separation between man and God. God wants to restore that’s why, as a Jew, I believe in the shmah, there is only one God. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I also believe there is only one Holy spirit. The Ruhr a Kohdesh. One spirit of the living God. I further believe that God tabernacles the coat among us, in the form of a man called Yeshua in English Jesus. And God, in human form, died as our kepora. As our atonement in place of us, just the way, just as the same thing happened in the temple, that was a shadow of the reality if you believe Jesus died for your sins, and tell God your sorry, and ask Jesus to become real. Ears open to the spirit of the living God. Experience this peace as the shows off right now. God. Experience this peace as the shows off right now.

Written by admin

April 2nd, 2010 at 10:29 am

Posted in Its Supernatural